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  1. I came across the webgis app "Hochhäuser Stadt Zürich" (https://hochhaeuser.stadt-zuerich.ch/) which is open source and wondered if its possible to embed the viewer into vwx in order to place my own building into it. Does anyone have experience with doing this? I only know it from embedding 2D maps. Thanks in advance and best regards
  2. Problem Solved by Manuel Roth. 1) Orthogonal view 2) Side (eg. Front view) 3) 2D-Align (y-Axis) 4) done Somehow the 3D-Align takes days to load. I didn't consider the 2D align to work in 3D Space. Amazing, thanks a lot Manuel!
  3. I have a city model from swisstopo and would like to move the building objects to the z-zero point. It's clear to me how to do it on a singular object and also when objects have identical z-values. But is there a possibility to move objects with different z-value in one shot to the z-zero point (working plane in that case)? I appreciate all inputs=)
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