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Alexander Zemtsov

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Everything posted by Alexander Zemtsov

  1. Hallo _c_! Thank you very much for this example, it is helpful. I have only one problem according the code: there are 51, 52, 53 lines: def main(): gDX = vs.Pwidth gDY = vs.Pdepth gDZ = vs.Pheigth I cannot find this methods in vs. namespace ... what is it ??
  2. Thanks a lot, but I have already tried to do this and it did not help 😒 I dunno, probably, the version of Xcode is older than it is supposed to be
  3. Hello! I have a macOS Catalina v10.15.7, Xcode V 12.4 (12D4e), and VW 2021. The problem is that I cannot find, according to the official guide the folder where I must save the SDK files. It is written: But there is no folder on my Mac. Could you please help me with this?
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