Thanks for the explanation Ion. I just tried your suggestion. I was also finding that when I dupicated in place I sporatically got an original, a intended duplicated copy, and an unintended copy over the original. This is probably why.
I will try to impliment that method of duplicating in place... Personally, it will take some getting used to.
It's frustrating, at least to me, to be able to draw at a certain speed and then upgrade and hit a new VW timesaver that doesn't save me any substantial time, but interupts my flow of drawing.
I also find that I need the emotional security that I get when I can see those black handles around the intended symbol/object/whatever I'm about to duplicate. The drawings I do are as crowded with info as everybody-elses probably are and I just think I'm going to duplicate the wrong thing. I also grab symbols/objects/whatever across multiple layers to duplicate so I need to obviously pre-select them before the duplicate in place. I just think it's just a subjective "muscle memory" procedure honed over many years and honestly I really never considered the edit key stroke much of a time consumer (Plus I get paid by the hour...)
I just wish I could disable this particular double click edit feature.