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David J. Clinton

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Everything posted by David J. Clinton

  1. Try the routine posted by me under Techboard Landsmark section- offsetting centerlines. I draw the same kind of plans. The routine is not perfect but gets the job done. Dave C.
  2. The Object info Palette is a ready made tool to get that job done. Some other simple Layer management scripts to add to the Layer managment menu are: 1) All Layers Visible (Switches the visibility mode of all Layers to Visable) 2) All Layers Invisible ( etc) 3) All Layers Grey (etc) 4) Pick Object Layer Active (With Show/Snap/Modify layer mode) click the mouse on an object Then the layer that the object is on becomes the Active Layer. Similar Routines can be written for class management. Layer and Class visability routines are very similar to write. Two of my Favorites are 1) Pick Object Class Invisible - Click the mouse on an object then the class of that object becomes invisable. 2) Select Objects in Pick object Class - All Objects in the Pick Object Class are Selected. They can then be moved to a different layer , deleted, or changed to another class. This is a good way to clean up a drawing with a lot of junk. If something seems to disapear or get lost in a drawing do the following: Run: 1) All Layers Visable 2) All Classes Visable Set Layer to Show OthersSet Classes to Show Others Chances are it will show up. All of these scripts can be written with vectorscript. The custom tool/attribute command may assist in in obtaining parts of the scripts. I have created commands of these scripts and placed them in a custom work space with the standard layer/class commands. I hope that these ideas are helpful to VS Users. Dave C.
  3. RE Centerline off set tool for Arc. Lines. If the routine compiles and you get a dialog box The problem you are having is probably my vaque documentation for use of the routine. Only one arc or line can be offset at a time. My Guess is that the mouse sequence is confusing. Try following these directions. 1) Set the layer scale to 1"= 50' . 2) Draw a Line Near the center of the screen. 3) Activate the routine. 4) Use the default offset distance of 30'. 5) Select One side only. Push OK. 6) The line curser should appear. Along with the message box. 7) To select the centerline to be paralleled requires you to draw a line - not just click on the line. (the reason for this is so that you can scroll while in the routine )Set the curser on the centerline and click and hold the mouse down and draw a line in any direction and click again. Now the target curser should appear Withthe message 'Pick direction ' Place the target curser on the side of the centerline that you wish the offset to be on , near the center the orriginal centerline line and click. A Second line parallel to the centerline should appear and the curser will reset to the line tool. At this pointthe tool is reset to select another centerline segment(by drawing a line). or exiting the routine by drwsing a line in open space. For any of the dialog options the centerline segment must be selected with a line, the first point on the segment and the second point somewhere else. The Direction Click( target Curser) must be resonably close to the centerline segment on the direction side. For the Dialog choice Both sides The centerline must be selected with a line. the target curser must be clicked but direction doesnt matter. Let me know if this works. E mail greatrac @ Aol. com.PS. I checked out your Web Page . Looks Like you do very nice work. Dave C.
  4. Here are a couple of scripts for creating lines parallel to a centerline. The first requires a polyline centerline made with arc vericies.The second provides different options for creating parallel lines and concentric arcs. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++{Routine 1}{This routine was created to rapidy make Street pavement from a polyline centerline with line and arc components.The Centerline must be a polyline beginning with a corner vertex. The second vertex must be a arc vertex. The verticies of the centerline must then alternate corner,arc,corner,arc, etcand end with a corner vertex. It may be necessary to edit the polyline vertices If they donot follow the Proper sequence.The best way to create the centerline is to use the polyline tool set to Polyline by arc point.} {David J. Clinton Greatrac@Aol.com May 5 2002} PROCEDURE StreetFrmPolyCl050702;VARx,y,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x5,y5,x10,y10,xpc,ypc,xpt,ypt,R1,R2,R3,Ang1,Ang2,D1:REAL; Delta,T,Sang,AAng:REAL; VertNo1,VertNo2,VertNo3,VertType1,VertType2,VertType3,NumVert:INTEGER; Ptype,Fp,ITEM,LW,Efp,Elw,Epp:INTEGER; HPoly,Hline1,Hline2,Harc1,Harc2,Harc3,HRect1,HR1,HR2,HPavemt1,HPavemt2:HANDLE; BBack,BFront,abort,done,ok,BLoc:BOOLEAN;Procedure Dialog; VAR Width,x1,y1,x2,y2,px1,px2,px3,px4,py1,py2 : INTEGER; Procedure AlignScr(Width:INTEGER; VAR x1,x2:INTEGER); VAR scrx1,scry1,scrx2,scry2:INTEGER;BEGIN GetScreen(scrx1,scry1,scrx2,scry2); x1:=((scrx1+scrx2) div 2)-(Width div 2); x2:=x1+Width; END; Procedure MakeDialog; CONST y1 = 100; scnh = 230; scnw = 220; BEGIN AlignScr(scnw,x1,x2); y2:=y1+scnh; px3:=(scnw div 2) - 70; px4:=(scnw div 2) - 10; px1:=(scnw div 2) + 10; px2:=(scnw div 2) + 70; py1:=scnh-40; py2:=scnh-20; BeginDialog(2,1,x1,y1,x2,y2); AddButton('OK',1,1,px1,py1,px2,py2); AddButton('Cancel',2,1,px3,py1,px4,py2); AddField('_______________________',3,1,20,18,210,33); AddField('Pavement Fill',4,1,20,10,165,25); AddField('Pavement Width',5,1,10,40,150,55); AddField('24',6,2,130,40,180,55); AddField('Fill Patern No',7,1,10,65,150,85); AddField('4',8,2,130,65,180,85); AddField('Line Weight',9,1,10,95,170,115); AddField('1',10,2,130,95,180,115); AddButton('Loci at Control Points',11,3,10,135,170,155); {AddButton('Loci at Control Points',12,3,10,95,170,115);} EndDialog;END; BEGINMAKEDIALOG;END; Procedure GetInfo;BEGINdone:=false;abort:=false; GetDialog(2); REPEAT DialogEvent(Item); IF Item = 1 THEN BEGIN OK:= ValidNumStr(GetField(6),D1); OK:= ValidNumStr(GetField(8),FP); OK:= ValidNumStr(GetField(10),LW); BLoc:=ItemSel(11); Done:= True; abort:=false; END; IF Item = 2 THEN BEGIN Done:= True; ABORT:= TRUE; END; IF Item = 11 THEN BEGIN SetItem(11,True); END;UNTIL DONE;ClrDialog;END; PROCEDURE IntersectLines; {Subroutine}VARx1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,m1,m2,b1,b2:REAL;BEGIN IF (HR1<> NIL) AND (HR2 <> NIL) THEN BEGIN GetSegPt1(HR1,x1,y1); GetSegPt2(HR1,x2,y2); GetSegPt1(HR2,x3,y3); GetSegPt2(HR2,x4,y4); m1:=(y1-y2)/(x1-x2); m2:=(y3-y4)/(x3-x4); IF m1<>m2 THEN BEGIN b1:=-m1*x1+y1; b2:=-m2*x3+y3; x5:=(b1-b2)/(m2-m1); y5:=m1*x5+b1; IF Bloc THEN Locus(x5,y5); END; END; DSelectAll;END; PROCEDURE LinePoly;VARx1,y1,x2,y2,Mang,Lang,LLeng:REAL; HpL:HANDLE; BEGIN AngleVar; DSelectAll; HPL:=Hline1; Lang:=HAngle(Hpl); LLeng:=HLength(Hpl); Mang:=Lang+90; GetSegPt1(Hpl,x1,y1); GetSegPt2(Hpl,x2,y2); MoveTo(x1,y1); BeginPoly; Addpoint(x1,y1); LineTo(D1,#Mang); LineTo(LLeng,#Lang); LineTo(2*D1,#(Mang+180)); LineTo(LLeng,#(Lang+180)); LineTo(x1,y1); EndPoly; DelObject(HPL); END; BEGIN {=====================Actual Routine================================} dialog; getinfo; IF Abort = FALSE THEN BEGIN DSelectAll; AngleVar; D1:=D1/2; Efp:=FFillPat; Elw:=FPenSize; Epp:=FPenPat; PenPat(2); PenSize(LW); Message('Pick the Polyline (Pick Air to Cancel)'); GetLine(x,y,x10,y10); ClrMessage; HPoly:=PickObject(x,y); Ptype:=GetType(Hpoly); IF (HPoly <> NIL) AND (Ptype = 21) THEN BEGIN NumVert:=GetVertNum(Hpoly); VertNo1:=1; REPEAT VertNo2:=VertNo1+1; VertNo3:=VertNo2+1; GetPolylineVertex(HPoly,VertNo1,x1,y1,VertType1,R1); GetPolylineVertex(HPoly,VertNo2,x2,y2,VertType2,R2); GetPolylineVertex(HPoly,VertNo3,x3,y3,VertType3,R3); IF (R2 <> 0) THEN {IF VertNo2 is an arc Vertex do this} BEGIN IF Hline1 = NIL THEN BEGIN Moveto(x1,y1); Lineto(x2,y2); Hline1:=LNewObj; DSelectAll; END; Moveto(x2,y2); Lineto(x3,y3); Hline2:=LNewObj; DSelectAll; Ang1:=Hangle(Hline1); Ang2:=Hangle(Hline2); Delta:=Abs(Ang2-Ang1); T:=Abs(R2*Tan(Deg2Rad(Delta/2))); Moveto(x2,y2); Move(T,#(Ang1+180)); PenLoc(xpc,ypc); IF Bloc THEN {PC of Arc} Locus(xpc,ypc); Lineto(R2,#(Ang1+90)); HR1:=LNewObj; Moveto(x2,y2); Move(T,#Ang2); PenLoc(xpt,ypt); IF Bloc THEN {PT of Arc} Locus(xpt,ypt); Lineto(R2,#(Ang2+90)); HR2:=LNewObj; SetSegPt2(Hline1,xpc,ypc); SetSegPt1(Hline2,xpt,ypt); DSelectAll; LinePoly; {Rectangle on First Line} HRect1:=LNewObj; SetFPat(HRect1,Fp); DSelectAll; IntersectLines; {Arc Center} DelObject(HR1); DelObject(HR2); MoveTo(x5,y5); Lineto(xpc,ypc); HR1:=LNewObj; MoveTo(x5,y5); Lineto(xpt,ypt); HR2:=LNewObj; DSelectAll; Sang:=Hangle(HR2); AAng:=Hangle(HR1)-Hangle(HR2); IF (AAng > 180) OR (AAng = 180) THEN AAng:=-(360-AAng); IF (AAng < -180) OR (AAng = -180) THEN AAng:=AAng+360; DelObject(HR1); DelObject(HR2); {++++++++++++++++++++++++Begin Arcs++++++++++++} Arc(x5-R2,y5+R2,x5+R2,y5-R2,#Sang,#AAng); Harc3:=LNewObj; {Centerline} ARC(x5-R2-D1,y5+R2+D1,x5+R2+D1,y5-R2-D1,#Sang,#AAng);{Outside} HArc1:=LNewObj; SetFPat(Harc1,Fp); ARC(x5-R2+D1,y5+R2-D1,x5+R2-D1,y5-R2+D1,#Sang,#AAng);{Inside} HArc2:=LNewObj; SetFPat(Harc2,Fp); DSelectAll; SetSelect(HArc1); SetSelect(Hrect1); DoMenuTextByName('Add Surface',0); HPavemt1:=LSActLayer; HMoveBackward(HPavemt1,BBack); HMoveForward(Harc2,BFront); DSelectAll; SetSelect(HPavemt1); SetSelect(HArc2); DoMenuTextByName('Clip Surface',0); DelObject(Harc2); DelObject(Harc3); SetSelect(HPavemt2); DoMenuTextByName('Add Surface',0); HPavemt2:=LSActLayer; DSelectAll; END; {++++++++++++++++++++++++End Arcs++++++++++++} Hline1:=Hline2; IF (R2 = 0) THEN BEGIN Moveto(x2,y2); Lineto(x3,y3); Hline1:=LNewObj; END; VertNo1:=VertNo1+1; UNTIL (VertNo3 = NumVert); Hline1:=Hline2; LinePoly; HRect1:=LNewObj; SetFPat(HRect1,Fp); DSelectAll; SetSelect(Hrect1); SetSelect(HPavemt2); DoMenuTextByName('Add Surface',0); END; HMoveForward(HPoly,TRUE); DSelectAll;Settool(2);PenPat(Epp);FillPat(Efp);PenSize(Elw);Redrawall;END;END;RUN (StreetFrmPolyCl050702); ===========================================+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++==========================================={Routine 2} {This routine creates a parallel line or arc on one or both sides of a mouse picked line or arc. Other options are to drag for multple parallel lines, move a line in a parallel direction or Creat a Polygon fill with the Both sides option selected. To pick the centerline one must pick And drag on the centerline. this allows srolling when picking multiple numer of objects } {David J.Clinton Greatrac@Aol May 7, 2002} PROCEDURE ParallelarcLine031502; VARX,Y,x99,y99,multidist:REAL;obtype,item,multinum:INTEGER;ExFillPattern:LONGINT;HD: Handle;D1: REAL;oneside,both,abort,done,ok,multiple,polie,mov:BOOLEAN;{++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} PROCEDURE Dialog;{CREATES Dialog and Retreves information} VAR Width,x1,y1,x2,y2,px1,px2,px3,px4,py1,py2 : INTEGER; {-------------------------------------------------------} Procedure AlignScr(Width:INTEGER; VAR x1,x2:INTEGER); VAR scrx1,scry1,scrx2,scry2:INTEGER; BEGIN GetScreen(scrx1,scry1,scrx2,scry2); x1:=((scrx1+scrx2) div 2)-(Width div 2); x2:=x1+Width; END; {++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} Procedure MakeDialog; CONST y1 = 100; scnh = 230; scnw = 220; BEGIN AlignScr(scnw,x1,x2); y2:=y1+scnh; px3:=(scnw div 2) - 70; px4:=(scnw div 2) - 10; px1:=(scnw div 2) + 10; px2:=(scnw div 2) + 70; py1:=scnh-40; py2:=scnh-20; BeginDialog(2,1,x1,y1,x2,y2); AddButton('OK',1,1,px1,py1,px2,py2); AddButton('Cancel',2,1,px3,py1,px4,py2); AddField('_______________________',3,1,20,18,210,33); AddField('Parrallel Arc/Line',4,1,20,10,165,25); AddField('Offset Distance',5,1,10,40,150,55); AddField('30',6,2,130,40,180,55); AddButton('One Side',7,3,70,65,190,85); AddButton('Both Sides',8,3,70,85,190,105); AddButton('Drag For Multiple',9,3,70,105,210,125); AddButton('Polygon Fill',10,3,70,125,210,145); AddButton('Move Line Parallel',11,3,70,145,210,165); EndDialog; END;{+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} BEGIN MAKEDIALOG; END;{+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} Procedure GetInfo; BEGIN done:=false; abort:=false; GetDialog(2); SELFIELD(6); REPEAT DialogEvent(Item); IF Item = 1 THEN BEGIN OK:= ValidNumStr(GetField(6),D1); {offset} oneside:=ItemSel(7); both:= ItemSel(8); MULTIPLE:= ItemSel(9); Polie:= ItemSel(10); Mov:=ItemSel(11); Done:= TRUE; Abort:=FALSE; END; IF Item = 2 THEN BEGIN Done:= TRUE; ABORT:= TRUE; END; IF Item = 7 THEN BEGIN SetItem(7,TRUE); SetItem(8,FALSE); SetItem(9,FALSE); SetItem(10,FALSE); SetItem(11,FALSE); END; IF Item = 8 THEN BEGIN SetItem(7,FALSE); SetItem(8,TRUE); SetItem(9,FALSE); SetItem(10,FALSE); SetItem(11,FALSE); END; IF Item = 9 THEN BEGIN SetItem(7,FALSE); SetItem(8,FALSE); SetItem(9,TRUE); SetItem(10,FALSE); END; IF Item = 10 THEN BEGIN SetItem(7,FALSE); SetItem(8,true); SetItem(9,false); SetItem(10,true); SetItem(11,FALSE); END; IF Item = 11 THEN BEGIN SetItem(7,FALSE); SetItem(8,false); SetItem(9,false); SetItem(10,false); SetItem(11,True); END; UNTIL DONE;ClrDialog;END; PROCEDURE ParallelLine; VARX0,Y0,X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4,X5,Y5,x11,y11,x12,y12,x13,y13,X14,Y14,MANG,LANG,D,LineLeng:REAL;HTestPoly,HLt,HRt,HCtr,HPoly,HDc:HANDLE;Z:BOOLEAN; BEGIN AngleVar; y:=0; X:=0; LANG:=0; MANG:=0; Hctr:=HD; D:=D1; X1:=0; Y1:=0; X2:=0; Y2:=0; X3:=0; Y3:=0; X4:=0; Y4:=0; X5:=0; Y5:=0; IF Oneside THEN BEGIN LANG:=HAngle(HCtr); Lineleng:=Hlength(HCtr); MANG:=LANG+90; GetSegPt1(HCtr,X1,Y1); GetSegPt2(HCtr,X2,Y2); MoveTo(X1,Y1); MoveTo(1000,#Mang); PenLoc(X3,Y3); MoveTo(X2,Y2); MoveTo(1000,#Mang); PenLoc(X4,Y4); Message('Pick Direction'); GetPt(X5,Y5); ClrMessage; Poly(X1,Y1,X3,Y3,X4,Y4,X2,Y2); HTestpoly:=LNewObj; Z:=PtInPoly(X5,Y5,HTestPoly); DelObject(HtestPoly); IF Z THEN BEGIN Moveto(X1,Y1); Move(D,#Mang); Lineto(LineLeng,#Lang); Hlt:=LNewObj; SetDselect(HLt); END; IF Not Z THEN BEGIN Moveto(X1,Y1); Move(-D,#Mang); Lineto(LineLeng,#Lang); HRt:=LNewObj; SetDselect(HRt); END; Z:=False; END; {End of one Side} IF Both THEN BEGIN LANG:=HAngle(HCtr); Lineleng:=Hlength(HCtr); MANG:=LANG+90; GetSegPt1(HCtr,X1,Y1); GetSegPt2(HCtr,X2,Y2); Moveto(X1,Y1); Move(D,#Mang); Lineto(LineLeng,#Lang); Hlt:=LNewObj; SetDselect(HLt); Moveto(X1,Y1); Move(-D,#Mang); Lineto(LineLeng,#Lang); HRt:=LNewObj; SetDselect(HRt); IF Polie THEN BEGIN GetSegPt1(HLt,x11,y11); GetSegPt2(HLt,x12,y12); GetSegPt2(HRt,x13,y13); GetSegPt1(HRt,x14,y14); Poly(X11,Y11,X12,Y12,X13,Y13,X14,Y14,X11,Y11); HPoly:=LNewObj; SetDselect(Hpoly); SetFPat(HPoly,5); HMoveBackward(HPoly,TRUE); DelObject(HRt); DelObject(HLt); END; END; {End of Both sides} IF Mov THEN BEGIN Z:=FALSE; LANG:=HAngle(HCtr); Lineleng:=Hlength(HCtr); MANG:=LANG+90; GetSegPt1(HCtr,X1,Y1); GetSegPt2(HCtr,X2,Y2); MoveTo(X1,Y1); MoveTo(1000,#Mang); PenLoc(X3,Y3); MoveTo(X2,Y2); MoveTo(1000,#Mang); PenLoc(X4,Y4); Poly(X1,Y1,X3,Y3,X4,Y4,X2,Y2); HTestpoly:=LNewObj; Message('Pick Direction'); GetPt(X5,Y5); ClrMessage; Z:=PtInPoly(X5,Y5,HTestPoly); DelObject(HtestPoly); DSelectObj(ALL); SetSelect(HCtr); IF NOT Z THEN BEGIN MoveObjs(-D,#MANG,FALSE,FALSE); SetDSelect(Hctr); HCtr:=NIL; END; IF Z THEN BEGIN MoveObjs(D,#MANG,FALSE,FALSE); SetDSelect(Hctr); HCtr:=NIL; END; RedrawAll; END; {----------------------------------------------------} IF MULTIPLE THEN BEGIN LANG:=HAngle(HCtr); Lineleng:=Hlength(HCtr); MANG:=LANG+90; GetSegPt1(HCtr,X1,Y1); GetSegPt2(HCtr,X2,Y2); MoveTo(X1,Y1); MoveTo(10000,#Mang); PenLoc(X3,Y3); MoveTo(X2,Y2); MoveTo(10000,#Mang); PenLoc(X4,Y4); Poly(X1,Y1,X3,Y3,X4,Y4,X2,Y2); HTestPoly:=LNewObj; Z:=PtInPoly(X99,Y99,HTestPoly); DelObject(HtestPoly); IF NOT Z THEN D:=-D; Moveto(X1,Y1); Lineto(X2,Y2); HDc:=LNewObj; REPEAT DSelectObj(ALL); SetSelect(HDc); MoveObjs(D,#MANG,FALSE,FALSE); Duplicate(0,0); HDc:=LNewObj; MULTINUM:=MULTINUM-1; UNTIL(MULTINUM<0) OR (HDc=NIL); END;{EndMultiple} END; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} PROCEDURE ParallelArc;VAR X1,Y1,X2,Y2,R,DB,X4,Y4,X5,Y5,D,X7,X8,Y7,Y8,Cvalx,RAD,Cvaly,SAng,AAng : REAL; HArcOut,HarcIn,HArcCenter:HANDLE; BEGIN AngleVar; HArcIn:=Nil; HarcOut:=NIL; HArcCenter:=HD; GetArc(HArcCenter,SANG,AANG); Rad:=(HPerim(Hd)/Deg2Rad(AAng)); HCenter(HArcCenter,CValX,CValY); IF NOT both THEN BEGIN Message('Pick Direction'); GetPt(X2,Y2); DB:=Distance(X2,Y2,cvalX,cvalY); IF DB > RAD THEN BEGIN R:=RAD+D1; X7:=Cvalx+R; Y7:=Cvaly-R; X8:=Cvalx-R; Y8:=Cvaly+R; ARC(X8,Y8,X7,Y7,#SANG,#AANG); HarcOut:=LNewObj; SetDSelect(HArcOut); END; IF DB < RAD THEN BEGIN R:=RAD-D1; X7:=Cvalx+R; Y7:=Cvaly-R; X8:=Cvalx-R; Y8:=Cvaly+R; ARC(X8,Y8,X7,Y7,#SANG,#AANG); HArcIn:=LNewObj; SetDSelect(HArcIn); END;END; IF Both THEN BEGIN R:=RAD+D1; X7:=Cvalx+R; Y7:=Cvaly-R; X8:=Cvalx-R; Y8:=Cvaly+R; ARC(X8,Y8,X7,Y7,#SANG,#AANG); HArcOut:=LNewObj; SetDSelect(HArcOut); R:=RAD-D1; X7:=Cvalx+R; Y7:=Cvaly-R; X8:=Cvalx-R; Y8:=Cvaly+R; ARC(X8,Y8,X7,Y7,#SANG,#AANG); HArcIn:=LNewObj; SetDSelect(HArcIn); END; IF Polie THEN BEGIN SetFPat(HArcOut,5); HMoveBackward(HArcOut,TRUE); SetFPat(HArcIn,5); SetSelect(HArcOut); SetSelect(HArcIn); DoMenuTextByName('Clip Surface',0); DelObject(HarcIn); DSelectAll; END;END;{===================================} BEGIN {Main Routine} Multiple:=FALSE; Done:= FALSE; ABORT:= FALSE; both:=false; Mov:=False; oneside:=false; ok:=false; Dialog; GetInfo; DSelectAll; IF NOT Abort THEN BEGIN ExFillPattern:=FFillPat; FillPat(0); Message('Pick and Drag a Line or Arc( Pic Air Cancel)'); GetLine(X,Y,x99,y99); HD:=PickObject(X,Y); ClrMessage; IF (HD <> NIL) THEN REPEAT multidist:=distance(x,y,x99,y99); multinum:=Round(multidist/d1); Obtype:=GetType(HD); IF Obtype = 2 THEN BEGIN SetLS(HD,-6); PARALLELLINE; Redraw; END; IF Obtype = 6 THEN BEGIN SetLS(HD,-6); PARALLELARC; Redraw; END; Message('Pick and Drag a Line or Arc( Pic Air Cancel)'); GetLine(X,Y,x99,y99); HD:=PickObject(X,Y); Obtype:=GetType(HD); ClrMessage; UNTIL ((HD = NIL) OR ((obtype <> 2) AND (obtype <> 6))); END; FillPat(ExFillPattern);ClrMessage;ReDraw;SetTool(2);DSelectAll; END;Run(ParallelarcLine031502);
  5. I have created layer control tools and placed them in a palette. The script must include a mouse action such as getpt or getline after activating the tool. the tools that I have created thus far are ActiveLayerVisible, ActiveLayerInvisible, and NewLayer. The first two tools are very handy when scrolling through a stack of 50 or so layers to set visibility.
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