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Everything posted by as_named

  1. Hi I need to create a Roof Face. It should have rectangular shape with predefined thickness. Here is my code: vs.BeginRoof(roofAxisPoint0[0], roofAxisPoint0[1], roofAxisPoint1[0], roofAxisPoint1[1], upslopePoint[0], upslopePoint[1], rise, run, 1, 0) vs.Rect(rectTopLeft[0], rectTopLeft[1], rectBottomRight[0], rectBottomRight[1]) vs.EndGroup() roofFace = vs.LNewObj() vs.SetObjectVariableReal(roofFace, 170, roofFaceThickness) vs.SetFPat(roofFace, 1) It works and required object is being created. But if I use the 'Clip Tool' (Shift + N) on resulting object then its mesh become ruined (missing faces and edges). I checked it by exporting the object as OBJ and opening in other software. If I set fill style or fill color the mesh become fixed again (same way to check - export to OBJ). Same effect may be achieved by using vs.ClipSurface() function. There is an original tool (AEC/Roof Face...). It works without mentioned issue. I tried to compare created roof faces (my tool and the original): Export/Export Script... and compare {Object Creation Code} sections. First parts are identical but the original tool creates more entities. I don't understand why and I couldn't re-use it in my code properly. So my question is: how to properly create Roof Face objects? I use Vectorworks 2019.
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