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Everything posted by kspahr

  1. I have been using it for a couple weeks without a problem. It uses a USB adaptor to connect. I have a HP 455CA which was nothing but problems with the HP supplied RIP. X-Rip currently only works on 10.1.x but they promised they would support 10.2 and network printing. With that said I would recommend it. There is no RIP program to run, it acts like a print driver should and uses the print center. btw, If I made printers and released a printer with such crappie software the way HP did I would be too embarrassed to look myself in the mirror! I'd love to see a class-action law suit make all these companies support hardware for more than one year!
  2. I just received X-Rip 1.1, I kept having more and more problems with HP's Rip software. It seems to be a solution! Right now it will not work with X10.2. I have a beige g3 with a usb card. Using X-Rip's usb adaptor the software installs like any normal printer and uses the print center. There is no Rip program like HP's software. I haven't used it alot yet but so far so good. When they update it for 10.2 and network sharing this will make the 455CA usable!! This was the last chance before buying a new printer... If i find any problems i'll post them here.
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