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Posts posted by dtheory

  1. Hi Gunther, 

    It is a hang, not crash.. I did leave my machine unattended for a couple of hours yesterday.. and it was still spinning when I returned..

    Initial experience was that the machine hung while the obj info palette was docked.

    Undocked the OIP, no hang.. redocked the OIP, no hang.

    Restarted VW, OIP still docked.. no hang...


  2. This bug has occurred for me with an existing file and I can reproduce it:


    New file (blank imperial)

    create an object.. for testing it was a simple 3d cube

    create a viewport on a new sheet

    edit annotations on the new VP

    add callout.. edit callout

    crash on attempting to exit the edited callout.

    Once I've restarted VW, attempting to edit annotations on the same VP also results in a crash.


    sig below is incorrect, I'm on latest Mojave, VW SP2


  3. cross posted to the sp1 thread:


    Hi All,

    I''m interested in testing SP1 and Mojave (10.14.1)... I am on a 2013 MacPro 6 core, D700, 64GB RAM..  

    I've installed Mojave on an external drive, My internal drive is set up with High Sierra and is running VW 2019 SP1 very well.. no unusual artifacts or crashes..

    So far, the external drive with a fresh install of Mojave and a fresh install of SP1 seems to be working fine.

    What are the specific bugs folks have encountered? Also, what machines/specs are folks running who seemingly have no issues?

    Chime in and I'll attempt to replicate if I can... I'm looking for verification that my setup may be stable/usable with Mojave SP1..

    I have some other reasons for wanting to upgrade to Mojave if I can run SP1 without issues...

  4. Hi All,

    I''m interested in testing SP1 and Mojave (10.14.1)... I am on a 2013 MacPro 6 core, D700, 64GB RAM..  

    I've installed Mojave on an external drive, My internal drive is set up with High Sierra and is running VW 2019 SP1 very well.. no unusual artifacts or crashes..

    So far, the external drive with a fresh install of Mojave and a fresh install of SP1 seems to be working fine.

    What are the specific bugs folks have encountered? Also, what machines/specs are folks running who seemingly have no issues?

    Chime in and I'll attempt to replicate if I can... I'm looking for verification that my setup may be stable/usable with Mojave SP1..

    I have some other reasons for wanting to upgrade to Mojave if I can run SP1 without issues...

  5. Chiming in here.. on these files2018 SP4 vs 2019 SP1:

    Update all viewports was significantly slower in 2019 (around 15 seconds) as compared to 2018 (around 2-3 seconds.)

    My question would be, is the 2019 pergola file a conversion of the 2018?.. are any settings, especially caching settings different between the 2 files?

    I noticed that the 2019 version of the file is slightly smaller 4.2 MB as opposed to 4.3MB for the 2018 version...



  6. I recently bought a new machine that came with Mojave and it was fairly easy to just erase the drive and install High Sierra on a brand new machine..

    The hard part is for someone who has updated to Mojave, to roll back to High Sierra on a machine that has been extensively set up and contains many files..

    At the moment, as far as I am aware, no currently shipping machine that ships with Mojave is incompatible with High Sierra..



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  7. Searched, but to no avail.

    Jim (or anyone)... do we know hardware/OS requirements for 2019 yet?

    Pardon if this has already been covered.. I couldn't seem to find references to any discussion..

    If there is already a topic could someone point to the link?



  8. As far as I can tell, windows can be labeled sequentially using the ID Label tool after a window has been placed in the drawing, and then the auto-increment setting has to be checked.

    Also, no way to re-number windows automatically if one is deleted or added, once again it's through the ID Label tool, manually clicking on each window.

    If anyone knows different... let us all in on the secret..

  9. This may be the implication.. however with software testing and QA in general, single examples are often anomalies that don't necessarily describe the experience that many users have

    I wonder then if the Migration Manager is what is precipitating this issue. I chose not to use it, given that I like to start with a clean out of the box slate & then customize.

    It would be interesting to learn if those users with the ElCap issue all used Migration Manager.

  10. And to add a bit more info to the thread here.. initially, I used the VW migration manager and there were some relatively minor glitches that I was unhappy about and in the end did a re-install, opting to NOT use the migration manager during the installation process ending with the stable config that I seem to have now... once again if that stability changes appreciably, I will notify. So for me.. the path to El Cap and VW 2016 has been very seamless..

  11. on El Cap here, on an ssd, I actually updated Yosemite this time.. usually I would do a clean install with an major OS update.. this time not..

    I'm having no problems so far with 2015 or 2016, everything is smooth, and files converted from their 2015 versions open more quickly in 2016..

    Updated with SP1, also so far no issues.. if something does crop up I will notify the board..

  12. Thanks Chris,

    I went ahead and took the plunge and installed El Cap.

    So far the only glitch seems to be an increase in the incidence of docked palettes

    becoming "un-docked" between restarts of the computer.

    I'm doing residential design, file sizes 50-200 MB, 12-14 to maybe 40 sheets probably an equal number of design layers. a small number of referenced files. I'm on an older machine, somewhat more recent video card, performance seems more or less similar to VW 2015.. I am on a fast SSD as my boot drive, that certainly helps with opening larger files.. and loading assets, obviously not with rendering or other processor bound actions. I can post more details if anything of interest pops up..

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