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Everything posted by justin1974

  1. Thanks Jim We had print postscript only selected now prints fine
  2. HELP. Just printing out final set of drawings. On the last six drawings VW sudenly stopped printing the lines and only printing the text. Lines are still in drawing and can be edited- drawing seems fine in all ways except when trying to print. Anyone know what is going on. We run VW 9.5.3 and Will not print on both of the following. G3 iMac, 450mhz, 192mb Ram, OS 9.1 G4 Lap- 667mhz 768, os 10.2.6 Printers are: Epson 860 photo and Epson Photo 1200. It is limited to only one file.
  3. Actually it does work just not when editing inside a group. How do I make it work inside groups?.
  4. I'm tring to create a script so that all objects on the same class are selected. This is what I've written but does not work whats wrong?. -------------------------------------- Procedure selectactclass; Var setclassselected:string; Begin; setclassselected:=getclass(LSActlayer); SelectObj(C=setclassselected); End; Run(selectactclass);
  5. VW protects their scripts- they lock them. so no there is no way alter existing scripts.
  6. How do you have more than one strings in begintext; I want the get parameter info and add extra text Example: Begintext; pbenchthickness 'mm benchtop.' endtext; resule would be a text box 60mm benchtop
  7. How do you add thicknes to a simple roof? PROCEDURE ??BeginRoof (p1X:REAL;p1Y:REAL; p2X:REAL;p2Y:REAL; upslopeX:REAL;upslopeY:REAL; riseDistance:REAL;runDistance:REAL; miter:INTEGER; vertPart:REAL) ; Nothing about thickness?. Does not work inside BeginXtrd;
  8. When printing I save as a PDF file the transperent layers dont print come through. Why? How to fix? G4 667 Laptop 768ram VW 9.5 OSX 10.2.4
  9. Is there a way to insert an image within a pio. I'm making a custom title block and want to insert an image of the logo.
  10. Thats intersting that you made it work. I'm running VW9.5. It still causes crashes. I'm using the script as a linear tool PIO so Pheight is the line length. I noticed the duplicate problem I made it much cleaner using: REPEAT Symbol(Symbolname,N*200,y,-90); N:=N-1; UNTIL (N=-1); When I use the tool the first time it will add the symbol if not there. Second time I use the tool VW crashes. If you wouldn't mind trying the following I'd be interested if; You are able to use the tool repeatedly?. What happens if you edit the symbol and use again. Does the tool redraw the symbol or leave the existing one as it was?. Thanks
  11. I'm tring to get my script to search through the symbol folder, look for a symbol and add it if not there. So far I have: Procedure BlockWall200; Var Need1: Boolean; Need, nosym,N,hx,hy:integer; Symh: HANDLE; Procedure drawsymbol; {DRAWS SYMBOL} BEGIN; BeginSym('symbolname'); Rect(0,0,200,200); EndSym; END; Procedure CheckSymbol; {CHECK TO SEE IF SYMBOL EXISTS} BEGIN; Need:=0; {ASSUME NEEDED} SymH:=Fsymdef; {SELECTS FIRST SYMBOL IN LIST} WHILE (SymH<>Nil) DO {LOOPS THROUGH LIST LOOKING FOR SYMBOL} Begin; Setselect(symH); IF GetSymName(symH)='Symbolname' THEN Need:=need+1 {IF FOUND THEN NOT NEED} ELSE Symh:=nextsymdef(symH); End; If Need=0 THEN Drawsymbol ELSE END; Procedure Drawwall; Begin; N:=(pheight DIV 200)-1; {SET NO OF BLOCKS TO DRAW} dselectall; Symbol('symbol',0,0,0); WHILE (N<>0) do Begin Setselect(lnewObj); Duplicate(0,200); N:=N-1; End; End; BEGIN; CheckSymbol; Drawwall; setzoom(getzoom); END; Run (blockwall200); If the symbol is not there then it adds it. If it is it causes VW to crash. Any suggestions?.
  12. Okay When using the REPORT function my PIO records are there, but the Resourses folder of the document, nor the Data Tab (on Object Info) show this record format.... Why?. When I use a VW PIO the Data Tab and Resourse Folder show the record format. I can do what I need from the report functions, but as matter of interest how do I make the record formats show in the Data tab and see record in resources?.
  13. Can someone show me an example script of how to get information from a PIO to record fields. example: PIO draws a rectangle. Creates a record "rectangle" with fields 'width' & 'depth' feild info is linked to rectangle so when size of rectagle is chagned feilds update. Thanks
  14. My computer auto updated to mac OS 10.1.5 I am running VW Architect 9.5.0 Now when I insert doors- the door line colour of the door leaf is white, the jambs and arc are still black?. All existing doors remain normal, if I make a change to an existing door the doors go weird as above. When I change the line colour attribute of the door to blue the door becomes black and the jambs and arc go blue. When I change to other colours the door becomes different shades. I had seen this previously on another computer. How can I fix this?. the eye droper tool is also acting funny. When I pick up the properties of a wall- Black line white fill. and spit it on to another wall the result is- White line black fill. Please help quickly this is really slowing down my drawing. I am well into a set of drawings and everything is going crazy!!!.
  15. This is my first script attempt, it creates a 2D, 3D pivoting door. Feel free to use the script. Anyone who could comment on the way I'm scripting and give areas for efficiency etc it would be good to get some feed back. For some reason when I put the plugin object into the drawing, a bunch of black control handles appearing in the centre of the page. They are clearly a ghost outline of the object created from the 0,0 coordinates of the page. They can not be selected but are annoying. How can I get rid of them?. PROCEDURE pivotDoor; VAR offset,Clpen,Width,Height,thick,rtpoint1,rtpoint,arcpt:Real; ang,r,g,b:Integer; Arc1,Arc2:Handle; on3d:Boolean; PROCEDURE GreyPen; {gets the rgb from Colour Index} BEGIN; ColorIndextoRGB(52,r,g,b); END; PROCEDURE draw3d; BEGIN; BeginXtrd(0,Height); Rect(-width/2,-thick/2,width/2,thick/2); EndXtrd; Breakwall(0,width,false); dselectall; END; PROCEDURE draw2d; BEGIN; dselectall; Rect(-width/2,-thick/2,width/2,thick/2); Locus(rtpoint,0); Rotatepoint(rtpoint,0,ang); dselectall; Case ang OF 0:message('door closed'); -3600..-1,1..3600: begin; Arc(-width/2,-rtpoint1,(-width/2)+(2*rtpoint1),rtpoint1,180,Ang);{smallarc} Arc1:=Lnewobj; SetLW(arc1,1); SetPenFore(Arc1,r,g,b); SetFpat(arc1,0); Arc(width/2,width/2-rtpoint,-width/2+rtpoint+rtpoint,-width/2+rtpoint,0,ang);{bigarc} Arc2:=Lnewobj; SetLW(arc2,1); SetPenFore(Arc2,r,g,b); SetFpat(arc2,0); dselectall; end; End; END; BEGIN; width:=Pwidth; height:=Pheight; thick:=Pthickness; rtpoint1:=PPivot; ang:=Pangle; rtpoint:=-width/2+rtpoint1; Offset:=Poffset; greypen; Draw2d; Draw3d; Dselectall; End; Run (pivotdoor);
  16. Thank you both for the info. Joiner, I want to have multiple line style and types. I've done enough drawing to know that I want secondary lines to be grey dotted and .05mm line weight . Can I set this up?.
  17. I'm just starting to learn Vectorscript, I'm using version 9.5, there doesn't seem to be much in the user manual, a little in the help menu on how it works, is there any tutorial books out there. I've had success in making some quite complex 3d kitchen joinery, with many varaibles. I have some quite simple questions if anyone can answer them; Whats the best way to use parameters set by pop-up menus? To give something a set line colour and thickness it needs a handle corret?. how do I give something a handle?. Does each object have to have its own handle? Can I give a group a handle?. Can I give objects dotted linestyles?.
  18. It appears that others have had a similar experience with the worksheets and scheduling as I have. 1) On small scale things it works well. 2) On larger scale projects it can work but is difficult to work with. 3) Those that set up the systems remain the only people that can use them. A message to NAA. Through my experience of setting up worksheets it is possible to for VW to give a detailed and accurate (as accurate as the drawings) schedule of areas. I don?t know if anyone at NAA has experience as a practicing architect, running projects and managing building contract, if there is they should understand the potential of this. Having a schedule of quantities is useful for pricing as it allows for transparent analysis when comparing contractors pricing. Schedules are often only used on large scale projects as they are expensive to get done. I work in New Zealand, to get a schedule of quantities for a house project costs over $5,000. If VW can create an editable and usable interface that can produce a reliable schedule, the software will be adding an immense value to each project. Thus I think this is an area you should focus on. I don?t know of any CAD software out there that can do this yet. If there is I would may be persuaded to switch.
  19. Is there anybody out there that has effectivly used Vectorworks to fully shedule and price a project? I see great potential with the worksheets for doing this. Theoretically if all walls are draw in 3D the software should be able to tell you how much framing is needed and the area of linings cladings, building paper and paint required. If a pricing table is added VW should be able to give a good building cost estimate. I have been working toward this and have customised some records and worksheets to some success. However it is complex system and difficult to explane to my fellow architects, thus is only used on projects I lead. I wonder if NAA or anyone else is experimenting with this?.
  20. I would like to see better printing options from worksheets. I use custom worksheets for scheduling. Using the conventional method of inserting them as an image on a layer is useless as often the schedule extends beyond the printable area of the page. I would like to be able to print the worksheets directly from the editing box. When I print the worksheet from the editing box I dont want the cell rows numbers and column letters to print. I want to be able to put a title header on the worksheets and a footer saying "page 1 of X" I want to have controll over the text sizes and fonts more easily. Lastly I want to be able to batch print different worksheets in one easy operation. Basically, I would like it to be as easy as Excell is to make the worksheets (shedules) clear and easy to read.
  21. Learn how to use the work sheets to search things for you. For example. On the door work sheet create a new column. in the database header put "=L"- this will tell you which layer which every door is on.
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