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Everything posted by Jonzr

  1. Hey, same problem! Basic tool set has just gone away. Poof. I had even saved my palette positions and everything. It's taking a break, which means VW is now a worthless tool. (Like me...) I attempted File - Workspaces, but Workspaces doesn't show up under File. Hmm... Are the lengthier instructions above going to fix this? I have also been wondering why/when VW decided that Attributes, Object Info, and Navigation changed so I now have to hover over them to get the information or change dimensions. Annoying. Is this a setting I can change? Many thanks.
  2. Holy cow. How did you learn to do this? Seriously. I have so many Youtube videos on so many different approaches to 3D modeling, but this piecemeal approach is not helping me at all. There seem to be multiple solutions to this, but yours looks very clear. I don't need the extra contours you added, but it looks like something I could attempt. Thank you! What I need is a book. "How to Model 3D in Vectorworks."
  3. Of course I had considered this, but it gets pricey. And, of course, I'd like to know how to draft more complex 3D shapes. Thanks.
  4. Excellent post! I am spending a few days learning how to create a clawfoot tub in 3D. Any suggestions???https://www.google.com/search?q=clawfoot+tub&rlz=1C1EJFC_enUS813US813&sxsrf=ALeKk02z57OB-lXfumR_RFvUAtsX_g-bnQ:1615846201928&source=lnms&tbm=isch&biw=1920&bih=969#imgrc=3RqdALmvzbQ1AM
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