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josue Corona

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Everything posted by josue Corona

  1. Hello, Does anyone know why when I make a symbol and then I try editing it, the 3d object disappears when I am in open gl mode. I am using vectorwork 2019 spotlight . Thanks
  2. I just found out how , thank you.Theres a option called Email PDF, which just makes pdf and sends it . 😄
  3. I have spotlight , and Mac. I do use save as a pdf, but lets say I save it as a PDF, it goes into a folder then I have to go to my email and drag the file into my email. I want to try to email it without dragging it. Like if theres a way to make it like save as PDF and email at the same time ?
  4. Is there a way in vector work to be able create a pdf file and then be able to email it. Thanks
  5. Creating Hybrid Object? The script made the object , do you mean like put a command that tells my object is a hybrid?
  6. if I don't make it a plug in tool, it does work .
  7. its weird its basically the script you made for me, I did not change anything I just made it a plug in tool
  8. I made it a plug in, but now it disappear , oh also when I did that the circle is no longer subtracted from the square .
  9. I see, well I still need a lot to learn as far as scripting, so you might see me asking for help more that what I already do 😄 I have a vector questions why do some object only show up in 2d plan but when I change be they disappear ? I will attach a screen record
  10. Oh I understand, yea thats my next step to learn about perimeter. because for example in the Script that Pat gave me i would like to make a parameter that will allow me to move the hole or down. One question when doing parameter there has to be extra script text that will combine the parameter with the script correct? I don't know if that question even make sense sorry.
  11. I see some script have parameters, when are they used ? are parameter always created after making the script? I notice when making the script that option is grayed out. I will send a screen shot.
  12. What does it mean by handle to rectangle? Nevemind I think I got it.
  13. Can someone please write me a simple script of a simple 3D square with a hole extrusion being subtracted from the middle , I sent screenshot of example. (Btw its a circle not a polygon , some reason looks like a polygon) My idea is to start learning from here . thank you thank you.
  14. Thank you 😄 I will try to make those changes . Just to point out, this script I did not make it, and I am still learning how to script.
  15. Procedure Flat; VAR TF :BOOLEAN; i,k,COUNT :INTEGER; cRed,cGrn,cBlu :LONGINT; BMW,BMH,BMWperim,BMHperim,CMW,CML,CMH,TEMP,TEMPX,TEMPY,CTX,CTY,SJUMP,TJUMPSEAM,TJUMP,NXTOGGLE,NXTOGGLESEAM,RUNNINGFT,TOTALAREA,SMW,SMH,SOverAllW :REAL; ObjName,CMCLASS,CurrentCL :STRING; JUMP :POINT; ObjH,RecH,WallH,THandle,TempH :HANDLE; SHandle : ARRAY[1..501] OF HANDLE; BEGIN {MOTHER PROG} PushAttrs; TF:=GetCustomObjectInfo(ObjName,ObjH,RecH,WallH); CurrentCl:=ActiveClass; FillBack(256); FillFore(257); FillPat(1); PenPatN(2); PenSize(6); PenBack(256); PenFore(257); PenPatN(2); { Visabilities set based on screen type } IF PBuildMat = 'Custom' THEN BEGIN SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'CustBMW',True); SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'CustBMH',True); END ELSE BEGIN SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'CustBMW',False); SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'CustBMH',False); END; IF PCoverMat = 'Custom' THEN BEGIN SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'CustCoverMatW',True); SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'CustCoverMatL',True); SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'CustCoverMatH',True); END ELSE BEGIN SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'CustCoverMatW',False); SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'CustCoverMatL',False); SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'CustCoverMatH',False); END; IF PBuildMat = 'wood 1 x 3' THEN BEGIN BMW:=2.625"; BMH:=.75"; END; IF PBuildMat = 'poplar 1 x 3' THEN BEGIN BMW:=2.625"; BMH:=.75"; END; IF PBuildMat = 'plywood 1 x 3' THEN BEGIN BMW:=2.625"; BMH:=.78125"; END; IF PBuildMat = 'wood 1 x 4' THEN BEGIN BMW:=3.5"; BMH:=.75"; END; IF PBuildMat = 'wood 2 x 4' THEN BEGIN BMW:=3.5"; BMH:=1.5"; END; IF PBuildMat = 'metal 1 x 1' THEN BEGIN BMW:=1"; BMH:=1"; END; IF PBuildMat = 'metal 1.25 x 1.25' THEN BEGIN BMW:=1.25"; BMH:=1.25"; END; IF PBuildMat = 'metal 1.25 x 2.5' THEN BEGIN BMW:=2.5"; BMH:=1.25"; END; IF PBuildMat = 'Custom' THEN BEGIN BMW:=PCustBMW; BMH:=PCustBMH; END; IF PBuildMatO = 'Laying down' THEN BEGIN BMWperim:=BMW; BMHperim:=BMH; END ELSE BEGIN BMWperim:=BMH; BMHperim:=BMW; END; IF (PBuildMat = 'wood 1 x 3')|(PBuildMat = 'wood 1 x 4')|(PBuildMat = 'wood 2 x 4') THEN BEGIN FillFore(46529,34664,22800); {0=black} FillBack(46529,34664,22800); {65535=white} END ELSE BEGIN FillFore(52428,52428,52428); {0=black} FillBack(52428,52428,52428); {65535=white} END; IF PBuildCorner = 'Standard flat construction' THEN BEGIN CTX:=0; CTY:=0; END; IF PBuildCorner = 'Toggles & Rails same dimension' THEN BEGIN CTX:=BMWperim; CTY:=BMWperim; END; IF PBuildCorner = 'Mitered corners' THEN BEGIN CTX:=BMWperim; CTY:=0; END; IF PCoverMat = 'None' THEN BEGIN CMW:=PFlatW; CML:=PFlatH; CMH:=0; END; IF PCoverMat = 'Luan 4''x8''' THEN BEGIN CMW:=4'; CML:=8'; CMH:=.1875"; CMCLASS:='PP- Scenic Flat Covering LUAN'; cRed:=36175; cGrn:=26213; cBlu:=16253; END; IF PCoverMat = 'Luan 4''x10''' THEN BEGIN CMW:=4'; CML:=10'; CMH:=.1875"; CMCLASS:='PP- Scenic Flat Covering LUAN'; cRed:=36175; cGrn:=26213; cBlu:=16253; END; IF PCoverMat = 'Luan covering' THEN BEGIN CMW:=PFlatW; CML:=PFlatH; CMH:=.1875"; CMCLASS:='PP- Scenic Flat Covering LUAN'; cRed:=36175; cGrn:=26213; cBlu:=16253; END; IF PCoverMat = 'Fabric covering' THEN BEGIN CMW:=PFlatW; CML:=PFlatH; CMH:=.0625"; CMCLASS:='PP- Scenic Flat Covering FABRIC'; cRed:=65535; cGrn:=65535; cBlu:=65535; END; IF PCoverMat = 'Custom' THEN BEGIN CMW:=PCustCoverMatW; CML:=PCustCoverMatL; CMH:=PCustCoverMatH; CMCLASS:='PP- Scenic Flat Covering CUSTOM'; cRed:=65535; cGrn:=65535; cBlu:=65535; END; IF (PCoverMat = 'Custom') & (CMW>PFlatW) THEN CMW:=PFlatW; IF (PCoverMat = 'Custom') & (CML>PFlatH) THEN CML:=PFlatH; { C R E A T I N G T H E C L A S S F O R T H E C O V E R I N G M A T E R I A L } k:=1; TF:=True; WHILE k<=ClassNum DO BEGIN IF ClassList(k)=CMClASS THEN TF:=False; k:=k+1; END; IF TF=True THEN BEGIN NameClass(CMClass); SetClLSN(CMClass,2); {Line style} SetClPenFore(CMClass,0,0,0); {Pen fore color} SetClPenBack(CMClass,0,0,0); {Pen back color} SetClFPat(CMClass,2); {Fill pattern} SetClFillFore(CMClass,cRed,cGrn,cBlu); {Fill fore color} SetClFillBack(CMClass,cRed,cGrn,cBlu); {Fill back color} SetClUseGraphic(CMClass,TRUE); {Use gfx attri at creation} SetClLW(CMClass,180mm); {Line weight} END; NameClass(CurrentCL); IF CMW >= PFlatW THEN BEGIN SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'SSpac',True); SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'SSpacMax',True); END ELSE BEGIN SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'SSpac',False); SetParameterVisibility(ObjH,'SSpacMax',False); END; ClosePoly; BeginXtrd(0,-BMHperim); {BOTTOM RAIL} Poly(0+CTY,0, PFlatW-CTY,0, PFLATW-CTX,BMWperim, 0+CTX,BMWperim); {TOP RAIL} Poly(0+CTY,PFlatH, PFlatW-CTY,PFlatH, PFLATW-CTX,PFlatH-BMWperim, 0+CTX,PFlatH-BMWperim); {LEFT STILE} Poly(0,BMWperim-CTX, 0,PFlatH-BMWperim+CTX, BMWperim,PFlatH-BMWperim+CTY, BMWperim,BMWperim-CTY); {RIGHT STILE} Poly(PFlatW,BMWperim-CTX, PFlatW,PFlatH-BMWperim+CTX, PFlatW-BMWperim,PFlatH-BMWperim+CTY, PFlatW-BMWperim,BMWperim-CTY); EndXtrd; RUNNINGFT:=2*((PFlatW-CTY)-(0+CTY))+2*((PFlatH-BMWperim+CTX)-(BMWperim-CTX)); { D R A W I N G T H E I N T E R I O R S T I L E S } IF PStileStyle <> 'Laying down' THEN BEGIN SMW:=BMH; SMH:=BMW; END ELSE BEGIN SMW:=BMW; SMH:=BMH; END; IF PStileStyle = 'Standing up - double' THEN SOverAllW:=SMW*2 ELSE SOverAllW:=SMW; IF CMW < PFlatW THEN SJUMP:=CMW ELSE {Stile spacing is based on Cover Material width} IF PSSpac = 'Evenly' THEN IF Round(PFlatW/PSSpacMax)=(PFlatW/PSSpacMax) THEN SJUMP:=PFlatW/(PFlatW/PSSpacMax) ELSE SJUMP:=PFlatW/(Trunc(PFlatW/PSSpacMax)+1) ELSE SJUMP:= PSSpacMax; JUMP.x:=SJUMP; i:=0; WHILE JUMP.x<PFlatW DO BEGIN IF (JUMP.x+(.5*SOverAllW)) > (PFlatW-BMWperim) THEN JUMP.x:=PFlatW-BMWperim-(.5*SOverAllW); IF PStileStyle = 'Standing up - double' THEN BEGIN { CREATING A DOUBLE STILE } BeginXtrd(0,-SMH); {INTERNAL STILE1} Poly(Jump.x-(SMW),BMWperim, Jump.x-(SMW),PFlatH-BMWperim, Jump.x,PFlatH-BMWperim, Jump.x,BMWperim); EndXtrd; i:=i+1; SHandle:=LNewObj; BeginXtrd(0,-SMH); {INTERNAL STILE2} Poly(Jump.x,BMWperim, Jump.x,PFlatH-BMWperim, Jump.x+(SMW),PFlatH-BMWperim, Jump.x+(SMW),BMWperim); EndXtrd; i:=i+1; SHandle:=LNewObj; RUNNINGFT:=RUNNINGFT+(PFlatH-BMWperim*2)*2; END ELSE BEGIN { CREATING A SINGLE STILE } BeginXtrd(0,-SMH); {INTERNAL STILE} Poly(Jump.x-(.5*SMW),BMWperim, Jump.x-(.5*SMW),PFlatH-BMWperim, Jump.x+(.5*SMW),PFlatH-BMWperim, Jump.x+(.5*SMW),BMWperim); EndXtrd; RUNNINGFT:=RUNNINGFT+(PFlatH-BMWperim*2); i:=i+1; SHandle:=LNewObj; END; JUMP.x:=JUMP.x+SJUMP; END; { D R A W I N G T H E T O G G L E S } IF CML <= PFLATH THEN TJUMPSEAM:=CML ELSE TJUMPSEAM:=PFLATH; IF PTSpac = 'Evenly' THEN IF Round(TJUMPSEAM/PTSpacMax)=(TJUMPSEAM/PTSpacMax) THEN TJUMP:=PTSpacMax ELSE TJUMP:=TJUMPSEAM/(Trunc(TJUMPSEAM/PTSpacMax)+1) ELSE TJUMP:= PTSpacMax; BeginXtrd(0,-BMHperim); {TOGGLE} Poly(BMWperim,BMWperim, PFlatW-BMWperim,BMWperim, PFlatW-BMWperim,2*BMWperim, BMWperim,2*BMWperim); EndXtrd; THandle:=LNewObj; FOR Count:=i DOWNTO 1 DO BEGIN DSelectAll; SetSelect(SHandle[Count]); DUPLICATE(0,0); TEMP:=SUBTRACTSOLID(THandle,SHandle[Count],THandle); END; Move3DObj(THandle,0,-1.5*BMWperim,0); IF TJump<=TJumpseam-BMWperim*1.5 THEN Jump.y:=TJump ELSE Jump.y:=TJumpseam; NXTOGGLE:=TJump; NXTOGGLESEAM:=TJumpseam; Temp:=0; WHILE Jump.y<=(PFlatH-BMWperim*1.5) DO BEGIN IF Jump.y=NXTOGGLE THEN BEGIN {DUPLICATING A REGULAR TOGGLE} IF Jump.y > (NXTOGGLESEAM-BMWperim*1.5) THEN Temp:=(NXTOGGLESEAM-BMWperim*1.5)-Jump.y; IF Jump.y < (NXTOGGLESEAM-TJumpseam+BMWperim*1.5) THEN Temp:=(NXTOGGLESEAM-TJumpseam+BMWperim*1.5)-Jump.y; TempH:=HDuplicate(THandle,0,0); Move3DObj(TempH,0,Jump.y+Temp,0); RUNNINGFT:=RUNNINGFT+(PFlatW-BMWperim*2); IF BMHperim = BMH THEN RUNNINGFT:=RUNNINGFT-i*BMWperim; Temp:=0; NXTOGGLE:=NXTOGGLE+TJump; END ELSE BEGIN {DUPLICATING A TOGGLE ON A SEAM} IF PBuildMatO <> 'Laying down' THEN BEGIN TempH:=HDuplicate(THandle,0,0); Move3DObj(TempH,0,Jump.y-BMWperim*.5,0); TempH:=HDuplicate(THandle,0,0); Move3DObj(TempH,0,Jump.y+BMWperim*.5,0); RUNNINGFT:=RUNNINGFT+2*(PFlatW-BMWperim*2); IF BMHperim = BMH THEN RUNNINGFT:=RUNNINGFT-2*(i*BMWperim); END ELSE BEGIN TempH:=HDuplicate(THandle,0,0); Move3DObj(TempH,0,Jump.y,0); RUNNINGFT:=RUNNINGFT+(PFlatW-BMWperim*2); IF BMHperim = BMH THEN RUNNINGFT:=RUNNINGFT-(i*BMWperim); END; NXTOGGLESEAM:=NXTOGGLESEAM+TJumpseam; END; IF NXTOGGLE<NXTOGGLESEAM THEN Jump.y:=NXTOGGLE ELSE Jump.y:=NXTOGGLESEAM; IF NXTOGGLE = NXTOGGLESEAM THEN NXTOGGLE:=NXTOGGLE+TJump; END; DelObject(THandle); SetRField(ObjH,GetName(RecH),'Summary1',Concat(Num2StrF(RUNNINGFT),' of linear material')); { C O V E R I N G M A T E R I A L } Jump.x:=0; Jump.y:=0; TEMPx:=0; TEMPy:=0; TOTALAREA:=0; IF PCoverMat <> 'None' THEN BEGIN NameClass(CMCLASS); WHILE Jump.x < PFlatW DO BEGIN IF Jump.x + CMW <= PFlatW THEN TEMPx:=CMW ELSE TEMPx:= PFlatW-Jump.x; IF Jump.y + CML <= PFlatH THEN TEMPy:=CML ELSE TEMPy:= PFlatH-Jump.y; BeginXtrd(0,CMH); {Covering material} Poly(Jump.x,Jump.y, Jump.x+TEMPx,Jump.y, Jump.x+TEMPx,Jump.y+TEMPy, Jump.x,Jump.y+TEMPy); EndXtrd; SetClass(LNewObj,CMClass); TOTALAREA:=TOTALAREA+OBJAREA(LNEWOBJ); IF Jump.y+TEMPy < PFlatH THEN BEGIN Jump.y:=Jump.y+TEMPy; END ELSE BEGIN Jump.x:=Jump.x+TEMPx; Jump.y:=0; END; TEMPx:=0; TEMPy:=0; END; SetRField(ObjH,GetName(RecH),'Summary2',Concat(Num2Str(2,TOTALAREA),' sq.ft. of covering material')); END; NameClass(CurrentCL); PopAttrs; END; {MOTHER PROG} RUN (Flat);
  16. Its good that turns gray for aluminum look alike color but its not a class layers , (I think)
  17. Another thing to point, in this script the frame has 2 options, one option is aluminum frame, second is wood frame, when I change to wood frame it turns into brown, then when I change it to aluminum it turns gray
  18. If I put the whole script would you let me know what part of the script is controlling the color of the object ? Basically my object is a Frame with thin rectangle on top , the rectangle on top I was able to change the color in the script but the frame it always stays gray?
  19. I set the script to SetClass (FSActLayer, 'Aluminum'); It works it changes the object to new class but it won't change the color of the object when I try changing it into the class settings.
  20. In my script that I change do you know what this means: FillBack(256); FillFore(257); FillPat(1); PenPatN(2); PenSize(6); PenBack(256); PenFore(257); PenPatN(2);
  21. Am I correct that CurentCl;=ActiveClass; make your object become the current layer?
  22. BEGIN {MOTHER PROG} PushAttrs; TF:=GetCustomObjectInfo(ObjName,ObjH,RecH,WallH); CurrentCL:=ActiveClass; FillBack(256); FillFore(257); FillPat(1); PenPatN(2); PenSize(6); PenBack(256); PenFore(257); PenPatN(2); { Visabilities set based on screen type }
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