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  1. "Fun" fact: until U3 I was not able to cli.bat uninstall with the VWIM in my "install work" directory c:\VWIM. I had to use the VWIM installed in C:\Program Files\Vectorworks 2025\Vectorworks 2025 Install Manager With U3 it's vice versa: the VWIM in C:\Program Files\Vectorworks 2025\Vectorworks 2025 Install Manager only shows "Preparing for uninstall" (translated from German), the VWIM in c:\VWIM is able to uninstall via cli.bat
  2. Yes. And this explains why the VWIM download is double the size of the MSI.
  3. This isn't correct anymore. Extracting the downloaded EXE will give you a "$PLUGINSDIR" folder. Inside that folder you will find a file named app64.7z Extracting that file will give you the actual VWIM files & folders.
  4. I can confirm that everything is working now. Thank you very much, Tim!
  5. It's the VWIM that needed updating in order for the CLI installer to work properly. Using the new VWIM CLI you should now get the entry in programs&features and the desktop shortcut.
  6. Sounds like your VWIM isn't up to date. It should self-update now (bug preventing that was fixed), but to be sure I'd recommend doing it manually: cli.bat download-latest-updater c:\vwim -p w This should at least fix the missing programs&features entry and shortcut.
  7. One thing I noticed re speed difference is the size difference between MSI and VWIM offline source: MSI is about 8GB, while VWIM size is nearly double. And yes, with Vectorworks updating with MSI means always uninstalling and doing a full reinstall with the new version, which is a deal breaker for MSI in our case. But it doesn't have to be this way, MSI is able to apply differential updates via .MSP packages (Adobe Reader does this, it's official MSI is from 2015 (!) and we just push the latest MSP right after deploying the MSI), maybe you could see if you are able to provide those? In further testing I also ran into some issue with the G-series install via MSI: I did get the prompt to provide an LDF, and of course I did that, but it just kept asking - even after copying it to the install directory manually. We'll stick to the VWIM CLI for now. 🙂
  8. Another quick update regarding MSI silent install: I've got it "working" in less than half an hour, and install time is 1/3 of the VWIM-CLI install (!), but - It also doesn't register in programs & features - The msiexec uninstall string it registers in the windows registry is incorrect and doesn't work. - It doesn't install the updater I'll implement our rollout with the VWIM CLI, because I've got that working better than the MSI for now. The much faster install speed of the MSI is intriguing, though. Especially since in my test it had to use a GBit SMB connection, while the CLI install is local on NVME SSD.🙂
  9. So I managed to update VWIM to v 30.1.784707.11756, and using CLI.bat to install Vectorworks did create the programs & features entry and a shortcut in the start menu. Vectorworks starts fine. However, when I try to uninstall via programs & features I only get a black window. When I launch the VWIM from my temp install directory, the UI is usable, but there is no option to uninstall. When I launch the VWIM from the Installation Directory\Vectorworks Install Manager it launches correctly (after updating itself, probably because the update1.vwim contains an older versione) and there I have the option to uninstall. This is progress, because during my first tests the VWIM also didn't launch properly from there. Edit: on a whim I tried launching the uninstall via programs & features again, and now the VWIM did start properly. Maybe the pending update prevented it from launching the first time I tried?
  10. Again, Tim, thank you very much! Your fast response & fixes are much apreciated. We will be able to live with the lack of CLI uninstall until U2 is released. And I'll definitely contact support for the MSI option, so far I've found no hints anywhere of it's existence.
  11. I think it should self-update automatically, and we also should be able to trigger the update with this command: cli.bat download-latest-updater c:\vwim_new -p w But unfortunately it fails: [2024-10-29T08:05:38.265Z] - stdout: Informationen zum neuesten Vectorworks 2025 Updater werden abgerufen [2024-10-29T08:05:39.208Z] - error: An error has occurred error: { Error: Got a non-2XX (404) status code downloading https://server7.cw-onlineupdate.de/nuc/vw/VW2025/root/30/CW/deu/vwimapp/vwimapp/latest.yml at Request._callback (C:\VWIM\resources\cli.js:9483:20) at self.callback (C:\VWIM\resources\cli.js:68435:22) at Request.emit (node:events:513:28) at Request.<anonymous> (C:\VWIM\resources\cli.js:69404:10) at Request.emit (node:events:513:28) at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\VWIM\resources\cli.js:69326:12) at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:627:28) at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:525:35) at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1359:12) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)
  12. Thank you very much for the fixes! One of the other solutions would be AutoCAD. Yes, they also don't use a standard installer, but their deployment creator does all the legwork and puts out a .bat file that can be used with very little changes. Edit: I can confirm that a log is created at at %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Temp One entry from the file that caught my eye: [2024-10-25T08:11:10.176Z] - error: An error has occurred checking for self-updates: error: { Error: Cannot find channel "latest.yml" update info: HttpError: 404 Not Found "method: GET url: https://server7.cw-onlineupdate.de/nuc/vw/VW2025/root/30/CW/deu/vwimapp/vwimapp/latest.yml?noCache=1ib1blclg\n\nPlease double check that your authentication token is correct. Due to security reasons, actual status maybe not reported, but 404.\n"
  13. No, this was not the case for 2024! The 2024 installer was able to silently install from offline sources and at the same time download the ldf automatically from the servers: \\server\share\Vectorworks 2024 U7\resources\installer\Install Vectorworks2024.exe --unattendedmodeui none --mode unattended --Serial xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx --installdir "C:\Program Files\Vectorworks 2024" --LDFChoice licenseID --sysUsername userName I'd prefer for the cli installer to do the same, because for now we'll provide the same LDF for all of our subscription installs and provide the proper SN (different from the one in the ldf) later. It doesn't seem to bother the activation that the user-provided SN doesn't match the SN in the LDF, but of course that's not exactly clean. Having to add a method to copy a user-specific ldf to the user's profile\vectorworks 2025 directory between install and activation would complicate the process even more. And this is already the worst process of all the ~120 applications in our portfolio. Having to spend at least one work day just to implement this deployment is bonkers. Most of our apps are done in less than 30 minutes.
  14. This is not new behavior for us, at least on windows. It's the reason why (IIRC since 2022) we have a step in our install script that imports the SN into the user's registry key. Nevertheless, the new CLI installer seems quite unfinished, IMHO not nearly release quality software. And it looks like it wasn't really tested, because all the issues I found so far practically jump into your face. It doesn't: - create shortcuts - create an entry in the program list - register any method to uninstall - provide any method to uninstall - create an installerlog.txt file When I try to launch VWIM from c:\program files\Vectorworks 2025\Vectorworks Install Manager, I only get a black window. I had the same problem with the 2024 updater app until they finally fixed that in U6. I can launch VWIM from any other location, just not from within the install path.
  15. I've created a support ticket, and they asked for the installerlog.txt. The cli installer doesn't create that file. Where should I send my bill for beta testing services? 🙂
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