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  1. Did a search for "troubleshooting tree" "corrupt files". Will keep looking. Need to troubleshoot reasons for file corruption. We just upgraded one architectural firm from 2021 to 2022. A few of our users are experiencing issues with files getting corrupted after working on them in 2022.
  2. Hello, Wanted to update and say the silent install is for the type of licensing that we don't have. That said, these articles have been extremely helpful as we can deploy Vectorworks to all the staff with the only manual task being entering the specific license numbers. Thanks!
  3. First, thanks for your reply! Yes, we've followed the format: sudo /Volumes/Vectorworks2022-SP5-664120-SeriesBEG-installer1-osx/Vectorworks\ 2022\ Installer.app/Contents/Resources/installer/Install\ Vectorworks2022.app/Contents/MacOS/installbuilder.sh --unattendedmodeui none --mode unattended --Serial EHXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX --installdir /Applications/Vectorworks\ 2022/ We originally didn't have the --installdir, but we added it just in case with no success. We also did "--serial XXX" instead of "--Serial XXX" with no success. When Vectorworks starts, we can see there's no serial attached in the startup screen. Afterwards, we are asked to provide a license. Our test environment does't have any previous version of vectorworks installed and in addition to running the uninstaller, we also remove any cached vectorworks folders lingering around between trials. Is there anything that needs to be done with the license description file? Again, thank you for any tips you can provide. Also - Sorry for posting this in the wrong forum and not in the 2022 forum.
  4. We are installing Vectorworks 2022 on our Macs and while we're able to install it, we are unable to attach the serial number using the "--Serial" in the command. Any help would be appreciated.
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