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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by JuanCarlos

  1. There is a call (GetFPathName) but my scripting capabilities have gone south, maybe Pat can chip in @Pat Stanford
  2. Yes you can customize the Data Stamp to show just the file address, checking for file path
  3. Is something like this (On the Vw file) what you are looking for? Its a Data Tag looking for the x/y coordinate of an object HTH XY.vwx
  4. This data can be added to your Title block or if you want to use it randomly anywhere the Data Tag will be the tool for this
  5. Please add Hardware, OS and Vw version
  6. As Jonathan explained, it is about file settings, I would extend a little furder and add that this involves Stories and Levels to automate some of the processes, here is a sample of how this can be achieve http://download2cf.nemetschek.net/bim/2018-sykesville-res-allfiles1525125594.zip HTH
  7. Hi Chris, attach is a barn door done as Zoomer described, pay attention to the flip and offset for the door positioning Also keep an eye on the Marionette forum in the next couple of weeks... Barn_Doors_v2018b.vwx
  8. Try importing all layers including objects to a new file if that does not work Contact Tech Support
  9. You are right controlling the Upper Floor notes on the Lower Floor layer is odd, I just got used to it (not good), I will write an enhancement request There should be handles for each of the Runs and Notes, in your case I would think that they are stacked on top of each other BTW The Stair object does not play well with mirroring nor flip, use the radio buttons on the general panel of the Stair settings HTH
  10. It sounds accurate Use the center or right interactive mode in the tool bar, that should activate the blue handles
  11. There should be a blue handle, click and drag HTH
  12. I would recommend using the same Railing Fence Tool in the second mode in the Tool Bar HTH
  13. I assuming that something like this is what you are looking for. You may need to play around to get the exact modulus HTH Foundation_Wall_Xi.vwx
  14. Very good! Bounces= 3 all settings to Low - No Textures - light source just the heliodon - Foreground = Hidden line Careful
  15. Select the window(s) and flip them with the button in the OIP HTH
  16. I do concur with Tom, and if there is no issues on renumbering in DD and/or CD I would still update them, the clip shows the technic I would use HTH Last_Minute_Schedule_Update.mp4
  17. As of Vw 2018 a new feature has been added that may help this situations, now the component of a Wall Style can be overwritten. See attached screenshots for Story setup and Wall style overwritten HTH
  18. There is a document in the Vectorworks web page that can help you http://www.vectorworks.net/bim > How > Training > Get Started > Model Setup Tutorial or direct download http://download2cf.nemetschek.net/bim/model-setup-tutorial1490810240.zip HTH
  19. For Symbols attach the Ifc entity directly to the symbol through the Resource Manager HTH
  20. For the dislocated objects, attach the Ifc entity before you group them, if you have multiple objects with different Ifc entities use from the AEC dropdown menu "IFC Zones, Systems and Groups..." to create any of these. As for the windows, the window is there, the frame cuts the wall the glass doesn't, reinserting it and flipping it some times fixes it, I will write a bug for it. HTH
  21. Have to ask – Are all windows inserted in walls? If yes, could you send me a file with the wall and windows you are showing, for testing. Thank you
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