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  1. Hi Ben, Thanks for the reply, is this reporting only materials in your drawing? I am still trying to define it to only report classes not materials. We don't really use materials in our office. Is there any chance you could share the legend to understand how you defined it? Cheers, Cav.
  2. Hi Frederic, I ended up using the data manager to automatically attach a selected record to a specific class. Essential automates the process you mentioned, just draw on the correct class and the record is automatically attached! Cav.
  3. Hi There, Just struggling a bit with the new graphics legend tool. just trying to create an attributes legend that displays class fill/hatch + name. I cant seem to find an default to work from/ what criteria to filter. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Also is there a way to change from randerworks texture to import as image attribute?
  5. Hi there, can anyone help me change this script to import a image resource rather than a symbol into the resource browser? import os major, minor, maintenance, platform = vs.GetVersion() isMac = False if platform == 1: isMac = True # define a location to import the images importPt = (0,0) symCreatedCnt = 0 err, dirPath = vs.GetFolder( 'Select a Folder' ) if err == 0: # no-error hsfDirPath = dirPath if isMac: ok, hsfDirPath = vs.ConvertPosix2HSFPath( dirPath ) fileIndex = 1 while True: # loop the files fileName = vs.GetFilesInFolder( hsfDirPath, fileIndex ) fileIndex += 1 if fileName == '': # no more files break name, ext = os.path.splitext( fileName ) if ext.lower() == '.png' or ext.lower() == '.jpg': imagePath = os.path.join( dirPath, fileName ) vs.BeginSym( name ) hImage = vs.ImportImageFile( imagePath, importPt ) vs.EndSym() symCreatedCnt += 1 vs.AlrtDialog( 'Done! Created ', symCreatedCnt , ' symbols.' )
  6. Hi there, Just adding to Doms question, amazing script its saving us so much time, however the image size is too small, we need it to be 1000 instead of 10. Can anyone help with this? when editing the script nothing happens.. Thanks
  7. Worked like a charm, thanks again for your help Pat. Greatly appreciated!
  8. Thanks for the reply Pat, Unfortunately I have zero understanding of scripting and wouldn't know where to start. would you know of anyone that could help? It seems like a lot of work for a simple thing of inserting a heading above a group of sheets dont you think? Do you know what criteria you would input to achieve the first option? returning only sheets that belong in that section (100s,200s,300s)? Thanks again.
  9. Hi There, I am looking to organise our cover page sheet list by drawing type, We have a simple 100s classification for our sheet numbering this informs what sort of drawing it is. Does anyone know how i might create a report to have the drawing type heading (General, Plans, Sections etc) above the sheets number rather than next to them? I am struggling to understand how you would structure the report. That would still allow for the report to be recalculated/new sheets added. Any help would be greatly appreciated !
  10. Hey Tom, cheers for your reply, aha I managed to figure this out as well after trying to figure out if you could attach records to classes. I'm just in the process of developing our template with the data manager its going to be a total game changer in the speed in which we annotate. I am currently having a few issues with updating information in the data manager though. for example if i want to change a preset dataset for a class say (you wanted add more to the description or change a suppliers name) when i save the data manager my data tags in the drawing kind of reset, as well and go blank... I then have to go and manually select all by class and reset the record on the oip data tab, if that makes sense? I am assuming this will happen a bit in our studio if we are using/building on new products from different suppliers or just having the ability to globally control the data without having to reset all the data tags in the drawing. Have you experienced this yet?
  11. Yeah that was our thinking so you don't have to type anything its already preset to the record. This allows us to have consistency across multiple team members. but as i mentioned doesn't quite work because you need a specific data tag for each individual record. the symbol idea is interesting but potentially room for error if eye dropper settings are not exact. Another approach we are thinking is have say 5 types of records for each key design element (wall, slabs, edges, structures, furniture etc) each one of those records then has pre-filled pop-up menu choices that would contain lists of the product, manufacturer, description etc. then there are only 5 different types of data tags to suit each record type. we're trying to eliminate inconsistency across the team. Hope that makes sense.
  12. Hi Pat, Thanks for your quick reply, yeah i though it was the case aha. In your experience how would you use data tags to annotate a general arrangements plan? so that the data tags were consistent in the information they show like the example file I attached above? (displaying proposed,description, supplier, area) is this possible without having to manually input the information into every drawing into a record?
  13. Hi Frederic, I am trying to do a similar would you be able to share an example file so i can understand your approach better? I am trying to figure out if i can built a record library that i can attach to individual objects. I can get it working though. Cheers, Cav.
  14. Hi There, Not sure if this is possible or if I am doing it the right way, I am a landscape Architect trying to find a way to annotate our plans to call out material supplier area etc. I am aware of building the Callout database but find this really clunky to use, I really love the speed and simplicity of records and data tags and hoping to use that workflow to annotate instead. I was hoping to create multiple preset records (with the record defaults set to the actual material or product) within the resource browser so that you can quickly search and apply the selected record to any type of object. Each record has the exact same format eg Action, ID, Description. Finish, Supplier. etc. The reason for doing it this way is so we dont have to manually spend time looking through or manually typing the information as the defaults in the record are already set by default. My Issue is that you then have to create an individual Data for each specific record? Is there a way to have a universal datatag that you can call out any record information? I understand we could have one record with built in information that you could select or type. However we are just trying to reduce the need to scroll through and select or type information within the record format by using the records default ability. Any help would be really appreciated! 1587123777_MultipleSavedRecords.vwx
  15. Can we please get this sort of tool for 3d modelling.. anymore news on this front? please !
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