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Francois Levy

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Posts posted by Francois Levy

  1. Well after a bit more work and help from NNA (thanks Donald) I was able to get the site model 'clipped'. To the above instructions, I would add:

    --The clipping poly MUST be a polyGON, not a polyline

    --It may be in the None class (class seems to be irrelevant)

    I would also add that is procedure is analogous to pasting a polygon into a Roof object to create an aperature or crude skylight.

  2. In v11 there was a DTM command, "Set Border", which allowed one to exclude portions of a site model from the graphic. This allowed having data points outside, say, metes and bounds, but generating a DTM of the property only. That command is no longer present in 12. After speaking with Tech Support, I've been given the following (undocumented) procedure:

    --Create class: "DTM-border"

    --Draw bounding polyline and set to DTM-border


    --Click on DTM and 'Edit Group'

    --Paste in place

    --Exit Group

    --Click on 'Update' in the OI Palette

    Problem is, the above procedure does not seem to work for me. Does anyone have an alternate approach to cropping out portions of a DTM (other than converting it to a mesh etc.)?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. I did a serach for this but got 72 topics that seemed irrelevant. Sorry if I'm duplicating a prior post. Anyway, here goes:

    Please include a library of IKEA kitchen cabinets in VW or ARCHITECT. IKEA provides a kitchen layout application for free, but it's PC only and pretty cumbersome to boot.

  4. After years of using Julian's method, and migrating an office template from one version of VW to another, I'm finally getting around to rebuilding my default more or less from the ground up. It's an opportunity to revisit scheduling.

    I notice that in spite of the fact that the OIP shows the rough opening for a door/window object in the Shape tab, it does not populate the corresponding field in the Data tab, and therefore that data has to be manually entered in the Data fields in order to appear in a Worksheet schedule. I suppose I could rename the column header in my WS from "unit width" to "rough opening width" and edit the window object accordingly, but gee I'd rather not have to use such a clumsy workaround. Anyone have a more elegant solution? Frankly, the unit dimensions are not nearly as useful on a schedule as the RO (or MO), since one of the key functions of a schedule is to communicate such opening sizes to the framer or mason (since their work happens usually well before units are ordered).


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