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josue Corona

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Everything posted by josue Corona

  1. I have attached a clip of my issue. I am using vectorworks 2022, I have created solid shapes but it making them look hollow plus the face of them disappear if i zoom in and zoom out look things started fading away from the shapes. In the clip i copied same solid and pasted it into a new drawing and you can see the problem fixed. Has anyone experienced this also ? Vectorworks Design Suite 2022 - [Sbiz-Fusion_Dietmar Wall_V3JC.vwx] 2022-09-24 08-49-03.mp4
  2. Is there a way to create a script that can calculate weight according to what i input to it. For example lets say I will make a 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" square and extrude it 5' now that just a stick that represent an actual 5' aluminum stick and calculating the weight of it is .6548 Lb/ft X 5' =3.3LB. I would like the object info pallet to give that info. if possible every time a stretch the stick to make it longer it would automatically change it.If there a direction someone can point me out so can try to do the script on my own , It will be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  3. I was previously using apple mac computer now I am using a PC windows computers. I have notice that vectorworks freezes a lot and closes. also another problem that i happens on both PC and apple mac is whenever i use truss symbol from vectorworks library. and i add it on viewport to render it. It closes my vectorworks 80% of the time. Is anyone having the same problem with vectorworks on PC windows ?
  4. I attached screen shot of what i was clicking. But I was able to solve the problem. It was just a vectorwork issue, I closed vectorwork program and restarted and it fixed the problem. Thank you for replying.
  5. I am trying to set working plane, and its not working. See attached picture of example. I wanna create a working plane where I added a red circle but it does not want to create working plane, in order to look at working plan to look at it head on. thank you
  6. I am using vectoworks 2022. I wanted to make a tool palettes with symbols (3D symbols) that i make . Is it possible?
  7. I will attached an image from vectorworks. I got 2022. is it possible to get surface of this 3D shape flattened out ?
  8. I updated to macOS Big Sur 11.6. Now every time I save my work it closes everything .Has anyone else experience this before I updated my computer I didn't have that problem. Thank you
  9. Thank you Pat Stanford. I will check that out
  10. Boh I get what BCD is saying bunch of red wireframes needed to update. So if there was a way to updated whole vectorwork file before opening would be great sometimes I have to open up 4-5 vectorwork and all of them need updating . BCD thanks I will try that
  11. Is there a way for vectorwork Sheet layers viewports to updated them without opening up the file ?
  12. Oh but now that it changed on my end, how can I revert the changes .
  13. Hello so I'm using Vectorworks 2020, I have changed my shortcuts on my workspace . I changed the numeric keys to specific function. For example I made numeric key (1) 2D polygon. It does work but not only the numeric key gets affected but also the Numeric Key pad . The numeric keypad should be the front, top, left and right etc. for Vectorworks design layer. Is there a way I can prevent that from changing when I just want the numeric keys to change ? Thank you
  14. is it possible to add a spreadsheet to title block, but that is able to be edited with the OIP , that can allow you to add more rows. Can it also be possible to add a checkmark that can allow you to hide it whenever you do not want it to display in some sheet layers. Thank you
  15. is there a vector script to be able to slice at a curved instead of just straight slices. for example I can make arc line on top of a 3d model and that arc line will be the slice section. thank you
  16. Thanks Andrew , that’s what I needed .
  17. IMG_2917.MOV Hello can anyone help me if there’s a way to make a script or if vector work can do this already . I use this to symbolize drape . Basically when you rotate it becames 3D but from the top it’s a curve line . The problem in this is I can only do straight curvy lines, I would like to make arc curvy ones . thanks
  18. {/////////////////////////////////////////// CreateNewClass (c) 2001 Nemetschek North America. Distribute freely. Shows how to create a new class in a document. ///////////////////////////////////////////} PROCEDURE CreateNewClass; VAR newname : STRING; ch : HANDLE; BEGIN { StrDialog() displays a dialog which prompts the user to enter } { a name for the new class being created. } newname:= StrDialog('Enter name of new class:','Untitled Class'); { DidCancel detects if the user clicked the Cancel button. If the } { the user did NOT click the Cancel button, then proceed with performing } { the operations in the code block. } IF NOT DidCancel THEN BEGIN { check to see if the class name is in use } ch:= GetObject(newname); { if the class name is not in use, create the class; otherwise alert } { the user and exit the script } IF (ch = NIL) THEN NameClass(newname) ELSE AlrtDialog('Class name already exists.'); END; END; Run(CreateNewClass);
  19. The following script can create a new class but it only give you the option to name it to fast create, i was wondering if i can add a second line in which i can decide what color fill my class to have? Thank you
  20. Does anyone know if there is a way to center a 2d or 3d object between to two lines/points. or if someone knows a script that can do that? Thank you
  21. Hello WhoCanDo and Larry, and yes (whocando) basically that's what I am trying to accomplish, that the object to duplicate itself, next to each other as I stretch the rectangle but it will stretch in its own increments. The size of the starting rectangle can be determine in the object info. Larry Can the grid spacing be determine if I try that alternative for now?
  22. Hello is there script I can make that I can stretch a rectangle in increments ? it can be 2D rectangle. As for the size of the rectangle I could just type it in the object info palette? The increments would be a one way stretch. Thank you
  23. No. I am in design layer. So I am making a 3D object (wall) after I made the wall I turn it into a symbol. So whenever I wanted to go into that symbol and edit something out of the wall . whenever I was in that symbol edit (open gl) the object will basically disappear and go somewhere else in the design layer. So my rendering open gl shape would be in top let corner and my actual object would be somewhere down in design layer invisible. But removing the Unified Views fixed it .
  24. Hey there Pat, Thank you for your response, but it was something different. The problems was the UNIFIED VIEW was activated .
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