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Neil Barman

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Posts posted by Neil Barman

  1. Hi @Jim Smith, I'd recommend giving the Property Line tool another try after a bit of a break. If it helps to know, I followed, word-by-word, Vlado's great instructions above (without relying on my previous experience with the PL Tool) and I was able to get the result below.


    One of the key aspects of Vlado's guidance that I found useful was the advice about being mindful about the direction a segment is going once you add it. I did have to use the "Previous" button in the dialog box a number of times in order to change an N to S or an E to W, and it was pretty obvious when I needed to do so – When the segment I just added wasn't going in the correct direction visually, I used the Previous button to go "back" one point, I adjusted the bearing info, then pressed Update. I could then carry on to the Next point.


    Jim Smith PL.png


    Hang in there and you'll get it!





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  2. Thanks for the file @techdef.


    It appears that the Data Tags are being placed and ignoring the -25.74 rotation of the plan when the Data Tags are used on the Design Layer. In contrast, when Data Tags are used in the Annotation space of a Sheet Layer Viewport, the Data Tags arrive as you would like them – "Flat" to the plan. (This may be as the tool has been designed given the wording at the bottom of this Help page, but I will have to inquire further to find out more.)


    Data Tag placement SLVP vs DL.png



    In the meantime, a quick way to correct this for all the existing Data Tags on the Design Layer would be to:

    1. Activate the Select Similar Tool (aka the Magic Wand).

    2. Open the Tool Preferences on the Mode Bar.


    3. Uncheck everything except "Object Type" in the "Other Attributes" section. (Optional: Save this setting for future use by pressing the Save button near the top of this dialog box. Name the setting in a recognizable way.) Then press the OK button in the lower right of the Select Similar Preferences dialog box.)

    4. When you are back at your drawing, using the Select Similar Tool still active, click on one of your Space Tag Data Tags. All similar visible Data Tags should also get selected.

    5. With all of the Data tags selected, in the OIP change the Rotation from -25.74 to 0. Press Return.

    6. Reposition tags as needed.



  3. Recently I was asked for guidance on how a user could update their Vectorworks template (.sta) file. Wanting to provide a technique that used the least amount of Finder navigation as possible (because the User folder on a Mac is somewhat hidden and can require some skillful navigation to reach) I came up with the steps below. I thought I would share them here on the Forum so that others may benefit from them. (They are written for a template going from version 2018 to 2019 but it should work for other versions.)


    1. Run Vectorworks 2018
    2. Run Vectorworks 2019


    3. In Vectorworks 2018, go to Vectorworks Preferences > User Folders tab.
    4. In the “User Data and Preference Folder” section, press the “Reveal in Finder” button.




    5. Your “2018” User folder will appear in the Finder.
    6. Go into that "2018" folder, and then into Libraries > Defaults > Templates. You should see your v2018 template there.
    7. Drag your v2018 template file from its current folder and drop it onto the Vectorworks 2019 icon in your Mac's Dock to open the template file in Vectorworks 2019.
    8. When asked if you want to open and convert the file and give it a new name, reply “OK” in the lower right.


    9. Once your file is open in Vectorworks 2019, right away go to File > Save As Template.
    10. The typical Finder “Save” window will appear and it will already be pointing at the folder (your user folder for v2019) where you want your v2019 template to be saved.
    11. Give the template the name you want it to have. Then press the “Save” button in the lower right of the save dialog box.
    12. Your converted template will be saved and you will be returned to your regular Vectorworks window and the file that is open there. Close that file without saving it (because you have already saved it as a template.)


    To ensure all of this worked as planned.
    a) In Vectorworks 2019, Go to File > New
    b) In the “Create Document” dialog box that appears, Choose “Use Document Template”
    c) Press on the dropdown menu and you should see your template in the list that appears.




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  4. 3 hours ago, Jim Smith said:

    One annoying thing that continues is rotated object don't "appear" to rotate until they are nudged or moved. Refreshing the screen by zooming in or out doesn't help. This can cause many mistakes if one forgets that VW actually did rotate the object, but the the rotation doesn't show up.

    @Jim Smith Definitely don't forget to submit such issues and the related Vectorworks files (a screen recording would be handy too) to Tech Support so that we can log and deal with them. 🙂

  5. On 11/20/2018 at 2:17 PM, twk said:

    To VW developer's watching this thread.  We need this level of intuitiveness for a railing tool:

    That is a pretty cool find, @twk! It looks like each of those railing "styles" is a part of a small collection of railing styles that Archicad users can purchase from a 3rd party, 5 styles to a collection. While the styles are limited, and purchasing such resources certainly can add up, the way the railings are applied to the stair does look quite intriguing too.

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  6. 56 minutes ago, Jim Wilson said:

    ... they were treated to the dubious honor of having me pour words out at them in person.


    There is truly nothing like The Jim Wlison Show.


    As always, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience, your passion and energy, and you. That comes from not only me but every person I spoke with about your sessions. I believe you have insprired a whole new wave of users to take charge of their renderings and squeeze more out of them in sensible, valuable ways.


    • Like 3
  7. It’s funny you mention that @rgcn because  I have noticed the exact same thing with my 3D Connexion Spacemouse. I didn’t have this connection “hiccup” in (low) Sierra but I do see it in High Sierra. It’s not surprising to hear it’s occurring for some people in Mojave. My hope is that Apple has provided enough information to the companies that make external devices so that those companies can update their device drivers as needed.


    Personally I’m in no hurry to upgrade my Mac OS to 10.14 Mojave... I have yet to see anything listed for Mojave’s new features and enhancements that is mission critical for getting my work done. 

  8. On 10/3/2018 at 4:23 AM, michael john williams said:

    Vectorworks advised to export to Collada and then import into SketchUp.


    I have exported and a folder is created but it is empty! There is no file. What are your thoughts?

    I would recommend exploring Collada exports further. This is how I have exported in the past to Sketchup (and other applications) and the recipients have reported the best results with Collada files.


    I just tried a Collada export again and it worked without issue, similar to @barkest. A folder is created and within it is a .dae file of my Vectorworks model. That .dae file imports into Sketchup fine.

  9. While @RGyori is correct that the most likely culprit is Vectorworks and Mac OS incompatibility, I don't believe VW2018 and VW2019 are confirmed compatible with Mac OS Mojave just yet. The official Mojave compatibility article can be found here. And if you need them, instructions on how to downgrade from Mojave to High Sierra are here.


    Older versions of Vectorworks (and other software that is out of its development cycle and that relies on internal components of the Mac OS) are not typically updated to run on newer Mac operating systems. Apple often changes the Mac OS enough "under the hood" from one OS to the next that trying to update an old version of software for a new OS can be a tremendous amount of work, if it's even possible at all.

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  10. On 3/16/2017 at 9:46 AM, Andrew Davies said:

    Must admit - I've always ignored the cloud offer from VWX. I generally work alone 😢 So haven't had the need - but I'll check it out. 

    @Andrew Davies I just happened upon this comment of yours about Vectorworks Cloud Services. I hope you’ve had a chance to check it out since you posted. Cloud Services is actually great for individual users, because it’s like you have a second computer available to render your sheet layers. It does quite a bit more too. The descriptions along the bottom of the login page help explain what one can use it for.


    If you haven’t given it a good look, I encourage you to do so... It can add some rather interesting abilities to your workflows.

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  11. Welcome @cleonidas!


    While I don't know of any in-person training in Seattle per se, I can recommend that you start out by doing relevant the Getting Started Guides here. These will give you a good introductory knowledge to using Vectorworks.


    Another great head start into using Vectorworks for Entertainment and Events is the Spotlight Virtual Training that Vectorworks itself offers. Keep an eye on the training calendar for upcoming dates. I have done the course myself and it's superb.


    In addition to the training above, another very good resource to have on hand is the Entertainment Design manual by @Kevin Allen.


    I hope that information helps.





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