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David Ormsby

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Everything posted by David Ormsby

  1. Sorry if I wasn't clear - it was the previous patch (12.01 or whatever it was) I was trying to track down. I definitly have the 12.0.0 CD. And yes, I normally am better about backing up - just blew it this time.
  2. Ah, that I had scanned the board before upgrading th 12.5, but with all the tantalizing features I couldn't wait. So my issue now is that I need the VWC4D plug in to work - which apparently means uninstalling 12.5 and reinstalling 12. However, I've discovered the 12.1 is now longer available in the DL section - is there anyway to either roll back or get access to the previous version?
  3. Thirds on AutoplotVW - well worth the small cost!
  4. Actually it can be done; Set the "Ladder Bar Spacing" value to equal your "Connection Interval". When I am making corner blocks for 12" truss, I set both the LBS and CI to 12", with Plate connection, and it works fine.
  5. I have a worksheet that reports the symbols on each layer, plus from all layers (rigging, lighting, seating theatre, seating banquet, seating classroom, etc)- which does not suck. RTM
  6. Any luck on this? I tried George's tests and got good results. Is it possible you have the 3D conversion res set to low?
  7. I've found these to be of limited use as well for the reasons you both mention, although I think it is a really great feature. My efforts have found that Spotlight and the summary tool like the design layer to be in either 1/4" or 1/2" scale - the text seems to lay out best that way. Then of course the viewport can be used to get it to what ever scale your printer supports.
  8. There is a plug in available that may create railings as you describe - check the VectorDepot site - http://www.vectordepot.com/PlugIns1.shtml
  9. If you've updated Vision recenty, they have included a symbol library optimized for Vision use - no 2D geometry. Should be in your Vision folder.
  10. Have you updated to 12.0.1? I believe there was a bug with not refreshing that has been fixed. I just tried using the pop up box and it updated the OIP instantly on clicking OK. When you are using the instrument insertion tool, are you sure you have set your destination class as active? Again, I just tried this and it worked fine.
  11. Are you on a Windows machine? - recent updates to IE require you click the little yellow bar at the top of the window to activate the active content in the window.
  12. Several years back, I ran into this challenge. I ended up making a symbol, which I names "classes". It's basically a stack of duplicated rectangles each with it's own class (from my custom template). That way, if I am starting from someone else's file, I just drop that symbol in, and viola! - all my classes are now there.
  13. The class visibility is saved in each viewport, rather than the sheet layer. Look under the visibilities tab/viewports to see what classes are set to visible.
  14. My ground plane seems to have disappeared - seems to be in any file I open. The only thing visible is the rotation axis from the Flyover tool, which is visible regardless of what tool I'm using. Can't figure out what I did!
  15. Jim Like Jonathon mentioned, it would be best to start by modifying a duplicate of an existing TB. I haven't read the instructions, but the only (slightly) tricky part is assigning the text in your layout to the fields in the Records file. This is done via the "Link text to record" menu command, and is pretty straight forward. As to the scale, the TB and border should reside on a layer with a 1:1 scale. This way the "Fit to page" button works properly. Personally I only drop them on a Sheet layer. For scale annotation I edit the Viewport and drop a Drawing Label PIO in there. That way the scale is always shown right even if I change the scale of the Viewport for a larger print. Note that there is a Scale TB box in the Drawing Border PIO if you need to change how much real estate the TB is taking up.
  16. The reason I upgraded was primarily for the Navigation pallette. I have to spit out a lot of versions of any given FP (client, fire marshall, lighting, scenic, riggers, hotel setup, various seating configs, different sheet sizes, etc). Also the right click Activate Layer command is indespensible now. The general workflow improvements have been hugely helpful. Since you can have the same menu command in different menus, editing the workspace is low risk. I left all the commands where they were, and added a new menu called Spotlight, and put duplicate SL commands in there. Go to Tools/Workspaces/Workspace Editor. Click "Edit a Copy of the Current Workspace" - this is a no risk option, as the original will be unchanged. Give it a useful name like jtallen Spotlight. Make sure the Menu tab is selected. The list on the left is all the avaiable commands, and the list on the right is your actual menu structure. Drag the New Menu into the list on the right and rename Spotlight (left click and hold for 1 second). Look in the left list for Spotlight, and click the + to expand. Drag the menu items into your new Spotlight menu on the right. Unfortunately this must be done one at a time. Once in the new menu, you can drag items up and down, add a Separator, and create submenus. Click OK when you are done, then make sure your new workspace is active. Probably 10 minutes work.
  17. jtallen - Nothing personal, but the lists you and Kevin posted are identical, except Kevin has contact info as the last optional item. As I mentioned in another thread, making your own TB is pretty easy (rectangles and text). And the way I see it, it's like your signature to a drawing - however fancy you want to make it. I too have different TB's I use for different situations, and the couple of hours I've spent over the last couple of months making them is nothing compared to the time saved having the TBs as PIOs. The best way to start would be duplicating one of the existing ones, and then tweak it till you like it. Once you see how that works you'll probably have the confidence to start from scratch. If it's really too tough, I'll send you mine, and you can start from there. [ 03-27-2006, 08:09 AM: Message edited by: David Ormsby ]
  18. Couple of guesses - Were you working in a 1:1 scale while creating your TB? And/or is the sheet scale different from what scale you built it? I had some wierdness once, as VW had defaulted to the Archie font - The titleblock will use the default attributes of the file, i.e. font/color/line weight, when you drop it in. The TB seems to keep the font size info, but check that font is the same you used to create in; select the TB on your page and bring up your Font Attributes. Some fonts align differently than others and that made my TB look wierd until I reset it to Arial. Also, while editing the TB, double check your Text alignment origins.
  19. Hopefully no offense taken - none implied... I've never had it happen and thought there might be bit of dust in the keys making it stick...
  20. Open the file with the symbols you need, then "Save As" - VW12 will try to append a "12" to the end of the file name, but provided all users accessing that file are now on 12, you can save over the same file name.
  21. Stupid question, but is it possible your keyboard is old and/or needs a bit of cleaning?
  22. Look under Tools/Reports - the Key is in there, along with the worksheet commands. FYI - I ended up creating a custom workspace (no biggie, I've always tweaked the workspace in every version to map my favortite commands) that includes a dedicated Spotlight menu. You may save your self some frustration by adding that menu to your VW 12 workspace. If you need help doing so, let me know.
  23. In the VW 12 Spotlight workspace - Tools/Reports/Key to Instrumentation The new Drawing Border will allow you to attach a one of the new titleblocks - actually pretty handy. Drop in a border, then click Titleblock in the OIP to load one. After that click the Edit TB button to enter your info. If you don't want the Border, you can insert the TB symbol directly. They are in the C:\Program Files\VectorWorks 12.0.0\Libraries\Defaults\Drawing Border - Title Blocks folder
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