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Eric Mousse

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Posts posted by Eric Mousse

  1. @Helm,

    I understand that you don't understand, because I gave the wrong plugin. Since I haven't been able to use them for a while, I confused the "Openings" plugin that I used to make niches in walls, and the "Wall Openings" plugin that is indeed no longer useful, both published at vectordepot.

    I'm really sorry to have made MullinRJ work for nothing, and I thank him again for the help. 

    Moreover, I was able to fix the "Openings" plugin thanks to the information he gave me about obsolete Script Function.
    It is part of a set of plugins written by Paolo Marcuccetti and published open source in Vectordepot 



    It is very easy to update them, no need to know how to code. Just replace all SetLS by SetLSN, GetLS by GetLSN, PenPat by PenPatN, etc.
    If I could do it everyone can do it . . . If you think these plugins useful, of course. 

  2. Thank you for your answers.
    I don't know anything about vectorscript, maybe this is the opportunity to try to get started ... I will try to find the time to do it.
    It's a pity, there are some useful old plugins made obsolete by the evolution of Vectorworks and that nobody has updated.
    There is another "Openings" plugin that seems easier to update, I will try with the indications provided by MullinRJ.  Thanks!


    Capture d’écran 2020-05-12 à 22.38.18.png

  3. Hi,


    VW 2020 SP1 - OSX 10.13.6


    In VW 2020 my windows stay in medium detail mode in top/plan vue but they look ok (high detail) in top vue.

    See attached screenshots of the same window in top/plan vue in VW2019 and VW2020.

    It happens when I create a window but also  when I import a file from 2019 to 2020 the look of all the windows changes to medium detail 


    Is there a bug or am I missing something ?


    Thank you for your help.



  4. Hi everybody

    Happy to be here ... [smile]

    A little question:

    Does anyone know how to change the line weight of the different levels in one time ?

    (Hatch / Edit): There is a command (bottom right of the Edit window) for the weight of the pen, but only working for the active level.

    A bit boring to do it one by one when there are many levels ....

    Any idea ? (or how to make active all the levels of the hatch at the same time ? )

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