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Matthias S

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  1. Hi all, I have to export a 3D model as a 3Ds file to import it in 3Ds Max. When I export it as 3Ds I find no way doing this with a UV mapping. Is there a practicable way to export a model with UV mapping without using another application? Is there maybe a plugin I can install doing this export? Thank you for your answers. Matthias
  2. One option after desiging a Marionette Network is creating a menu command placed under Tools-Marionette. Is there a way to remove an already placed menu command? I didn't get it with the "Arbeitsumgebung anpassen", sorry I don't know the english name for it, but here is the window itself. Under Marionette is only a Dynamic Link or some like that, not the origin commands I have as you can see here. Any idea 🤔
  3. That was to easy 😉 Thanks a lot, it works 😁
  4. Hi all, I wrote a script, which get a Text input and makes a 3D Text out of it. It's similar to the 3D Text along path command. The output are a group of Extrusions of Polygons. When I scale this group via the menu command I get the result I wish to have. Maybe get it half the size. When I put the scale command inside the Script, the output is not the expected but it looks that the Y-scale of the group stays the same as before, only the extrusions are sacled. I tried to ungroup the text before I scale with no change of the result. I had the idea, to merge the extrusions to one volume, but cannot find a marionette node which is doing this. Any ideas from your side? I added the script, maybe someone of you have an inspiration 🙂 3D-Text.vwx
  5. Thank you for this information. I will do this 🙂
  6. Hi all, I will advance my working place from a HP laptop with WIN 10 to a MacBook with Catalina in the next days. Currently I have a physical dongle and I think it's a good idea to switch to a dongle free licence which I can use on either the HP laptop or on the new MacBook. What is the right way to get this dongle free licence and what does this mean for my already installed VW2020 SP3 with different plugins? I already read in the forum, that the already installed Version has to be deinstalled as the new license process doesn't work with this version. But ther is no difference in the downloadarea between the types of licenced Versions, so it doesn't matter 🤔 Thanks in advance, Matthias
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