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Jack Wallington

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  1. I've created a few new Landscape Area styles. When I update the plants by editing the styles in the resource manager, two of them update fine across the site plan. But one of them doesn't update, the two existing landscape areas I've created using that style are stuck with the original plants included. They're using the correct style, and the style in the resource manager has the updated plant list. In the below screenshot, the landscape area in the rectangle on right and the bed with the curved edge on the left are using the same landscape area style, but the one on the left, created before I edited the style, won't update with the additional plants: Is there a setting anyone can think of I've missed with this one?
  2. Thanks Tom, that worked (I've attached the result). I need to remind myself what the Tag Top / Centre / Bottom mean but I'll do that later from my notes. I realised where I had gone wrong, was that when I tried turning the Tag Bubble off, it would hide the text because I had all of the Tag Top / Centre Bottom set to none. So by turning off Bubble, and selecting ID (or one of those options) in one of those menus, the text came back minus the line - in case anyone with the same issue is reading this in future. Thanks both for the advice on a better route and also how to fix this issue. Please can you advise the best way I can have a label on the plant in design view as well as in sheet view (I work with hundreds of plant species in one garden area and need to keep track of them when designing. For instance, what I was thinking was: In my plant library file I've been creating, set each plant so that the tag is shown by default as a style class I can hide or show in design layers. Then in sheet view I would hide those tags, and add drawn data tags. Is there a better process I should follow for this?
  3. It's taken me a while but I'm finally learning how to use styles properly (I know, I'm slow! 🙂 ) which is handy for plant tags and outlines to turn on and off. However, I've forgotten two things: How can I remove the outline lines around the tag wording and just have the directional line? I thought I could choose what data entry the tag info comes from, e.g. Latin name, common name, tag - am I imagining that? Or is this something only possible with data tags drawn on the sheet mode. Thank you, Jack
  4. If you speak to Globe plants direct they will send you test files, they sent me two yesterday. A Sketchup file did import direct into VW but some of the branches were greyed out, so it wasn't perfect.
  5. I do need more training - or at least practice 🙂 I'm jumping ahead on this because 3D visuals of plants is so key to my work, and all I need is a small number of decent 3D plants to give an impression. Thanks, I'll play around with Laubworks and contact globe again - part of the problem is it's hard to find old posts on this topic and guides by Vectorworks as a starting point. I do search for them before asking - I can see loads of people facing the same issue I have. It's easier to find relevant videos on YouTube but then they are often out of date. Just looking at Laub now, they might not be good long term but might do for now, if there are better perennial and shrub plants. Anyway, I'll post in future with more experience where I finally get, to better explain what I mean.
  6. I don't think Laubworks are available any more? I can't seem to find any good 3D plant models in the library except trees, which are OK. Shrubs and perennials are really unusable because they are so blocky. I spoke to Globe and they say I have to use Enscape to import their 3D models. I can't use the image props - I can image info background maybe, but my work is about showing the plants around areas. I feel like I'm missing a key 3D plant library somewhere, which might be my problem! I was trying to make a demo file to show you which ones I think are bad and which ones are usable, but I can't even download basic 3D hydrangeas into my vectorworks at the moment, despite them appearing in the Resource manager as files.
  7. Thanks Jeff, this is another stupid question but where can I go to download 3D plants within Vectorworks, is it all through the Resource manager? I'm trying to go through the proven winners folders and low poly folders. I right click and download them, they open a new file which is then blank. I would prefer not to use the fake 3D, 2D images as that's just not a look I believe looks good, so need actual 3D models.
  8. Hey everyone, Just to say, thank you for everyone's detailed input into this discussion. Ultimately I am a solo landscape designer who needs to spend as little as possible on software (especially annual subscriptions) that is also easy to use. I'm investing in VWX because I believe in it longterm, but the learning curve for it has been significant - it's the first software I've ever found this challenging to pick up. So I have to admit my heart sinks that just as I'm starting to get my head around VWX, I discover I need to learn a whole other programme with probably its own cost to achieve what I though I could in VWX when it comes to 3D images. The cost of VWX is already significant to me, and the time I've spent trying to learn it has almost been crippling, but I am glad I've gone for it now I'm finally producing some good things. If there is somewhere I can download 3D plant models, even at a cost, for VWX that are better than the standard set that come with the programme, I'd be willing to invest time in taking VWX renders as far as I can. I don't need thousands of plants, just enough to give a general sense of naturalistic planting I create. Trees that come with VWX and sort of OK, but shrubs, perennials and meadow areas I could really do with some additional low poly but decent 3D models, the perennials with the programme are really too blocky to use and not like modern garden design. I'm not aiming for movie quality photorealistic renders right now. Just something that looks somewhat fluffy and realistic, rather than blobby and cartoony. I've made a note of what everyone has said : Fbx file is best file type Options for renders are: Vectorworks rendered images - working on shading, textures etc Twinmotion - free (for now!) and easy to use, lots of models out the box Blender - also free but with better VWX integration Enscape - another annual subscription Sources of plants Globe - for Enscape Are there any good sources for 3D plants for VX modelling? Thanks again for all of your help and advice, I appreciate it and I know there will be different opinions. Which is also part of the challenge, they all sound good but I have limited time to keep learning, I need to start producing work! lol The designers in the UK I mention using Twin Motion are experienced designers across the UK who have researched all of this themselves over the years, so if they have gone with TM I felt it is worth exploring. I expect ease and low cost (free) plays an important part. Having just downloaded TM, it's amazingly easy to use, just open and start placing plants that look decent. That's all I need. But, clearly I need a more powerful computer and graphics card! 😄 Anyway, thanks for all your help and sorry if I sound exasperated, I am enjoying a lot of VWX I promise. Jack
  9. Thanks I have just sent that over by We Trasnfer to your email
  10. Hi Tom, I just enlarged the grade limits modifier and it's worked I think for one path, at the top of the attached screenshot, and the planar pad the massing model building on the right is on. The path at the bottom goes to the edge of the model (as it continues past the boundary). I'm guessing, it's tricky to take a grade limits modifier and path to the edge of a model like this? I'll just avoid doing this in future, but thought I'd ask. This model is just a practice file.
  11. Hi @Marketa Hermova I have just sent the file by wetransfer. I couldn't get the massing models to send to surface, but I could move them there by changing the Z number. But now the site skirt has gone to the 0 level, so I must have done something wrong somewhere I can't figure it out sorry.
  12. Hiya, I'm following through the VW course section on site modifiers. I've set up the grade limit, and managed to get the grading working with a planar pad. But for some reason it's not working on path. I think I may have gone over the edge of the grade limit slightly with the path. If I do this, does it stop the grading working altogether? Or could I have have done something else wrong. Thank you, I've attached a screenshot to show how the path is cutting in. It's also done something a bit off at the top end where on section drops down into the model.
  13. Thanks Marketa, I'll try and figure out unified view and give it another go, and let you know if it still doesn't work.
  14. Thank you both for the feedback, please can I check, is Enscape a plugin I buy and download to use within Vectorworks? I will look into the one as well. I have to admit I would prefer to use one programme, as that was the promise of Vectorworks. And I promise I will look into buying more plant 3D models to do more within VW as it is anyway.
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