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  1. Because I 'm good at excel, where as I need to post on a forum when I need to make a simple VW script.
  2. I like this, elegant. I'll have to mess around with reports a bit more. Cheers!
  3. That's perfect, thanks Pat. I've got the whole thing working with this: procedure coord; Var X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : Real; obj:handle; i:integer; ofile:string; begin obj:=factlayer; PutFile('Output file', ' ', ofile); while obj<>NIL do begin i:=GetType(obj); if (i=2) then begin GetSegPt1(obj,X1,Y1); GetSegPt2(obj,X2,Y2); write(X1); tab(1); write(Y1); tab(1); write(X2); tab(1); writeln(Y2); end; obj:=nextobj(obj); end; close(ofile); end; run(coord); Bit of a frankenstein's monster of your comment and a couple of other things. Next step for me will be to have it move to the next layer and produce a new report, but for now this is plenty to get me thinking about how excel can interpret the data. Thanks again.
  4. Thanks Pat, I was definitely a bit too vague. I think it will be easier if I stick with lines only. At the moment the idea is to draw in lines of the outline of a shed. Maybe in a different layer draw in the outlines of openings, etc. This data would then be exported to excel (compiling in a VW worksheet and exporting to excel would work just as well) to be analysed. The actual output of data doesn't matter too much, but the less work I need to do in excel the better. Xstart Ystart Xend Yend would probably be the easiest format. I've had a little bit of success in having a script generate a text doc, with the first row being tab separated headings; "Xstart Ystart Xend Yend". But filling in the actual data has me stumped.
  5. Is it possible to write a script that will export coordinates, perhaps start and end points, of lines (or other shapes) of the selected layer into a text format that could then be imported into excel. For example, if I had a 1 x 1 square with its centre at the workspace centre drawn with lines it would export something like: start point: -0.5,0.5 endpoint: startpoint: 0.5,0.5 endpoint: 0.5,-0.5 etc.
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