Hi everyone,
I am working on developing some software which hopes to implement the use of MVR and GDTF files. I am using such files as generated by the "Export MVR..." function in Vectorworks. One of the key elements I need is position. Not X,Y,Z position, but the position label for each lighting fixture like "1st Electric" or "SR Boom #1". This information that is associated with each light does not seem to be exporting with the MVR file.
As I understand it, all of the lighting fixture objects that would be associated with the same position should be linked under a node called position as shown in the image from the MVR github repo. This would be inside of the MVR file called "GeneralSceneDescription.xml". In the XML from the Vectorworks generated MVR file, I do not see any children with the name position and when I search the document a search for "position" yields no results. I do see Symdef children in the correct location under the node where the position children should be, but they are not there.
Am I missing something or misunderstanding the use of this position information or is Vectorworks not currently optimized to export such information for an MVR file?
Thank you in advance for all of your help and please ask as many clarifying questions as you may need to.