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Walther in Europe ( Mac us

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Everything posted by Walther in Europe ( Mac us

  1. In Europe VW only works with a USB dongle, the one with a red light. But plugged into a Powerbook it is not so nice and it could demolish. When will Nemetschek produce a new kind of dongle ? ? PCMCIA wich will be fully insert into the Powerbook ? ? Bluetooh dongle ? ....
  2. Thanks, Katie I hope Tiger will do better as you told. We will try it out with raster checked on or print from OS 9.22.
  3. Situation : Drawing made with VW 9.5 ( we used the same drawing for the tests ) Prints with OS 9.22 VW 9.53 > perfect rounds, perfect dashed lines Prints with OS 9.22 VW 11. > perfect rounds, perfect dashed lines Prints with OS 10.3.7 VW 9.53 >imperfect rounds, imperfect dashed lines Prints with OS 10.3.6 VW 11. imperfect rounds, imperfect dashed lines Prints with OS 10.3.7 VW 10.5 EDU > imperfect rounds, imperfect dashed lines, awful drawings. Test done with different printers : XEROX TEKTRONIX A4 and HP A3 Colour ( 2 weeks old ). Tested with G4 933 MHz, G4 733 MHz, iBook G3 12" 600 MHz and Powerbook G4 15" 1,33 MHz. Same results ! What is wrong between VectorWorks 9.53 or 11.0.1 and OS X Panther 10.3.6 ?
  4. Try to move the walls 500 cm and convert. See what happens. Maybe your doors are glued to your walls.
  5. I know that somewhere on this planet someone has written a script to scale line weights. I remember that have seen it, but I don't know when and where ! But I'm sure it exist. Is it already taken as an option in VW11 ?
  6. I think you should NOT assign the "esc" to deselect because if you are rendering the escape can quit the rendering proces when something is going wrong. I had to do it several times. In OS 9.22 is use often Quickeys for : - going in one step from B/W to colours - switching in seeing the rest of drawing or not while entering into a group - going to the option "zoom into line-weight" or not - .... I think that alt-D should be a good option for this shortcut if it is not already used !
  7. I still have some problems using VW953 in combination with OS 922 ( Dutch versions). But we don't have VW10 in Europe. But, why is Katie asking if we'are running other applications, Shouldn't software be designed and released free of bugs and problems. I know that other applications can harm an other one, but software should be strong enough to face that. Who will sell a car that has only three wheels ? Nobody !
  8. The stamp is still there. You find it in one of your palets. You can even select a polygone arround it.
  9. Is it not so that in version VW10 we will be able to search and select easily symbols (or whatever) and that we could read the amount of selected objects in the info-palet ?
  10. Hi Charles, how are you ? Yes you're right, but we already have this script that works ONLY for walls in any document and for ARCHITECT users. But I don't know if the plug-in has been produced by Nemetschek or the Belgian Distributor for the local market. ( I bought 3 licenses VW Architecture, European Dutch version, are they worldwide all the same ? ..... I don't think so !) (( I could send you a screenshot of it )) ( I will have to ask them, because before in VW8.5 we had two options that that doesn't exist anymore in VW9.53 ( let's hope it will appear again in VW10 Europe version ), it was the DTM digital terrain modeller and a tool to make combined light walls. The last tool was also able to give use the whole list and quantities with the used materials in the light wall ( plaster, wood or metal, insulation, ... ) ) I needed different scripts ( 10, 20, maybe more ) linked to a push button that gives me immediately the desired wall, cirkel, arc, ... filled with the right hatch, ... height, .... put in the right class, layer and so on. Once you have made a script you can copy-paste it for use with other hatches. I think it is not a hard bit of a work, once you know that others could also take advantage of it and that the local distributor or Nemetschek are prepared to implement it in the next release or to learn from feedback of their users. The final purpose in making drawings is to choose from the beginning the right concept or input, after that the output ( measures, export ( to spreadsheet, DWG, ... ), printing, properties, ...) will so much easier to distillate from the document. It is indeed a challenge for me and maybe also others learning VS, translating ideas in a difficult language, learning from others in topics, forums and meetings. Exchanging ideas or scripts via this NNA forum is a powerful WWS (worldwidesupport) that we need to feed constantly. The main thing for me is not creating scripts but to design houses and therefore VW is a powerful abordable application. And sometimes I have this feeling that I need a special kind of plug-in that mades it much easier for me to do my job. I have that same challenge with FileMakerPro. I will keep on scripting, ;-)
  11. Isn't it the wet dream of every architect, having a tool that could do all the measurements for us ? But does VectorWorks not have incorporated spreadsheets and databases in wich you could do some of all those wishes ? It is not fully automatic, but I think you could save a lot of time. ( I use them from time to time ) I those spreadsheet you can put wall-length, wall-height and in other columns the right formulas which give the desired results. The spreadsheet will give you for every part of the wall what you want, but first of all you need to give a name to every part of your wall via the info-palet. But indeed it would be better to tell your application : " Give all the properties needed for that green wall, in layer 25, in class D45 .... and write it down in a database like FileMakerPro." Who can make that kind of superscript ?
  12. Dan, You're right, why not integrate systematically all the good scripts in the different tools, menu, ... whatever. VW is an application where each user can draw from different approaches because we have different habitudes. VW is multi-platform and could be more multi-habitudes. The nice thing in being human is that we are alle different !
  13. Very interesting and great, Nemetschek could supply it to the existing Scale Tool in the application. We could have different options: 1/ scale the selected object(s) or not ( in X, Y, and maybe Z direction ) 2/ scale the text or not 3/ scale the line-weight or not 4/ scale the whole document or not
  14. Please find hereafter a reply taht was posted in an other forum : ? SETVECTORFILL is a function so it returns a value, in this case a Boolean. You need a Boolean variable, such as my standard 'ok'. Then you need to get a handle to the object (eg. obHd := FSACTLAYER;) and assign a STRING to variable hatchName. So, the syntax is PROCEDURE SetHatchToSelection; VAR hatchName : STRING; obHd : HANDLE; ok : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE SetHatch; BEGIN ok := SETVECTORFILL(obHd, hatchName); END; BEGIN { - main program - } obHd := FSACTLAYER; ok := TRUE; IF obHd <> NIL THEN BEGIN DoAllTheOtherStuff; WHILE ((obHd <> NIL) & ok)) DO BEGIN SetHatch; IF ok THEN ObHd := NEXTSOBJ(obHd) ELSE ALRTDIALOG(CONCAT('No such hatch as ', hatchName)); END; END ELSE ALRTDIALOG('Nothing selected'); END; RUN(SetHatchToSelection); DoAllTheOtherStuff is one or more procedures to do the dialog and buttons or whatever. This is just off the top of my head, but should be approximately right (except for parentheses and so on). The test for hatch existing above is not a clever one. Petri Sakkinen 4D Form Architects Melbourne, Australia ? from http://www.vectordepot.com/forum/
  15. Hello dear Ccroft, Alexandre, Raymond, The discussion is going further on, I'm very pleased, and a read that maybe the procedure can be simplified ? As I'm not an expert, I'm not sure and a little afraid to change the procedure below with the new proposals in the last topics. But to test the whole thing I made some cavities more in this wall and it is still working ! But wouldn't it be easier, I think, if a script, could produce an text-file in which the script displays a list with all the vectorfills and their negative number currently used in a document. ( In that case you just have to fill in the number and there will be less problems with using the right spelling and language ) Maybe we could also rename the hatches like for example A001, A002, A003 > Z998, Z999. In that case you could make a document, draw all your hatches with their simplified names and save it as a stationary. ( In the beginning I was working with AddLayer ... but it is simple with a normal vectorfill but for complicated hatches you can have 50 layers in a hatch because every little piece of a line will be put in different layers. To much work to do write 50 times AddLayer ..... ). Below you see what I changed, if someone feels the need to make it better don't hesitate, thanks. Procedure CustWall; { USA in inches USE in centimeters } VAR Name:STRING; Result:BOOLEAN; Function GetVectorFillIndex(VFName :String) :Longint; { Return a VectorFill index # from a VectorFill name.} { Raymond M. - Texas 6 February 2003 AWDC Belgium, Alexandre Brazil,Ccroft Canada} Var Done, Match :Boolean; I, VFCnt :Longint; function UpStr(S :String) :String; { An upper string FUNCTION. } Begin UprString(S); UpStr := S; End; { UpStr } Begin VFCnt := NumVectorFills; UprString(VFName); I := 0; Match := False; Done := VFCnt = 0; while not Done do begin I := I + 1; Match := UpStr(VectorFillList(I)) = VFName; Done := Match | (I = VFCnt); end; if not Match then I := 0; GetVectorFillIndex := -Name2Index(VectorFillList(I)); End; { GetVectorFillIndex } BEGIN PushAttrs; ClearCavities; PenSize(6); PenPat(2); AddCavity(TRUE, 35cm, 20cm, GetVectorFillIndex('A te slopen metselw.')); { is it good changing (Add ... GetVect....) by the sentence below ?} { AddCavity(TRUE, 35cm, 20cm, -Name2Index('hatch name')); } PenSize(6); PenPat(2); AddCavity(TRUE, 10cm, 1cm, GetVectorFillIndex('A parament type B')); PenSize(6); PenPat(2); AddCavity(TRUE, -1cm, -15cm, GetVectorFillIndex('A prefabbeton')); PenSize(6); PenPat(2); AddCavity(TRUE, -25cm, -35cm, GetVectorFillIndex('Akkerbouw V geel')); DoubLines(70cm); PenSize(14); PenPat(2); SetZVals(0cm, 312cm); FillBack(12); { backgroundcolor see VSFunctionReference.html or VectorScriptLG10H_ns.pdf or sol8intro.pdf } FillPat(17); { background 17 pattern or 41 pattern or ... see references } {Name:= 'My Special Hatch Below'; } {Result:=SetVectorFillDefault(Name); } { default hatch to be used in background for the whole wall (further testing needed)} PenFore(255); PenBack(0); PenPat(2); PenSize(14); PenPat(2); CallTool(-208); { or other CallTools } PopAttrs; END; Run (CustWall); THANKS AGAIN
  16. Great, I thank Alexandre, Raymond, MullinRJ, Jeffrey, CCroft, for this finally result. I was aware of those accidental spaces in the names. That's indeed the problem with literals. ( The same is true for the Terminal in OS X ) I'm am now able to select and draw my own hatches in wall type or double lines . It will better in the future for exporting those vectorfills. This morning during a meeting a constructor asked me again a set of exported VectorWorks documents. Now I'm going to make some prefab scripts wich I will link to pushbuttons in a palet and give them a unique icon. These icons can easily been made with Photoshop or GraphicConverter. Thanks again, See or read you later, Walther,
  17. Thanks again, I'll do the tests tomorrow afternoon ! It is now over midnight and I have to get up early for an important appointment. See you later,
  18. Our replies are crossing each other in the ocean ! Such a great distance in a few seconds !
  19. Dear Ccroft You did some trying while I was writing a reply, fine ! Maybe I'm a little stupid, but how did you managed it. How did you get the numbers ? Where did you find them ? I have copied/pasted RJ's script but nothing in the application seems to present me those numbers. Maybe my knowledge of English is not high enough to understand every word, but I'm amazed to read your topic and to discover that you're doing better! If you could mail me your document, I must be missing some important steps. Thanks,
  20. Hi mister Ccroft, Different answers: How many? I'm use about 55 hatches but depending on the document it can be more or less? ( if you want I can sent you an email with a sample VW document, therefore you need to send me your email address ) I presently create this wall with the 'wall' tool or 'double lines' tool with polygone. I have then to determine the number of cavities to fill up, it can be 1, mostly for internal walls or 2, 3, 4 for external wals. ( let's say, for example, representing concrete, bricks, wood, insulation, foamglass, foamconcrete, .... ) I have now 20 predefined scripts linked to a push button with different walls but they are all provided with patterns. For all those patterns we can easily find there positive index-numbers in Nemetscheks' literature , but I cannot export patterns to AutoCad for some engineers I'm working with. They lose important information to see the difference between concrete, wood, insulation, ... because the space between two lines remains white. Indeed, I need numbers like -293, -540, -103, and I started to fill in some numbers with results. I tried some other numbers and I sometimes I was lucky to find other right negative numbers. But there is no logical scheme in these numbers, wich is I think logical, because creating a hatch is something personal that can slightly differ from yours or some other user. As I said before in a topic, there are two ways : 1/ I use the negative numbers and therefore I need to know wich hatch is linked to wich number. 2/ I fill in their names as I created them, but therefore the script from Raymond is doing some good work, except that instead of giving me hatch X the scripts is giving me hatch Q. I also thanks everybody for the useful help, I'm not an expert in vectorscript but I'm learning from you and all the others. Here one to test with patterns: ____________________________________________ Procedure CustTool; { www.vectorworks.be } VAR Name:STRING; Result:BOOLEAN; BEGIN PushAttrs; ClearCavities; PenSize(14); PenPat(2); AddCavity(TRUE, -7cm, -17cm, 24); PenSize(14); PenPat(2); AddCavity(TRUE, -3cm, -7cm, 1); PenSize(14); PenPat(2); AddCavity(TRUE, 7cm, -3cm, 71); DoubLines(34cm); PenSize(14); PenPat(2); SetZVals(0cm, 250cm); FillFore(255); FillBack(0); FillPat(5); PenFore(255); PenBack(0); PenPat(2); PenSize(14); PenPat(2); CallTool(-208); PopAttrs; END; Run(CustTool); _____________________________________ Walther
  21. Hi, Mr Ccroft, have you changed your topic, it disappeared ? I tried your suggestion Maybe there's a problem with the loop in GetVectorFillIndex....I think the minus signs need to be removed from in front of GetVectorFillIndex in the main body and added inside GetVectorFill somewhere. , but it didn't work in VW 9.5.3 Mac. Still I'm happy that people from Brazilia, Canada, Texas, Australia, Belgium ... can help each other. We will finaly find out, this WorldWideSupport is always amazing. I have two thoughts about the approach to find the right hatch : 1/ the vectorfill name The code in the topic from { Raymond Mullin - 6 February 2003 } is, I think, the good way to produce different scripts were you can determine a hatch with the real or determined name in your personal drawing. I'm still working arround and testing Raymonds' procedure trying to find out why I'm getting other vectorfills than the those that I determined. 2/ the vectorfill index-number The procedure could build a hatch list in one of the layers from the active document in text format with the index-number beside. In that case I could fill in the right index-number from the active document. The danger could be that it won't work in another documents with more or less hatches. ( Therefore a stationary is very wise to use. ) Greetings,
  22. Alexandre, thanks, I tried it with 90% succes ! What do I mean ... In the part : PenSize(14); PenPat(2); AddCavity(TRUE, -7cm, -17cm, -GetVectorFillIndex('My Hatch X')); PenSize(14); PenPat(2); AddCavity(TRUE, -3cm, -7cm, -GetVectorFillIndex('My Hatch Y')); PenSize(14); PenPat(2); AddCavity(TRUE, 7cm, -3cm, -GetVectorFillIndex('My Hatch Z')); I changed "My Hatch X, Y and Z" by three of my hatches but instead of giving me X, Y, Z it gives me G, T, W. So, it works but the script is giving me other hatches and sometimes it leaves it blank ( because I think that the number is being generated does exist in my drawing.) It seams that the script is filling in another index number, strange, isn't it? In other words and for example, I ask -203 and I'm getting -345. I don't if there a logical scheme in giving me other negative numbers. That thing I'll have to find out unless you see other code problems. Greetings,
  23. I could be useful for everyone that beside the hatch-name we could see instantly the corresponding negative number. Maybe it is already existing in version 10, but we haven't it yet in Europe. Something like : hatch sample A (-189) hatch sample B (-540) hatch sample C (-610) hatch sample D (-105) hatch sample X (-nnn) Thanks Nemetschek
  24. I thank everybody here for the suport, I finally know that a negative index means Hatch ( Alexander ) But I wasn't able to let work the script from Raymond. ( I have copy/paste it and I changed VFName:string by my Dutch hatch-name 'A metselwerk type A' but no result. In my version 9.53 ( we don't have version 10 yet in Europe ) the procedure GetVectorFillIndex is not in the list in my version. In the meanwhile I found some number by trying some number between -1 and -999 and when I change # in for exemple AddCavity(TRUE, -0.070, -0.170, # ) by -103 it works !!!. Still I praying to have some day a script that produces a list whit all the negative numbers and their hatch-name for the default drawing. And I will post a topic to Nemetschek for changing something in their hatch/vectorfill menu. I could be useful for everyone that beside the hatch-name you could see instantly the corresponding negative number. Something like : hatch sample A (-189) hatch sample B (-540) hatch sample C (-610) hatch sample D (-105) hatch sample X (-nnn) Thanks <= =
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