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  1. I'd like to display a list of callouts that can be drag/dropped onto the current drawing, having the window being modal breaks that flow
  2. Is it possible to dock a dialogue like a pallete ? Every example I can find seems to be Modal
  3. You were right wrong version number thanks
  4. I've installed the workspace and the plugin and vectorworks crashes as soon as I try and open it... Any ideas? Is there a log file anywhere?
  5. Got an official response import vs import os import webbrowser from tkinter import Tk def execute(): vs.AlrtDialog( 'This script will set a different Callout database per Vectorworks file. Specify xml file in the next dialog.' ) title = 'Select xml database file...'; defaultFolder = vs.GetFolderPath(14) + 'Notes'; mask = 'xml'; ok, fileName = vs.GetFileN(title, defaultFolder, mask) if ok: gObjName = 'Callout' h = vs.GetObject(gObjName) vs.SetRField( h, gObjName, 'Link To Database', 'True' ) vs.SetRField( h, gObjName, '__dbName', fileName ) vs.SetRField( h, gObjName, '__dbUUID', '{F2920FA1-ADE2-4ECA-A796-71FA67CD89E7}') vs.AlrtDialog( 'Assigned an xml file as Callout database per Vectorworks file' ) execute()
  6. Anybody know if it is possible to set the call out active database for the current file by the API (python)?
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