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Tom W.

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    Buildings Manager + Self-Builder
  • Hobbies
    Chopping firewood
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    United Kingdom

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  1. yes wouldn’t have thought so
  2. I am seeing it in VW2024 + VW2025 but in both cases they are files created in earlier versions originally if that makes a difference...? I don't always have Stairs in my buildings so easy to forget the issue exists sometimes...
  3. Tom W.

    Door Frame

    Yep correct those side walls have End Caps:
  4. I don't think I've seen any response from VW to any of the multiple posts on this. I don't know if any of the people who filed VBs have had responses they can share...? All a bit depressing.
  5. Tom W.

    Door Frame

    For my purposes I did it like this because I needed a plastered opening: i.e. stacked Walls. But if I wanted a fireplace I'd just have three full height Walls then insert a symbol.
  6. Tom W.

    Door Frame

    Another option is to build the chimney breast as separate Walls as it would be built in real life. This would allow the insertion of a fireplace:
  7. If the Wall has Components you will need to turn these off or delete them in order so see the Wall itself. The Component attributes display stacked on top of the Wall components.
  8. I agree but the Detail Level settings already do this so personally I think the better wish would be to have more control over the Detail Level settings as discussed above: 1) the ability to exclude specific objects from the settings + 2) more control over how Doors/Windows are represented in Low Detail. And in the meantime using Materials instead of Classes to control the look of the Components will allow you to more easily turn them on + off.
  9. Are the parameters you're editing in the style By Style () or By Instance ()? They need to be the former in order to affect the existing instances of that style.
  10. Are you talking about the 'Create Joists...' command in the AEC menu...? If so I am not seeing what you're describing. Maybe you should post a video? What version are you using?
  11. Viewport Styles were introduced in VW2024 so been around for a little while... Like @BartH says above post on the wishlist about this it's a good idea.
  12. Were you inserting using a double-click in Poly-Edged Space Mode instead of a single click in Single Plant Placement Mode...? Check the Mode of your inserted Plants in the OIP.
  13. There is link to release notes above https://release.vectorworks.net/nnapub/vwim/30/NNA/eng/meta/releasenotes/Update3.html
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