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Everything posted by KingChaos
lol this functionless input i placed in the nodes code is working in such a way, that it will filter all the stuff but AFTER the rest of the network is done. it is not what i needed, but i can use it. Nice would be the function i tried to describe before.
so I wanna have some Objects with DB entry in existing symbols in a seperate layer, without having any other stuff which is not specific db recorded. so i thought: 0. Clear layer2 (>the delete not has no output and the criterie node no input) so it is complicated for me to make both nodes into my existing network which does the following: 1. Filter all symbols here on layer1 "obj b crit" -> [is on layer 1 & is symbol] 2. i need to "symbol into group" them and ungroup it 1 time. so i have not symbols any more but a lot of groups instead of 1 group by the marionette. 3. place them onto an empty layer2. until here it works, but it won clear layer2 -> BUT If layer 2 is not empty before i have to delete all the stuff on layer2, BEFORE the symbols are getting groups. 4. duplicate all objects with a specific DB record onto layer3 Then i got all the stuff i need. The problem is, sometimes the db record is on groups (in my symbol, if it is an assembly) or on objects (if it is a single piece). all other attempts failed here. at first i tried to copy all the symbols to layer2 it failed because VWX placed all the symbols to the global point 0 so they are not in the location i placed the symbols. So i tried it in a different way. If i can use a crit node which is not filtering all the existing parts, i can filter the filtered objects and therefor i think i need such a node 🙂
if i wanna filter the objects flown through the network with new criterias, it can be VERY powerful. the obj b crit. is analysing all the objects fitting to the criterie. i need it to filter the objects by criterias ONLY out of a given list of objects in the network which were filtered before completerly different.
i "solved" it with a copy of all stuff and deleting all what. it has some unwanted effect, that some pieces are flat on the x-y surface and i dont know why and how to avoid it. now the groupstructure is copied with it. but would be nice to have such a nodE, maybe there will be no mistake with copying all the stuff.🙂 BR KC 2023-11-07 15-56-22.mp4
hey, i am searching for a node, which can duplicate an entire layer with all objects and groups in it. background: i need to duplicate objects out of my construction layer which got a specific db record. It works very well on the parts, BUT the problem is, that the group structure in which the objects were is destroyed (classes, hierarchy etc.). so i think its better to duplicate the whole layer and then delete the stuff i dont need? Has someone a different approach or another hint for me how to deal with it? BR KC
mega danke, mal sehen wann ich zeit habe das umzusetzen
hi, i am trying to manipulate this node. I need an input port (for my Layer name), which is the criteria in the filter. therefore it would be the best i can use this node , BUT its output port should not get the handle of the layer. it must output the "name" of the layer to let this get into the "objs by crit" node. i need a popup-driven "objs by crit" node 🙂 Can someone do this for me or help me with it? BR KC
hi there, sounds interesting to me. I would like to datastamp all existing parts > in a secific viewport on a specific layout-Layer. Is that possible? my bad i only have a vw22 so i cant look into the vwx file. BR KC
hi there, is it somehow possible to make a node which can "delete" the record connection of objects, i dont wanna to delete some field information i need to cut the connection? I need to know wether i can make some marionette network and let the network cut the connection of objects to a specific database. f.E. i have 20 objects which are connected to a record, 7 of them have the same field values in the 1. field. So i want to remove all the "same fielded" objects, except the 1. one found so i have only 1 object with the same field value in a specific layer. AND I DONT want to delete this "duplicated" because i have to see them, i only wanna have no doubled-cloned part with db connection. BR KC
5 years ago and no one can help to place some viewports in the layout out of a marionette network? I need to know how to make a viewport with marionette or how to "enter an existing viewport to apply some datastamps" with a marionette.
Narrowing Down/Grouping and Sorting Objects Based on Multiple Criteria
KingChaos replied to ASag's topic in Marionette
great stuff, i have a "similar" problem with sorting lists. I need to duplicate all 3D-shapes/subtraction etc. with a database record in a specific DB on a seperate layer. (This is working.) Now i need to remove the db record for all parts having the same database entry in field name "Name". I want to make a "on button metal parts viewport with datastamps" in a specific layout layer and deleting all existing objects on this layer if i can data stamp the objects automatically (with the marionette) and there are duplicates (objects with the same db record entry "name"), it wont working so i think its necessary to remove the db record/connection for the "same datbaserecorded parts". but with the given nodes i dont get a solution as a marionette newb ^^. idea 1: find the objects where the "name" is the same and remove the record entry of all "except the 1. foudn ", or search the spreadsheet ->but wtf how? idea 2: sort the list filtered object by the name of its parts and then remove the db-connection of all objects, with the same name as the object "before" in the list. But how to do this, i can sort the list of the databasefield entrys for its names but they dont reference then to find the ocjects in the criteria-list? Metallbauableitung.vwxMetallbauableitung.vwx -
to start it wiith my datastamp i only have to call its name? So i dont need to start it manually ^^
yea, even that will work, thanx a lot. is it generally possible to automate this scripts?
then i can modify to my second table, only with changing the spreadsheets names? cool, thx
checked it, works perfect
WaFa t900 3 etagig stueckliste aus Tabelle v2.zip
hi, i got a green grocery storage shelf here we are selling in big qt und other versions of it. each part which is made in our metalfab gots a database entry and i got a spreadsheet listing them up and count the qt. so i modified the datastamp in such a way, that i can read out (vlookup) the value of a specific column (the quantity in this case) in which the stamped item is in the level of contruction. now one thing in addition, i have to make a duplicate level for my metal parts, because i have to destroy the symbol cvharacter of some pieces to let the stamp look into (datastamps CANT look into black symbols), this is not cool, but now its working and it gots not only disadvantages. There i got all my metalparts for layouting them. In the layout i can stamp now on the stuff and it reads out the qt and the Length with MAX(X,Y,Z), BUT the datastamp cant look into the subrows of my spreadsheet "Schlosserei V100" WaFa t900 3 etagig stueckliste aus Tabelle.vwx So i made a spreadsheet "Schlosserei V100 Data" into which i copy the datablock of the subrows and all is working well. If i modify my shelfs all is following, but not the Schlosserei V100 Data, because it is not linked to the Schlosserei V100 because i manually copied the subrows into the Schlosserei V100 Data. maybe it sounds something like "through the eye, through the knee then to the ears" but i have no time for counting manually the placed parts and i need an 100 % accuracy in this quantity things so it has to be done through VWX somehow. If i can Let VWX make this manually copy of the subrows of Schlosserei V100 into the Rows of Schlosserei V100 Data (as u see in the example file VWX 2020) automatically, it would help AYE LOT! br KC
can u help me pls making it possible without having this "coding" work to do by myself? i have some other guys haveing trouble with the spreadsheetproblem of subrows. So it is not only for me it would solve the so called "roomproblem" for other VWX users.
joking, lets try it. the problem is, i cant implement it, because i stopped programming in gw basic in 1994
if u now translate it into german it would be fine ^^
hi there, is it possible to fill a spreadsheet with the subrows of another spreadsheet? i need some data out of the subrows, where vlookup (in my datastamp) don´t get, so it wont be possible to read out the data directly, but if i can copy the subrows into ordinary rows of another spreadsheet, it will work. I need it for a datastamp which works correctly if i manually copy the data block into another spreadsheet, but i have to do it by hand now and its not very comfortable. maybe i did not understood this topic, then pls ignore my question. br KC
hi there, i try to read out cell data out of a spreadsheet with the data stamp is not working at all. is it general possible in vwx 2022 to use such a lookup for my stamp, which finds a value in a spreadsheet range and return same rows (subrows in this case) different columns value? This may help me for my problem, if i need a script which can use vlookup or else.