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Everything posted by collinadams94

  1. Hello all, Is anyone having issues with the connect tool reversing the connector type and cable number on one side of the connection? One side has cable number on top of line and the connector type on the bottom, the other side is reversed (please reference screenshot). @Conrad P - has there been any movement on being able to get the cable type on the destination side of a tag fixed? I still am having the issue from my last post where all the labels on the destination side pile on top of each other. Thank you!
  2. @Conrad P Yes I think that would work. Thank you
  3. Hello all, I am a previous CC user and just got transferred over to the new VW license today. Has anyone ran into an issue of not being able to move the cable type tag away from the device? On the "source" side it gives me the move option to move the text out. However on the "destination" side I am not getting an option to do so (typically the little blue box pops up). Thank you in advance!
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