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Everything posted by fuberator

  1. Hi In the end, that and refreshing the library, plus a reboot. It sorted itself then
  2. Hi I am using Spotlight 2024 v5. Just now the library offered to update and after doing so, two fixtures I was using just yesterday are now missing from the library ETC Source 4 Jr and ETC source 4 Mini LED Really hoping I am missing something. Worst case, if someone does have the Source 4 Mini LED in their library and can send me a file with a fixture dropped into it, I would be very thankful. Cheers
  3. Bumping this thread back to life. Is there any new functionalities to do this now, 9 years later? I have a record attached to the symbol and I would like to show calculations on the symbol based on the data from the record. For example the sum of multiplying the numbers in two fields of the record. Cheers
  4. Following up on the monologue thread. I would now like to round up inside a data tag. Is there a way to add rounding (up) to this tag definition: (#Screens#.#Load#*#Screens#.#Tubes#*20)*3/512 Cheers
  5. I found my own solution, I used "=ceiling(F2/600)" and set the format of the cell to decimal with 0 decimals
  6. Hi I have a column with decimal values representing power consumption, in watts. In the next column I would like to know how many of my 600w power supply units I have to allocate. So I need to round up, but I cannot seem to make it work, it just writes out the formula indicating that something is not right. =ROUND(F2/600, 1) works , but rounds anything under 600 to zero. the worksheet function is documented as follows: roundup(number, digits) Rounds the specified number up to a specified number of decimal digits. =roundup(2.345, 2) returns 2.35 If I use the formula from the example, I get the same result, it just writes out the formula Any ideas? Cheers F
  7. Thanks for clarifying Jesse
  8. Hi Found it now, thanks If anyone wants to know, the filter is: Object Parameter > Lighting Device > Universe
  9. I am looking for similar information. Also, how to get the information to carry over to Vision
  10. Hi Is there any way to apply a data visualization based on lighting specific parameters, such as dmx universe, position or purpose? Cheers
  11. Hi I get conflicts in my DMX patch window because of unpatched accessories (color scrollers). It would be great to patch them directly from the patch window instead of editing them one by one in the OIP. How do I identify which accessory belongs to which fixture in the DMX patch window? Thank you
  12. Same, still happening in 2023 SP7. How does one patch the accessories anyway?
  13. Hi I have seen this come up a few times, but I still do not have an answer. Can I adjust (manual) shutters in Spotlight 2023 and export a MVR that contains the shutter positions? Or do I have to adjust them in the Vision 2023 Software Console? Thank you
  14. amazing, I will try that out Thank you
  15. Hi I want to put a clip cube isometric view on a sheet. I just can't figure out how to do it, is it even possible? Thanks for any advice
  16. Thats it! I had given two items the same number Thanks ya'll
  17. Would you mind elaborating? All the other symbols are registering fine. The only difference between these symbols is the geometric shape inside. The file is enormous and full of IP. It's complicated... It is summarised, but only one symbol is a multiple, and that one is not it. But interestingly if I un-summarise, the problem disappears Thank you for your answers
  18. Hi I have a bunch of symbols with a data record. Title, category, weight etc. Nothing fancy. In my worksheet where I list these symbols, one item is populated in all columns except for Name which displays "---". I thought the column was too narrow, but that was not the case. I have tried completely remaking the symbol and reattaching the record, also renaming the entry "banana" in case it did not like the string. To no avail! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Yes, this thread is consequential, as there is no available function to do it. Why?
  20. Hi Very exciting! I had a look and realised this would have to be a future project as it would take too much time to even enter. ciao!
  21. Hi Thank you for your answers. I think maybe I should clarify my intentions. As I am considering positions and moving things about it is not optimal that the scene is darkened and only illuminated by the devices. I do however want to switch to a "lit" scene every once in a while to see what it looks like. So far it is all about that on/off toggle. To have access to color and brightness would be a bonus of course. Like a simple little light desk. So in the best case scenario I would keep the lighting devices visible (otherwise I could just turn a layer off with all devices on it). @MullinRJThe script menu command with hotkey sounds great. My programming skills are limited, but if I could look at some examples I might be able to cobble something together, at least for the on/off toggle. Is there a resource for this that you can recommend as a starting place? Thank you
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