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Guy Edelstyn

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Everything posted by Guy Edelstyn

  1. Not to worry, used --help to get all the required arguments /Volumes/Vectorworks2019-SP0-452523-SeriesBEG-installer3-osx/Vectorworks\ 2019\ Installer.app/Contents/Resources/installer/Install\ Vectorworks2019.app/Contents/MacOS/installbuilder.sh --help Vectorworks 2019 Installer 24.0.0 Usage: --help Display the list of valid options --version Display product information --unattendedmodeui <unattendedmodeui> Unattended Mode UI Default: none Allowed: none minimal minimalWithDialogs --optionfile <optionfile> Installation option file Default: --debuglevel <debuglevel> Debug information level of verbosity Default: 2 Allowed: 0 1 2 3 4 --mode <mode> Installation mode Default: qt Allowed: qt osx text unattended --debugtrace <debugtrace> Debug filename Default: --installer-language <installer-language> Language selection Default: en Allowed: en --SerialOrDemo <SerialOrDemo> Default: 1 Allowed: 1 0 --Serial <Serial> Serial Number: Default: --UserName <UserName> Name: Default: --CompName <CompName> Company: Default: --SerialUpdater <SerialUpdater> Serial Number: Default: --installdir <installdir> Default: /Applications/Vectorworks 2019
  2. Hi, I found the article https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/articles.html/articles/how-to/installation/silent-installation-of-vectorworks-2018-r750/ which explains how to install VW 2018 on Mac, at the end of the article it has a line that says "Click here for the 2019 article" but has no link behind it. I have had a look around and cant seem to find it online. Would someone be able to point me in the right direction? Also - for the switch argument -username, is this the computer user to install the app to, or is this just for product registration purposes? Appreciate any help! G
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