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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Posts posted by Vlado

  1. Hey @Jayme McColgan 

    Do you have sub folders in your source code structure? If so, you have to have '__init__.py' (and empty file) in each folder and included in the xml.

    The vso/vsm/vst feed in the compiled .pyo files in the Python engine. It sounds like the Python engine is still looking for files.

    I think it would be best if you can send me an email with the information, so I can reproduce it on my end and see what's going on.

    email: vstanev@vectorworks.net

  2. On 1/31/2021 at 7:39 PM, Luke Gilmer said:

    2) Related, I'm reviewing precipitation performance data for outlets, and something seems in error.

    Hi @Luke Gilmer can you please take a look at the catalog files (see my previous post) and check for errors there, as there are two things: display units are specified by the irrigation settings and that's where the error is, or the catalog contains errors.


    Please file a bug in Jira about any bugs you see in the feature or in the catalog, providing a test file to demonstrate the problem.

    If you don't know what Jira is, or you cannot access it, please send me an email explaining the problem with a test file at vstanev@vectorworks.net



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  3. Hi @Piotr Karczewski and @Luke Gilmer,


    Yes, it is awkward to add content from the feature UI, but there is an easy way to do it via Excel.

    Go to the 'Libraries\Defaults\Irrigation\Catalogs' location in your Vectorworks installation.

    There you'll see a list of files organized by name which relates to the tool and mode, they are named well so you'll orient easily what is for what.

    Then notice that there are three files with the same name, and then another three with the same name suffixed with ' - Performance Data'

    The idea is that the first triplet will list the available products, and the 'performance data' file will specify the performance of each product listed in the other file.


    The triplet files are with extensions: xml, xlsx, and txt:

    - The XML file defines the meaning of the columns in the xlsx (Excel) file, listing the type/unit of the value in this column. Please do not edit the XML file, but you can use it as a reference to understand the data.

    - The XLSX file is an Excel file with the data. For example the 'Outlet Rotors.xlsx' will list rotors. Note how not all the cells on column A and B has value. This is because there is implied rule that if a cell is empty, the value of the last non empty cell up on this column will be used. This makes for easier reading of the tables.

    - The TXT file is an export from the XLSX file. Have the XLSX file open in excel, then go to 'Save As' and choose type 'Unicode Text (*.txt)' before saving.


    So, the process for adding content is that you edit the XLSX catalog file (e.g. Outlet Rotors.xlsx), add the products you need then edit the corresponding 'Performace Data' XLSX file (e.g. Outlet Rotors - Performance Data) providing performance information for the products you just added. Then export both XLSX files to unicode TXT and override the ones from Vectorworks. Then you'll see your data show up in Vectorworks.

    I'm not sure at the moment, but you might experiment to put the TXT files in your user folder, and Vectorworks might pick them up instead of the ones from the application content.


    Note! When editing the 'Performance Data' XLSX file. The Column B is 'Model (criteria)' This means that you can use '*' (any sequence of symbols) and '?' (any one symbol) to specify several models that share the same performance data. This is for convenience and makes the data more compact. (see attached image)





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  4. @Mark Aceto well, i'm not really familiar with this server. I guess you can open the URL in a browser:



    and look through it to see which one you will be interested. Vectorworks will be able to work with any service that is (MapServer). you can use the 'ArcGIS JavaScript' link in the browser when you open a service to look at it. 


    Like for example this one:


    When you click on 'ArcGIS JavaScript' you will see the imagery that this service provides.

    Vectorworks will be able to show this image too. And if this image is blank, it will be blank in Vectorworks too.




  5. 22 minutes ago, Hippocode said:

    I couldn't find anything in the SDK related to this special hidden record type (besides some kludge calls) . I find it interesting myself as I'd like to have readonly records as well;

    Lock the handle and it will show up as read only. SDK: gSDK->LockObject, there doesn't seem to be a Script function to lock objects

  6. Hey @Mark Aceto 


    the URL at which you can access the data is: https://cache.gis.lacounty.gov/

    I used chrome dev tools to see where they make request to at this site.  It would depend on what you need, when you choose a service from there. I tried the 'Census_2020/CensusBlocks_City' and it showed something.


    You can browse the services, and view them in a browser by appending to this url, so it looks like this:



    Then you can browser around and see what you need. You can use the JavaViewer for quick look at the services. What you see there, would be available in Vectorworks too.


  7. 10 minutes ago, JoeBayLD said:

    Is there a way to use the systems python version to execute the request? The latest macOS ships with 3.8 so I could use that if there’s a way to access it.


    I'm not sure exactly, but you should be able to send 'system' commands, and run scripts using the system.


    10 minutes ago, JoeBayLD said:

    Also, what are the shortcuts you’re talking about?


    I'm still not fully researched this, but it was related to the SSL:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED error.

    Essentially, you need to install a symlink to the system's certificates into the SLL of the Python you are using (Vectorworks')


    I don't know exactly yet, but I have this URL saved for further investigation:



    and this code snippet:


    import os
    import certifi
    import ssl
    openssl_dir, openssl_cafile = os.path.split(ssl.get_default_verify_paths().openssl_cafile)
    relpath_to_certifi_cafile = os.path.relpath(certifi.where())
    print("delete: "+openssl_cafile)
    print("sym link")
    print(" src="+relpath_to_certifi_cafile)
    print(" dst="+openssl_cafile)


    and this code for testing, where it was failing due to the error mentioned above:

    import urllib.request
    requestURL = urllib.request.Request( "https://www.vectorworks.net/cached/themes/vectorworks_redesign_2018/assets/images/logos/vw-logo-full.svg", headers={'User-Agent' : "Magic Browser"} )
    response = urllib.request.urlopen( requestURL )


  8. @MSLD Well, we always see to convert over when we change things.


    So please, don't hesitate to use it at its full capabilities. You can get really nice results.


    As for help, click F1 on the Define Tag Field dialog, it leads here:



    The collapsed parameters on #8 is talking about the field definition syntax.

    • Like 1
  9. @MSLD the formula you should use for this is:

    "Too Large"@#AREA#>100sq m:"Too small"


    As @TDimov said, the data tag condition expression is: <Value_If_True>@<The_Condition>:<Value_If_False>

    Note, you have to be careful with the spaces around the condition, it does not expect any spaces.


    It is known problem that the Data Tag uses its own syntax for the formulas. It's at the top of our list to make it use Worksheet formulas in the future.


    • Like 4
  10. 3 hours ago, Luciole Design said:

    The patch has problems with Apple (unsigned? possibly malicious code) and VectorWorks (incompatible plug-in with this version of vwx).


    FYI, the. Vectorworks plugins are not signed. The problem is that when you download a zip on the new Mac OS, it automatically get quarantined, so nothing you unzip from it would work, unless you de-quarantene the zip itself on your side before unzipping.


    Of course, waiting for SP2 would work, and it will be (is already) fixed there.

  11. 1 hour ago, Luciole Design said:

    Don't install the updated library on a Mac!


    Yeah, you have to de-quarantine the zip file, before unzipping. Use the terminal to do that:

    xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Users/vstanev/Downloads/LandscapeIrrigation.vwlibrary.zip

    xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Users/vstanev/Downloads/LandscapeIrrigation.vwlibrary.zip

    Change the path to the zip as you have it on disk.


    Also, pease make a duplicate of the original file before overriding.


    37 minutes ago, Luciole Design said:

    For what it's worth, the bug affects the Windows version of VectorWorks, too (Windows 10). So no hope in switching!


    I'm not sure what do you mean in 'no hope in switching'? Can you clarify?


    It is OS independent bug, and i'm trying to help you by sending the file directly as I was under the impression you are on the mac.


    • Like 1
  12. Hi @jeff prince,


    22 hours ago, jeff prince said:

    Servers disconnect or are not available, random crashing, etc.  Easier to download source files and bring them in manually due to these inconsistencies IMHO


    Please report each case where you see crashes and/or problem, we're actively trying to make the software more stable and reports like this are valuable.


    22 hours ago, jeff prince said:

    Unfortunately, due to all of the previous interactions with Vectorworks and the unresolved issues linked in my signature as an example, I no longer have the time or interest in chasing these solutions.

    I'm sorry to hear that, and I understand your pain. I can assure that we're striving to improve the software, and you can imagine there are many ways it can be improved. There are many people with many wishes about many areas of Vectorworks, and they are all important. We are doing our best to log and generalize the wishes and then to prioritize them all in order for the engineering to focus on.


    So, please don't give up. We do appreciate user input, especially if it a well thought out and described workflow that needs to be added or improved. This helps us understand, prioritize, and eventually implement it.




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  13. Hi @jeff prince,


    Thank you for your comments. This feature is dedicated to access various data from ESRI, not just maps, but for that you need to login into their Services. Depending on the region, they might have more detailed satelite images.


    15 hours ago, jeff prince said:

    We already have the ability to import georeferenced imagery.  Far better to source you own data and import it correctly IMHO.  I wish Vectorworks would spend more  time developing workflows for processing and importing georeferenced pointclouds and obj models


    Can you please elaborate on this? We're looking for ways to improve this.


    You can send me workflow videos or screen capture directly at vstanev@vectorworks.net




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  14. Hi @Aspect_Design, unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. Please enter it as a Jira bug so we can make it work.


    The Properly Line has the 'Segment Record' format record attached to object inside, which allows you to report the segments in a worksheet. Also, there is a 'Curved Segment Record' one too.



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