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Everything posted by Phileas

  1. I'm currently working on a set of stairs for a building, and I'm encountering a few problems I've not been able to solve. Section view: First Problem: I'm getting this weird section on the interior of the stairs, which looks kinda ty in 2D. I tried creating a new Stair with the same settings, that didn't solve the isue though. Second: I was wondering if there is a way to adjust slab components to the stairs so they fit the slope
  2. @Gadzooks Thank you very much! Solved my problem! Faith in VW restored 🙂
  3. @BG yeah it doesn't affect our work you're right, first of all because these parts in invisible, hidden under the roof, and don't show in a section view either. I just wanted to know if there was a way to be as accurate as possible.
  4. @David S First of All thank you for your reply! You're right, this was the problem the first time I experienced this problem. However, in this post, I've already fixed that and the result is still the same: the wall slopes with the gable as wanted, but the top of the (the top surface of the components) remains horizontal, as predicted by @BG. @BG Thank you for taking the time to reply! Does that mean there is no way to actually fix this issue? That kinda sucks. I have been working with ArchiCAD until I recently switched to a new office that works with VW, kinda miss my old programm...
  5. Hi there, I've been working on the roof of a house I'm designing, and when it comes to fitting the walls to the roof I created using the "Fit Walls to 3D Objects/Roof" command, the wall components join in a kinda weird way. I was wondering if there was way to fix this. I'm using VW 2018 on a mac. Thanks!
  6. Hello there, I'm currently working on the terrace of a house, and I'm struggeling with a few things. First of all, my biggest problem: I'm trying to fit the lower part of the insulation component of the wall (red "1" in the picture) to the tapered Concrete component of the sloped slab of the terrace (the slope is for water draining purposes), so that the lower end of the wall component slopes in the same way as the concrete slab (number 2). I can't figure out how to do it, so maybe you guys can help me. Now, a secondary problem I'm facing: No matter what combination I try in the slab style editor, I can't manage to get the drains to be sitting on top of the sealing (or water-proofing, don't know the english word for it) layer of the slab while keeping the concrete component as the tapered component. I'm pretty sure this is a quite stupid question but I'm having a hard time solving this so I figured I'd just ask. Now my last question is more for my personal information: I'm still a newB to VW (hence the questions above), and I want to learn how to use this software in the most complete way possible. So I was wondering if there was a way to model this situation so that it ends up being exactly like it is going to be built IRL (sketch added below). I'm Using Vectorworks 2018, on a Mac.
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