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Everything posted by Xaver77

  1. Xaver77


    Hello Mr. Stanford, I am sending you the screen short as requested. I would like to call these functions without having to go through the window shown.
  2. Xaver77


    Here is my start for the script. How can I add to the script that I can go directly to "Edit Boundary" or "Add to View Area"? def DoMenuTextByNameExample(): vs.DoMenuTextByName( 'Edit' , 0 ); DoMenuTextByNameExample()
  3. Xaver77


    I really only want to be able to add the "Edit view boundary" and "Add to view area" commands as menu commands in the menu area of my working environment. If we could do that, I could add a shortcut to these commands. Since I have to create a lot of layouts, I want to reduce the clicks as a time saver.
  4. Xaver77


    Hello everyone, I would like to create a shortcut for editing the view area when creating the layout. I want to use this one to go straight to the Edit Boundary pane and Add to the View Pane. Maybe someone can help me how to do this with script for a menu command.
  5. A question! Is it possible to control the font size or the data stamp style via the database, i.e. to increase or decrease it?
  6. Thanks for the help! Now the thing works. Attached are the scripts for the community Procedure WallTool; VAR Name:STRING; Result:BOOLEAN; BEGIN SetTool(-208); Result:=SetWallPrefStyle('FR_Ziegel__200'); NameClass(' ❒ 06 Bauteile - Wände'); Layer('03_Waende'); SetPref(44,TRUE); END; Run(WallTool); Procedure SlabTool; VAR Name:STRING; Result:BOOLEAN; BEGIN SetTool(-248); SetSlabPreferencesStyle(Name2Index('FR_Bodenplatte-Parkett_Ei')); NameClass(' ❒ 06 Bauteile - Bodenplatte'); Layer('03_Bodenplatte_1'); SetPref(44,TRUE); END; Run(SlabTool);
  7. Hello Pat, I have a problem with my script. It works so far, but as soon as I call the procedure "SetWallPrefStyle('Name of Wall Style');" I get the following error message. What is wrong here?
  8. Hello Pat, at which position do I have to install the procedure?
  9. Thanks for the quick help! Is there also a procedure for the floor/ceiling style?
  10. Hello everyone, I created a script with which I can select a menu area directly. What I still miss, however, is that I can select a specific pull-down point directly from the script and confirm it immediately. I just don't have the necessary know-how for this function. Here is the script command. def DoMenuTextByNameExample(): vs.DoMenuTextByName('XG SubscribeMaterialsMenu',0); DoMenuTextByNameExample() The result. Here I would like the script to select and confirm "Abholen" immediately. Another example. script command: def DoMenuTextByNameExample(): vs.DoMenuTextByName('XG Python Cuttinglist',0); DoMenuTextByNameExample() The result. Here the script should select "3.FR_Materialliste_Export" and immediately confirm with "OK" Can anyone help in this case?
  11. Hello everyone, I just created a script with the multi tool where it selects the walls tool and at the same time puts the wall on the correct class and level. How can I add to the script so that I can set the right style for the Walls tool? Procedure CustTool; VAR Name:STRING; Result:BOOLEAN; BEGIN PushAttrs; Result := DeleteAllComponents(nil); Result := InsertNewComponentN(nil, 1, 15, -366, 14, 2, 2, 2); Result := SetComponentName(nil, 1, 'Putz'); Result := SetComponentClass(nil, 1, 13); Result := SetComponentFillColors(nil, 1, 257, 256); Result := SetComponentPenColors(nil, 1, 257, 256, 257, 256); Result := SetComponentUseFillClassAttr(nil, 1, FALSE); Result := SetComponentUsePenClassAttr(nil, 1, TRUE, TRUE); Result := InsertNewComponentN(nil, 2, 200, -130, 14, 14, 2, 2); Result := SetComponentName(nil, 2, 'Beton'); Result := SetComponentClass(nil, 2, 213); Result := SetComponentFillColors(nil, 2, 257, 256); Result := SetComponentPenColors(nil, 2, 257, 256, 257, 256); Result := SetComponentUseFillClassAttr(nil, 2, FALSE); Result := SetComponentUsePenClassAttr(nil, 2, TRUE, TRUE); Result := InsertNewComponentN(nil, 3, 15, -366, 14, 2, 2, 2); Result := SetComponentName(nil, 3, 'Putz'); Result := SetComponentClass(nil, 3, 13); Result := SetComponentFillColors(nil, 3, 257, 256); Result := SetComponentPenColors(nil, 3, 257, 256, 257, 256); Result := SetComponentUseFillClassAttr(nil, 3, FALSE); Result := SetComponentUsePenClassAttr(nil, 3, TRUE, TRUE); PenSize(14); PenPatN(2); SetZVals(0", 0); NameClass(' ▲ 00 Standard - Mauerwerk'); Layer('03_Waende'); SetPref( 3, True ); SetPref( 1013, True ); SetPref( 1014, False ); SetPref( 1015, False ); SetPrefReal( 78, 1.000000 ); SetPrefReal( 79, 1.000000 ); SetPrefReal( 1019, 1000.000000 ); SetPrefReal( 1020, 1000.000000 ); SetPrefReal( 1021, 0.000000 ); SetPrefReal( 1022, 2540.000000 ); SetPrefReal( 1023, 2540.000000 ); SetPrefReal( 1024, 25400.000000 ); SetPrefReal( 1025, 25400.000000 ); SetPrefReal( 1026, 0.000000 ); SetPref( 35, False ); SetPref( 36, False ); SetPref( 1027, True ); SetPref( 1028, True ); SetPref( 1029, True ); SetPref( 1030, True ); SetPref( 1031, True ); SetPref( 1032, True ); SetPref( 1033, True ); SetPref( 1067, True ); SetPrefString( 1034, '45.000000;30.000000' ); SetPref( 1035, True ); SetPref( 1036, True ); SetPrefReal( 53, 0.000000 ); SetPref( 1037, True ); SetPref( 1038, True ); SetPref( 1039, True ); SetPrefReal( 1040, 0.100000 ); SetPref( 4, False ); SetPrefReal( 1041, 2.000000 ); SetPref( 1042, False ); SetPrefReal( 1043, 0.000000 ); SetPref( 1044, False ); SetPrefReal( 1045, 0.500000 ); SetPref( 1046, True ); SetPref( 1047, False ); SetPrefReal( 1048, 0.000000 ); SetPref( 1049, True ); SetPref( 1050, True ); SetPrefReal( 1051, 0.250000 ); SetPrefReal( 1052, 0.000000 ); SetPref( 1053, False ); SetConstrain('qswdf'); CallTool(-208); PopAttrs; END; Run(CustTool);
  12. Maybe I should call it a switch button where I can turn the light on or off like a light switch. In this case, of course, with a function, e.g. show or hide classes.
  13. Hello everyone, I need your help. I want to create a tool in which I only have to click a button once and the tool is executed. In principle like the magnifying glass tool with which I can center the drawing with one click. Which function do I have to choose for this?
  14. Thanks for the great help! How can I specify the class that it hides the entire class group from me?
  15. Hello everyone, I would like to create a script with which I can make class groups visible or invisible. I have already found the following function references. HideClass ('▲ 00 standard - hairline 0.18'); and ShowClass ('▲ 00 standard - hairline 0.18'); My question is. How can I design the script in such a way that I can switch the class visible or invisible with a script, depending on the class visibility at the moment. I was thinking of an if / else query. greet Xaver
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