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The Hamma

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Posts posted by The Hamma

  1. I wrote a simple python script that may help. 


    This script will change any screen plane object in the drawing to Layer Plane. 
    Once run you can disable "enable legacy 2D features" on the "2D legacy mode" tab in document settings.  
    	1. Some objects may move to the 3D plane and not the Layer Plane.
    	2. You will also have to run this script on any referenced files first.
    This Python Script may be freely distributed. No warranty provided.
    Use at your own risk.
    David Hamer, 2021 revision 09-23-2021
    def assign(h):
    vs.ForEachObject(assign,"(INVIEWPORT & (PLA='Screen Plane'))")


    Script Screen Plane to Layer Plane.vwx

    • Like 2
  2. Please add a don't show this again check box on the following messages when using the Eyedropper and Data Visualization.


    Maybe a suppress messages for the rest of the drawing session.  


    "Object has Data Visualization attribute overrides applied. but the original attributes will be picked up."




    "Transferred attributes may be hidden by the active Data Visualization"


    To many ok's to click..



    • Like 1
  3. Is there a script command to open the edit class dialog box.  I would like to be able to edit the currently active class or a selected object's class without having to search the long list of classes in the class list. 

  4. I am looking for a lidar scanner that I can mount on a tripod and scan a space with ease.  Typically the spaces are not very large but I want something with decent range, accuracy and no monthly fee to export to Vectorworks.  I have been using my iPhone 12 mounted to a tripod and it does not have quite enough range or accuracy.   Please give me your recommendations. 

  5. 1 hour ago, MaltbyDesign said:

    I work in the Architect Workspace and it doesn't show the option to Export to Unreal Datasmith. It does show up in the Architect-BIM and Fundamentals workspaces, though. How can I get this to show up in the Architect workspace? Or do I have to go into a different workspace when I want to export a file?


    You have to edit the Architect Workspace that you are using.  The new command can be found in the import/export options on the left side of the editor.  Move it to the right side of the editor. 


    • Like 1
  6. Pat answered the question well.  You can combat this with class settings and possibly layering viewports.   I would recommend watching the RENDERING FOR EVERYDAY ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING course.  


    Also I have revised by scripts and they are below. 


    A word of caution they use a different record.  I revised the record to be "Status and Phase" to be more inline with the way others were using the terminology.  I also added records for demolition and new construction notes.   I would recommend not converting to the new format on an existing drawing because the new scripts do not work with the older data visualizations that I provided in the first files.  But if you do want to I have written another script to convert a drawing using the old script to the new scripts.  script =  "Convert to new Status and Phase record script from old Record" 


      You have to import the "Status and Phase" record into the old drawing before running the conversion script.  It will convert everything with out selection.   All of my Python Scripts may be freely distributed. No warranty provided. Use at your own risk.  (Download newest versions below)


    Once you replace the scripts in you plugin folder the old record format will not work. 



    Adding notes to the record you can use data tags to show the notes





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    On 2/12/2021 at 2:27 PM, JBenghiat said:

    I think the issue is that you just keep appending handles into hVP. As above, this is where using return values instead of globals would make this clear.

    Fixed it. Thanks!

    ecnt = reset = xP = yP = vcnt = ocnt =scnt= mcnt= pcnt  = 0
    def count(h4):
    	global vcnt, ocnt, mcnt, ecnt,scnt,pcnt
    	ocnt += 1
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 5:
    		vcnt += vs.GetVertNum(h4)
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 21:
    		vcnt += vs.GetVertNum(h4)
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 25:
    		vcnt += vs.GetVertNum(h4)
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 40:
    		mcnt += 1	
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 24:
    		ecnt += 1		
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 84:
    		ecnt += 1		
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 95:
    		ecnt += 1
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 34:
    		ecnt += 1		
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 15:
    		scnt += 1		
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 86:
    		scnt += 1	
    def DoIt(h5):
    	global reset,xP,yP, vcnt, ocnt, mcnt,scnt, ecnt,pcnt
    	vs.ForEachObjectInList(count, 0, 2, vs.FInSymDef(h5))
    	vs.SetRecord(h5,'Obj Count')
    	vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Obj Count',vs.Num2Str(0,ocnt))
    	vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Vertex Count',vs.Num2Str(0,vcnt))
    	vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Mesh Count',vs.Num2Str(0,mcnt))
    	vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','3D Volume Count',vs.Num2Str(0,ecnt))
    	vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Nested Symbol Count',vs.Num2Str(0,scnt))
    	vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','PIO Count',vs.Num2Str(0,pcnt))
    	vcnt = ocnt = mcnt = ecnt =scnt =pcnt = 0 #reset to variable to 0
    	xP += 300
    	if xP > 5000:
    		xP = 0
    		yP += 300
    if vs.GetObject('Obj Count') == []:
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Obj Count', '0', 4, 0)
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Vertex Count', '0', 4, 0)
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Mesh Count', '0', 4, 0)
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', '3D Volume Count', '0', 4, 0)
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Nested Symbol Count', '0', 4, 0)
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'PIO Count', '0', 4, 0)
    hSEL = []
    h1 =vs.FSymDef()
    while h1 != []:
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h1) == 92:
    		h2 = vs.FInGroup(h1)
    		while h2 != []:
    			h2 = vs.NextObj(h2)
    	h1 = vs.NextObj(h1)
    for h in hSEL:
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h) == 16:


  8. In def DoIt(h5): I am resetting the variables vcnt,  ocnt, and mcnt  to  0 but when it runs for h4 in hVP:  the variables return to their state the last time def count(h4): was triggered by  for h4 in hVP:.  I want  vcnt,  ocnt, and mcnt  to  be 0 every time  the for h4 in hVP: loop starts.   Help please. 


    I am checking the state of the variable  at this point it the below script

                vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Obj Count',vs.Num2Str(0,ocnt))
                vs.AlrtDialog(ocnt) #Displays current count but for somereason is adding the previous count to the current count
                vcnt = ocnt = mcnt = 0 #reset to variable to 0
                vs.AlrtDialog(ocnt) #displays that variable has been reset to 0


    reset = xP = yP = vcnt = ocnt = mcnt = 0
    def count(h4):
    	global vcnt, ocnt, mcnt
    	ocnt += 1
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 5:
    		vcnt += vs.GetVertNum(h4)
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 21:
    		vcnt += vs.GetVertNum(h4)
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 40:
    		mcnt += 1			
    def DoIt(h5):
    	global reset,xP,yP, vcnt, ocnt, mcnt
    	if h5 != []:
    		if vs.GetTypeN(h5) == 16:
    			for h4 in hVP:
    			vs.SetRecord(h5,'Obj Count')
    			vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Obj Count',vs.Num2Str(0,ocnt))
    			vs.AlrtDialog(ocnt) #Displays current count but for somereason is adding the previous count to the current count
    			vcnt = ocnt = mcnt = 0 #reset to variable to 0
    			vs.AlrtDialog(ocnt) #displays that variable has been reset to 0
    			vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Vertex Count',vs.Num2Str(0,vcnt))
    			vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Mesh Count',vs.Num2Str(0,mcnt))
    			xP += 300
    			if xP > 5000:
    				xP = 0
    				yP += 300
    def GetHandles2(h1):	
    	while h1 != []:
    		if vs.GetTypeN(h1) == 92:
    			h2 = vs.FInGroup(h1)
    			while h2 != []:
    				h2 = vs.NextObj(h2)
    		h1 = vs.NextObj(h1)
    def GetHandles(h5):	
    	while h2 != []:
    		itParent = vs.GetTypeN(h2)  # Get Parent type
    		if itParent == 11:
    			h3 = vs.FInGroup(h2)
    			while h3 != []:
    				h3 = vs.NextObj(h3)
    		h2 = vs.NextObj(h2)
    if vs.GetObject('Obj Count') == []:
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Obj Count', '0', 4, 0)
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Vertex Count', '0', 4, 0)
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Mesh Count', '0', 4, 0)
    hVP = []
    hSEL = []
    for h5 in hSEL:
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h5) == 16:


  9. Thanks I have that working but now my counts and my symbol placements are off.  My counts keep adding to the last symbols count and each symbol is being placed dead center in the drawing.  They should be moving 300 to the right until 5000 is reached then move up 300 and so on.  

    def DoIt(h5):
    	global ocnt, vcnt, mcnt,reset
    	ocnt = 0
    	vcnt = 0
    	mcnt = 0
    	reset = 0
    	xP = 0
    	yP = 0	
    	if h5 != []:
    		if vs.GetTypeN(h5) == 16:
    			reset = 0
    			for h4 in hVP:
    			reset = 0
    			vs.SetRecord(h5,'Obj Count')
    			vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Obj Count',vs.Num2Str(0,ocnt))
    			vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Vertex Count',vs.Num2Str(0,vcnt))
    			vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Mesh Count',vs.Num2Str(0,mcnt))
    			xP = xP + 300
    			if xP > 5000:
    				xP = 0
    				yP += 300
    def count(h4):
    	global ocnt, vcnt, mcnt,reset
    	if reset != 1:
    		ocnt = 0
    		vcnt = 0
    		mcct = 0
    	ocnt = ocnt + 1
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 5:
    		vcnt = vcnt + vs.GetVertNum(h4)
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 21:
    		vcnt = vcnt + vs.GetVertNum(h4)
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 40:
    		mcnt = mcnt+ 1
    	reset = 1
    def GetHandles2(h1):	
    	while h1 != []:
    		if vs.GetTypeN(h1) == 92:
    			h2 = vs.FInGroup(h1)
    			while h2 != []:
    				h2 = vs.NextObj(h2)
    		h1 = vs.NextObj(h1)
    def GetHandles(h5):	
    	while h2 != []:
    		itParent = vs.GetTypeN(h2)  # Get Parent type
    		if itParent == 11:
    			h3 = vs.FInGroup(h2)
    			while h3 != []:
    				h3 = vs.NextObj(h3)
    		h2 = vs.NextObj(h2)
    if vs.GetObject('Obj Count') == []:
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Obj Count', '0', 4, 0)
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Vertex Count', '0', 4, 0)
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Mesh Count', '0', 4, 0)
    hVP = []
    hSEL = []
    for h5 in hSEL:
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h5) == 16:


  10. global ocnt, vcnt, mcnt
    ocnt = 0
    vcnt = 0
    mcnt = 0
    def count(h4):
    	ocnt += 1
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 5:
    		vcnt += vs.GetVertNum(h4)
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 21:
    		vcnt += vs.GetVertNum(h4)
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h4) == 40:
    		mcnt += 1
    def GetHandles2(h1):	
    	while h1 != []:
    		if vs.GetTypeN(h1) == 92:
    			h2 = vs.FInGroup(h1)
    			while h2 != []:
    				h2 = vs.NextObj(h2)
    		h1 = vs.NextObj(h1)
    def GetHandles(h5):	
    	while h2 != []:
    		itParent = vs.GetTypeN(h2)  # Get Parent type
    		if itParent == 11:
    			h3 = vs.FInGroup(h2)
    			while h3 != []:
    				h3 = vs.NextObj(h3)
    		h2 = vs.NextObj(h2)
    def DoIt(h5):
    	ocnt = 0
    	vcnt = 0
    	mcnt = 0	
    	if h5 != []:
    		if vs.GetTypeN(h5) == 16:
    			for h4 in hVP:
    			vs.SetRecord(h5,'Obj Count')
    			vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Obj Count',vs.Num2Str(0,ocnt))
    			vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Vertex Count',vs.Num2Str(0,vcnt))
    			vs.SetRField(h5,'Obj Count','Mesh Count',vs.Num2Str(0,mcnt))
    			xP = xP + 300
    			if xP >= 5000:
    				xP = 0
    				yP = yP + 300
    	xP =0
    	yP =0
    if vs.GetObject('Obj Count') == []:
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Obj Count', '0', 4, 0)
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Vertex Count', '0', 4, 0)
    	vs.NewField('Obj Count', 'Mesh Count', '0', 4, 0)
    hVP = []
    hSEL = []
    for h5 in hSEL:
    	if vs.GetTypeN(h5) == 16:

    What am I doing wrong?

    keep getting 'ocnt' referenced before assignment error. 

  11. I would like to be able to show dimensions where the dimension label has been overwritten.  This would be dimension that have "Show Dim Value" turned off.  Data visualization does not have a call for dimensions.  I have looked at the script output for a dimension and I don't see how I could query this information either.  If some one knows how please inform me.  If not I would like to add dimensions to the Data Visualization Wishlist. 

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