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Posts posted by mike11968

  1. I am trying to offset 3 sides of a roof component, but it is only allowing 4 sides.


    Is there anyway to overhang the 3 sides parametrically? 


    As shown in the attachments, I am trying to avoid the components intersecting at the ridge. 

    Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at 12.39.58 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at 12.39.42 PM.png

  2. as shown in the attachment, the vertical hatch is not rendering out completely leaving a blank white space. I tried changing the wall style and surface hatch components but nothing is working. is there anyway to correct this?

    Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 2.05.29 PM.png

  3. as shown in the attachment, the vertical hatch is not rendering out completely leaving a blank white space. I tried changing the wall style and surface hatch components but nothing is working. is there anyway to correct this?

    Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 2.05.29 PM.png

  4. 26 minutes ago, Pat Stanford said:

    More details on what you want please. Are you looking for just a count of the total number of doors? Or are you looking to have doors of the same "type" summarized in the schedule with a count for the number of each type?

    As shown in the image below, theres 8 of the same doors and I would a column that lists the sum of the same door. The red # which represents the quantity in the image is what I'm trying to achieve. 

    Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 2.39.40 PM.png

  5. 33 minutes ago, JimW said:

    Usually I see this done with the viewport's Background Render set to Realistic Colors White, or another Renderworks style with colors and/or textures disabled (though this could be done with OpenGL as well in most cases too), then the viewport's Foreground Render set to Hidden Line.

    that seemed to work but is there any way to eliminate the grayness and just keep the shadows?


    The look I'm going for is applying the shadows of the top drawing to the hidden line drawing below. 


    Also is there anyway to control the sharpness of the shadows? 

    Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 11.11.13 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 11.11.19 AM.png

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