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  1. @Peter Neufeld. Not sure if you are able to assist, I seem to be having a different crash error based on the VW24 SP4 update. I am using a Mac M3 Max with 128GB RAM, with MAC OS 14.4. I never had these issues with SP3, which was working the night before the update. Since the update, every time I will open VW SP4 it would open, It would not update my libraries, something about permissions. Then I would move the window to my external monitor, which would then go green, then my machine would crash & automatically restart. This would happen a few times, same process as mentioned above. I then un-installed everything (with Vectorworks uninstall) as all my libraries were gone & would not update. I downloaded a fresh version of the file, re-installed (hod to insert my serial) as all previous versions were uninstalled. With doing this, my libraries now update, dont get the error I had before. However, I can only work on Vectorworks on my screen monitor. Every time I move VW to my external display, I get the green screen & my machine reboots after about 10 seconds. I use VW on my laptop display, my external monitor is still plugged in & other applications work on that screen, however every time I move VW to that window, the same process happens. VW does not see it as a crash, so not crash report, I cant do a screen recording as when I try the system does not save it as it reboots in the process. Do you know where I can download a version of SP3 so I can work as I was before until a further update is released of SP4. Thanks
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