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Posts posted by RubenH

  1. You can use the eyedropper tool:

    1. Use Plug in parameters.

    2. Use Pick up sets defaults.

    You can download the plug in parameters to other doors, too. Click over with the put down attributes mode.

    It is valid for every object with parameters.

  2. I see some alignement from those firms that eventually will disbalance the market from it's current state.

    Maybe the only thing that they are not considering is Apple and the fact that their strongest competition, "Vectorworks" + "Archicad"+"Maxon", relies on Apple platform. The only software they actually produce for the Mac is Maya.

    Another fact is the implementation of IFC. ?Will it bring it's fruits in the medium term, with two big softwares developers defining the ways of the interoperatibily between a vast group of users?

  3. That's all well and good.

    I'm uninterested in forcing anyone to switch their OS.

    If you beleive OSX is better for you, great.

    However, even if OSX is objectively superior in every way to Windows, adding OLE would make Vectorworks better for some users.

    A given feature will not benefit every user.

    For some users the feature will have no relevence to their workflow.

    Other users will simply not recognize it's utility.

    But I would hope that no usefull feature would be rejected on ideological grounds.

    I Agree with you.

  4. 46. Faster hidden line rendering & faster section process. Maybe with multiple cores support.

    47. Components within the wall style could handle different heights and lengths in different walls.

    48. Wall with solid operations maintain it's wall condition after the solid operation.

    49. A more graphical object info. Can handle information of objects inside a model structure. For example extrude along path can show the profile on the object info.

    50. Symbols that functions like basis for modeling operations. Symbols that support modeling operations. For example: extrudes from a symbol. If i change the symbol it changes the extrudes that uses the symbol as basis.

    51. Object info: individual resolution control of any object. (2d & 3d conversion resolution for individual objects). This resolution must be a number!!!

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