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Posts posted by scarella

  1. I'm working with VW 12.5, which doesn't have the capability of creating a DLVP. The problem is I need to reorient those referenced layers, ie. rotate them with respect to the site model into which I'm importing them.

    Is this not possible except with VW2008?


    yes. step 1, do not rotate your referenced layers.

    step 2, create a layer link or a Design Layer Viewport from the referenced layers to a "working layer"

    that way, you can add new referenced layers and turn then on in the DLVP

  2. I have 2 model files:

    1. 3d Site Model pointing True North

    2. Building Model Rotated conveniently for drawing.

    I have created workgroup reference within file 1 (site) to design layers in file 2 (bldg), and have rotated these referenced layers (fp1, fp2 etc) according to North.

    I now need to add design layers to file 2 (bldg). Is there no way to maintain the same rotation of the other referenced layers without manually re-rotating the new references?

    If link layers were allowed to be imported, this problem would not exist. Am I missing something obvious?

    VW 12.5 user, PC and Mac Platforms.


  3. file a.mcd, created on PC version of v11 uses callouts.txt

    I edited a.mcd on Mac v11, adding to the callout.txt database, then saved file as b.mcd.

    I later opened file b.mcd on PC v11. when trying to place a callout, an alert pops up with an "error in line 96 of callouts.txt". upon closing this window, a default version of callouts.txt is opened.

    what happened and how might I restore original callouts.txt?



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