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  1. Help me please! Is it possible to change default button in modern Dialog Window? How can I do it? Thank you!
  2. Help me please! I would like to use Modern Dialog (CreateLayout) with specific control. Usually Dialog Window closes after press 'OK' or 'Cancel' button. Is it possible to close Dialog Window after press non standard push buttons? Please advice how to do it? Evgeny
  3. Could anyone help me? I'd like my new tool to launch not after mouse click on the drawing but immediately after selection tool on palette? Is it possible?
  4. Thank You! I have already used RedrawAll function, but artefact still appears for short time. Moreover sometimes short double click doesn't work properly. It's really strange, but in 8.5 version script works fine, and there are no artefacts at all. Can you please comment the script in version 10.5? Is this error in GetPtL function fixed?
  5. Could anyone help me? I use function GetPtL in script and i have a problem. If start and end points are equal then i have artefact - thin line from end point to the point (0,0). Now I use VW 10.01 for PC. In version 8.5 there is no such problem. I think this is problem of VW10. Procedure WireTool; VAR x,y,x1,y1 : REAL; Procedure Lines; BEGIN MoveTo(x,y); LineTo(x1,y1); SetDSelect(LNewObj); ReDraw; END; BEGIN DSelectAll; GetLine(x,y,x1,y1); Lines; i:=0; Repeat x:=x1; y:=y1; GetPtL(x,y,x1,y1); Lines; i:=i+1; Until (x=x1) and (y=y1); END; RUN(WireTool); Help me please!
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