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Liene Cikanovica

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Everything posted by Liene Cikanovica

  1. Our firm have been using Grid Line Tool in VW 2021, which has been great so far. Though we have had one main issue with the tool. Our graphic standard requires the grids to be extended to the edge of the drawings. The problems are with enlarged floor plans, sections or elevations, where adjusted grid lines jump back to the crop line whenever we update something in viewport settings like crop, classes or layers. It is very cumbersome to adjust the gridlines again and again. See attached image for an example. I have managed avoid the issue on sections and elevations by extending the crop to the edge of the drawings, but it is impossible to do that for enlarged plans. I am wondering how we can avoid this issue.
  2. I have had trouble editing room finishes through worksheets for spaces with Space Style. Even all the Room Finishes are by instance, whenever I attempt to change the finish using dropdown, I get a message: "One or more objects could not be updated because the selected parameter is defined by the object style". The fields are not grayed out as it would be if it was by style. If I make the space unstyled, I have no trouble changing the finishes in the worksheet. If I check "Hide Style Parameters" in Object Info Palette the option to to edit Room Finishes disappears, even when all the parameters are by instance. If I update the Space Style all the applied finishes of all the spaces that has the style turns into the default finishes (or disappear) I believe there are some issues with the overall Room Finishes by style/by instance setting, as there is no place in the Space Settings one can define it. I guess, it assumes that in all the styled spaces Roof Finishes are by style in default and overrides other "sub-properties" I can easily edit the finishes through Space Settings for the styled Spaces, but the problem that I have to go to my 100 spaces and do it room by room. Then, when I have spent several hours editing finishes to individual spaces and all looked good, for whatever reason I decided to update the Space Style, all my work was gone - all the finishes turned into the default Space Style Room Finishes. My conclusion - I can't use Space Styles for rooms with different finishes. Let me know if I have missed out something in the settings. Spece Finishes Test File.vwx
  3. About Project Sharing We use server through VPN, but it takes too much time to open and edit any file directly from the server. So I use Google Drive to store all my current files and edit them directly from the Google Drive File Stream folder. I considered to use Google Drive File Stream for Project sharing as well; but when we tested, it was not syncing the changes in Project File in "real time". If someone had checked out something, it would not appear on other users file till the project file is completely uploaded and downloaded by the Drive. So it opens gates for all kinds of problems. It works, but is frustrating. It is possible to go around it, if all the users work in different layers. I don't recommend using Google Drive for Project sharing. For everything else I love it. When we tested Dropbox, everything worked as it should. It checks out objects when someone has edited them in 'real time', and it doesn't allow to edit the file while the project file hasn't been synchronized in your dropbox folder. All these were the BIG problems with Google Drive File Stream. I'm planning to use Dropbox for project sharing, but Google Drive and all the apps for the rest.
  4. The Sheet Name and Sheet Number are not linked with Title Block Border, therefore the info is not updating or shows blank if the fields are blank in the Title Block Manager. It happens with some Title Block Border styles, but not all. This happens even with SP3.1
  5. @Andy Broomell Thanks! I didn't find this thread before posting. I can't revert to 2018, and luckily I have very few sections and elevations where this happens. I guess we will just have to wait.
  6. 'm working on VW2019 and sections are showing components of walls which classes are turned off: Class A-Wall-D turned off: Class A-Wall-D turned on: This is how it looks editing In Place: I can see the wall, but I can't select it, it is just like a ghost. The same happens in elevations, if the section line cuts through wall or other objects with a class that is turned off. It started happening just very recently, I had to reinstall Vectorworks because of some issues, I'm not sure if the timing mach, but it didn't happen before. I'm not sure if I'm missing some properties or it is a glitch. Thank you! LC
  7. @Boh It does help navigate greatly and I'm using it constantly. But filters are by individual users interface properties and can't be applied to a file. So each person has to set up their own filters. I used to work with ArchiCad and I liked their structure a lot. That was one of the big things I missed moving to Vectorworks. For me it would be similar effect if I could just drop everything in corresponding folders - not just layers and sheets, but as well viewports. Now I name viewports, for example, 2_Plan or 2D_Plan, where 2 refers to section "A2.01 Plan", and 2D to "A2.01D Demo Plan", this is the only way I can organize them and distinguish their content at glance.
  8. I am sure this is not first time in wishlist, but in a quick search I could not find any to join. Problem: my files get really messy with 50 layers and 100 sheets and coworkers that are not familiar with the file structure, get confused. I would appreciate to be able to organize sheets, layers and viewports into folders that could be collapsable and hide unnecessary information. Now we organize layers with empty layers "***********FLOOR***********", but it is not a convenient way to do it. And I am not gonna insert empty sheet to organize sheets in that manner. What is your solution in organizing your sheets and layers? Liene
  9. I would like to have an option to control overall viewport class visibilities and overrides. Now I control it in Organization/Visibilities or with an Eyedropper copy the properties, but having 100 viewports and many classes it is hard to keep track of everything. For example I have 100 viewports of demo plans, 100 viewports of plans, 100 RCPs and 100 demo RCPs, 500 interior elevations and all of them have to look with particular graphic attributes. I suggest to have Visibility & Override Styles for Classes and Layers. So when updating a style the class visibilities and overrides of all viewports would be updated. Do you have other suggestions how it can be done now besides controlling class visibilities from Organization/Visibilities or copying properties with an Eyedropper?
  10. @KIvanov We use project sharing. I don't know when exactly the tags get disconnected. My theory was that it gets disconnected after editing the Data Tag Style and committing. There were more people working on a file and placing the tags while I was updating the Data Tag Style. The Data Tag Style itself is referenced in from a library file and I would edit it from my project file directly (not form the library file). From time to time I see some tags being disconnected after fixing them. Now I was trying to to it in my test file and all was fine. Thanks!
  11. Data tag is mirroring the symbol. Is there a way to fix it's position? Our graphic standard requires for it to be consistent. I would like to be able to move the tag without it changing.
  12. I have some placed data tags (room tags) disconnecting from record object (Space). It looks like it is happening after updating Data Tag Style. I am not sure what I should do to avoid that. We will place hundreds of different tags through many sheets of drawings, I don't want to be worried that some of those tags will show blank.
  13. I would like to have an option to be able to draw attached record from items in a group. I group things for convenience - like row of casework and a counter; and I want to tag each casework unit separately on interior elevations.
  14. Thank you Tim for clearing it out for me! Now I look at it and it works out like you say. I didn't notice the folder "Old Version Vectorworks Files" was made after the conversion. I have to make sure everyone read messages before hitting "OK". I just tried it out, and the original .vwxp file in that folder still can be reconnected with local files, its good news. Thank you!
  15. There is an issue with v2018 Project Files (.vwxp), when someone by accident opens it in 2019, it without warning converts the .vwxp file to v2019 even all the following dialogs have been canceled. It doesn't save a copy of the new version it changes the original .vwxp file. In a result it looses all the other connections to local files on other machines; and uncommitted changes are lost. Plus the conversion brings in all the glitches. There is no problem opening .vwx file as it pops up dialog box.
  16. I have been using multiple space tags in my 2018 file. All space tags and their tag symbols where in different classes and visibilities were controlled in viewports. I just converted my file to 2019 and it shows all space tags even the class is turned off. This is how it should look like: This is how it looks in 2019 with 2nd tags showing (though the class is off): I know that the space tag tool is remade, but this bug doesn't help in smooth conversion of existing files. I would like to keep some of old system in place till we have time to update drawings with ID Tags. Plus other things: - Using Space Styles crash the file. - Applying Space Style to an existing space it change all space info (Space ID, Occupancy etc) to default Space Style info, though the parameters in those fields are set By Instance. Besides it changes Space class to 2D Boundary Class not to Space Object Class which is set in Space Style. - Space tags Data Tag doesn't allow to change space name with a drop down list offering just Custom or Edit List - Space name or other dropdown lists of Occupancy info in Schedules doesn't work either.
  17. Plus all above - - I would the tag to be flexible so it can be moved around (like it is now, but that be done in annotation layer) - Be able to place tag of disassociated interior viewports as interior tags not just as section lines (when someone has moved interior elevation viewports to different sheet by copy/pasting it, not by selecting other Layer in Object Info Palette). Maybe Section/Elevation/Interior Elevation tool can be joined in one tool where tag option can be selected and both elevation and interior elevation tags could be moved around more flexibly and not be tied to their section line.
  18. I have this problem all the time. The tool is not fool proof. When someone in office is told to move some interior elevation viewports to different sheet, and have done it by copy-pasting it, the tag stays in place and gets dissociated with any viewport by become just a lame dummy tag with no way to associate again with any viewport. I would like to have the tag to be smarter an more flexible. It would be nice that it was something like section/elevation tag, that can be placed in annotation layer, but could be moved out of section line (our office drawing standard place interior tags on the edge of drawing, bellow space tag).
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