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Everything posted by moykaay

  1. Anyone having this problem should also check if the current view is set to Rotated/Top Plan or Top/plan. I was working on Rotated Top and the handles were missing, then I changed it to Rotated/Top Plan and the handles came back. Apparently it's only the Rotated Top that doesn't show the group handles.
  2. I'm a bit late but I completely agree with this. Especially since the german version of vectorworks has had this tool since forever...
  3. Hi there! Can you let me know if adjusting the control point always resets the values back to the default on your system as well? Thank you!
  4. This tool exists on the German version. (see minute 1:00) or here: http://vectorworks-hilfe.computerworks.eu/2017/index.htm#t=VW_2017_Handbuch_Vectorworks%2F17_VW_WerkzBef_G-H%2FVectorworks_42-.htm&rhsearch=hilfslinien&rhhlterm=hilfslinien&rhsyns= It's been there at least since 2012 and it is very helpful. I used it all the time. You just press H to draw a Hilfslinie (infinite guideline) on a separate class called Hilfskonstruktionen. The line is even pink so that it stands out from the rest. Can't they just give a call to the German fellas and ask to borrow it for the rest of us? Another tool I'd wish they borrow from DE version is the Draw Page tool (inserted as a subtool of the move page tool) It allows you to draw a page of any dimension on the Design Layer or Sheet layer instead of having to go to Page Setup and then moving the page. This is extremely useful when you want to quickly print or export something in a just few seconds. No need to adjust page sizes and checking if it fits. Just draw a rectangle and it's done. For me it's even more useful than the Xline because it saves me hours of setting up pages during the whole project. Check "Blatt aufspannen" here: http://vectorworks-hilfe.computerworks.eu/2017/index.htm#t=VW_2017_Handbuch_Vectorworks%2F12_VW_WerkzBef_B%2FVectorworks_28-.htm&rhsearch=blatt&rhhlterm=blatt&rhsyns=
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