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Mat Caird

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Everything posted by Mat Caird

  1. Hi All I am struggling with viewport class overrides. They just don't seem to work. It's pretty simple to do, so I won't detail my steps in doing it. Does it work in 12.01? Does it work on a PC? Thanks in advacnce, Mat
  2. Hi All Does anyone know if you can use lightworks archive files with renderworks? If yes, how? Otherwise, I would love to buy a disk of renderworks shaders and image props. Thanks in advance. Mat
  3. have you got photoshop? If you can, use the free transform tool to stretch the render to fir the photo - you still need to get the perpsective approximately right though. I have found that the jpeg photo has curved lines due to the spherical nature of the lens, so it's very hard to get it right anyway, the render has stright lines out to infinity
  4. I would roughly model the building, try and get the view to roughly match the jpeg, ane use photoshop to cut out the superflous stuff and manipulate the render to match exactly. Show a before and after photo on the same piece of paper too, and don't make it too big. To match the view; make a texture with the jpeg. do a big extrude, and add the new texture. using open GL you can fluff around a bit and try and get the camera and the model and the extrude to all align. it's kinda fiddly, but because you're using pshop afterward, you don't need to be too precise. post your results. Mat
  5. Hi All More guidance please.... I took Islandmon's previous suggestions and did the following; 1)Change wall reflectivity to Phong, Ambient 100%, diffuse 80%, specular 50%. I used Bump mapping with Rough, solid. It hasn't turned to glare, but it is not eally right. How can I get a whiter wall, that doesn't seem too 'shiny'? 2)My people aren't very good... 3)Does anyone like the photshopping? the original is the bottom image. Thanks in advance, Mat original no photoshopping....
  6. Old Dwight Atkinson suggests the following; 1 big bright yellow colored directional light source to represent the sun 1 blue directional light source, cast shadows off, and facing 90 degrees back toward the sun to fill in the shadows and fake ambient light etc from the background, set this light about half the intensity of your sun 1 final small light shining up from underneath, colored blue, cast shadows off. This fakes light reflected off the ground, and lightens soffitts etc. Set about a quarter the intensity of your sun. I'd be interested to see how you get on. Mat 1
  7. FYI Dave, I'm having the same problem, so it's not that rare apparently. I'll send the file if you wish...Thanks Mat
  8. Hi All I tried Dave Donley's suggestion of hunting out some of the lights in the imperial libray and using them. Here is the result after about a 15mnrender on the old P4 2.8 previously I had done this using the 2 viewport technique with the top most set to sketch hidden line, and one directional light. It renders in about 1 minute, but looks pretty average. Any comments?
  9. Well Dave yours looks a lot better than mine...Even if I could have got something like Kaaree's I would have been happy. These always the next project - foodcourt at the local university.
  10. I have to admit George, that I am waiting for my c4d upgrade I ordered it on Friday, but I would still like to get Renderworks looking better.
  11. Thanks for all the help everyone, I'll try later today and let you know how I get on. Mat
  12. Hi all Over at the archicad forum they seem to do a bit of critiquing others work, so I thought I'd try here; I'm struggling with the shadows no this job, they are so hard. And I haven't had any luck with radiosity - takes too long on a p4 2.2. So can anyone offer any suggestions on how to soften up the shadows. Thanks in advance, Mat.
  13. thanks guys Nicholas was right, and having 'no active symbol' didn't help. workaround: use another texture.....
  14. Hi all can anyone help with this error please. I am trying to import a new texture using the resource browser I thought about posting it in the Renderworks forum but it seems to be a general sort of conflict... Thanks in advance
  15. YOU COULD USE THE 3D RESHAPE TOOL to add points, then move the points to where you want... a bit of fiddling around though or you could draw 3 walls, with the middle wall having a base of 2000mm above floor level Both these may display wrong in 2d plan view the second option you could use classes to hide it in 2d...
  16. with platform-L, set the angle to -90 I personally find the new stair tool easy enough. It's way easier than ArchiCAD's...
  17. Thanks Peter. I really wanted a stipple though...just to see if it's any good as a tool.
  18. Hi All Has anyone good any good stipple patterns for a concrete floor in cross section? please post the settings Thanks in advance. Mat
  19. Hi all Is there a way to show section viewport marker on all layers please? Thanks in advance VWA12
  20. and make a bump map of the fabric - add a little roughness....this stops the plasticy look
  21. If you're using viewports, make sure the sheet layer resolution is set to 150-100 dpi.
  22. For what it's worth, my inspiron 8100 crashes with VW, ACAD, Photoshop, Cineam4d - It's unusable with any of these programs. Yet it will play mp3's for a week. I think now that it overheats, and freezes. haha.
  23. The parced plaster on the pillar is the result of employing a useless plasterer - I had to fix all his muckups myself. Allways get a reference, or inspect a tradesmen's past work. Lessons you learn when building your own house...
  24. Is it a layer linked model that doesn't render? Do the individual layers render? I had this with VW11.5 yesterday, I made a new layer, re layer-linked the model, and it rendered... Mat
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