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  1. Hi @Jeff Cooper, I know I'm a little late to the party, but I've figured this out. I was going through the installer log and noticed that running this command sets the UserName and CompName to the vectorworks plist in the root user's home folder. I decided to try setting the same plist keys into the root level plist (/Library/Preferences/net.nemetschek.vectorworks.2018.plist) and voila, the Username & Company Name started working. For your reference, here's the 2 defaults write commands that I used: defaults write "/Library/Preferences/net.nemetschek.vectorworks.2018" "NNA Registered User" 'Username' defaults write "/Library/Preferences/net.nemetschek.vectorworks.2018" "NNA Registered Organization" 'Company Name' And (in case you're interested) here's a post-install script I wrote that does the following: Mounts the dmg file silently (the pkg I made puts the installer dmg into "/tmp/VW2018/") Installs the software Unmounts the dmg makes a directory for the "LoginDialog.xml" file Copies the "LoginDialog.xml" file into place (again, I've put this file into "/tmp/VW2018/") Runs the 2 defaults commands to set User Name and Company Name #!/bin/bash ## postinstall hdiutil attach -nobrowse "/private/tmp/VW2018/Vectorworks2018-SP4-435714-SeriesB-installer1-osx.dmg" "/Volumes/Vectorworks2018-SP4-435714-SeriesB-installer1-osx/Vectorworks 2018 Installer.app/Contents/Resources/installer/Install Vectorworks2018.app/Contents/MacOS/installbuilder.sh" --unattendedmodeui none --mode unattended --Serial "SERIAL-NUMBER-XGOESX-XHEREX" --UserName "Username" --CompName "Company Name" --installdir "/Applications/Vectorworks 2018" hdiutil detach "/Volumes/Vectorworks2018-SP4-435714-SeriesB-installer1-osx" mkdir "/Applications/Vectorworks 2018/Settings/SeriesG" cp "/private/tmp/VW2018/LoginDialog.xml" "/Applications/Vectorworks 2018/Settings/SeriesG/LoginDialog.xml" defaults write "/Library/Preferences/net.nemetschek.vectorworks.2018" "NNA Registered User" 'Username' defaults write "/Library/Preferences/net.nemetschek.vectorworks.2018" "NNA Registered Organization" 'Company Name' exit Hope this helps!
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