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Ryan Porter

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Everything posted by Ryan Porter

  1. I am trying to integrate Vectorworks into our existing production pipeline. We have a number of generic workflow tools for managing files, etc, that I want to re-use. These tools are written using one of the Python Qt bindings (we use the Qt.py shim to deal with the fact that there are four competing flavors of PyQt/PySide in the wild). As far as I can tell, Vectorworks ships with the Qt5 libraries. I did some tests over the weekend at home on a Windows machine and successfully got Python script to run that showed a QMesssageBox dialog. Unfortunately, when I got to work Monday and tried to pull of the same feat on a Mac machine, and it crashed Vectorworks immediately. Has anyone successfully gotten PyQt5 (or any other flavor, I'm not picky) running in Vectorworks? Thank you EDIT: I've been chipping away at this problem all day and now I've gotten it to where I can pop a QMessageBox dialog ... but it makes the Vectorworks main menu disappear and I have to restart to get it back. As far as I can tell it's because PyQt5 doesn't think that there is a QApplication instance already running - starting my own is what makes the menu disappear.
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