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Nicolas Goutte

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Everything posted by Nicolas Goutte

  1. Yes, in Python, the string class (str) has a lot of member functions: https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/stdtypes.html#text-sequence-type-str
  2. I am not sure how this question differs from the one you have posted in the previous thread. Company and Name are in the registry on Windows (in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER part) So probably you may have to force the registry through Windows policies. (Sorry, I am not an expert of such kind of stuff.)
  3. Yes, indeed, if you are not bound to use Vectorscript for a reason or another, I too would recommend using Python for such a task.
  4. If you would output the string in a file, may be the solution would be to write directly the file and not to try to store it in a string. Sorry, you seem to read the SVG. So only read what is needed for what you parse, not more.
  5. When you take the reference of VWTransformMatrix, you get the reference of a TransformMatrix that is inside VWTransformMatrix (to be exact: VWTransformMatrix::fMatrix). This matrix does get the correct value by the call gSDK->GetViewMatrix but this good matrix is never transferred to the main matrix data of VWTransformMatrix (to be exact: VWTransformMatrix::m). That is why you still get the identity matrix. So you have to explicitly set a TransformMatrix to the VWTransformMatrix to have what you want. This behavior was changed already in VWSDK 2016. From 2016 on, there is no "double bookkeeping" any more in the class.
  6. Try to use TransformMatrix directly for the call as specified by http://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php/VCOM:VectorWorks:ISDK::GetViewMatrix Something like: TransformMatrix rawViewMatrix; gSDK->GetViewMatrix(gSDK->GetActiveLayer(),rawViewMatrix); // If needed, you can still make something like this afterwards: VWTransformMatrix viewMAtrix = rawViewMatrix;
  7. Mostly VW can only read the DWG version of the year before. That has been the case for years, as far as I know.
  8. If by "unlicenced", you mean a test version without serial numbers (e.g. in the German VW this is possible), then yes such a version cannot save. You should have been warned when VW was started.
  9. According to the following thread, you must use http://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php/VS:FSActLayer to get the first selected object.
  10. Is the object not automatically selected when you right-click it? If yes, then you could check the currently selected object(s).
  11. You could check the other thread about eGPU:
  12. There was already a thread concerning macOS 10.14, complaining about similar problems:
  13. As nobody has answered you since roughly a day, I give it a try. As first step, I would install VW 2018 on your laptop. (If you have a E serial number, it means you will have to activate the serial number for that computer too) You may want to copy your VW user folder after that. (I wish I had found a previous post how to do that, because it is not that easy to explain, especially on Mac.)
  14. May-be you could try to update to VW 2018 SP4. I do not know for sure in case of saving files, but there were similar problems with the same kind of symptom when exporting symbols to library files (by code). And we cannot reproduce such problems any more with VW 2018 SP4.
  15. Check your VW user folder (without VW running). Move away from the folder all .dmp files and also the files "VW User Log.txt" and "VW User Log Send.txt". Is it better for you after that?
  16. I do not think that it is possible, as the Custom Cabinet cannot have different numbers of columns. Either it is 1 everywhere or 2 everywhere (or whatever column numbers you want).
  17. The corresponding C++ functions seem to be somewhat better documented on this finer point: - http://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php/VCOM:VectorWorks:ISDK::CalcAreaN - http://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php/VCOM:VectorWorks:ISDK::CalcSurfaceArea
  18. I would make an educated guess. I suppose that Area needs a 2D Object. An extrude has such an object: the object from which it is extruded. But Solid and Mesh do not have any.
  19. Unfortunately you cannot do something like a recessed square with the Custom Cabinet.
  20. If you have extended delays at start and at end, then it could be the transmission of usage data that could goes wrong. In the same tab of the preferences, there is a popup "Error reporting". Try to set it to "Send nothing" and see if it becomes better (perhaps you will not see an effect immediately).
  21. At first I would check the rights that other users have for this file on the server. Can another user see this file per Explorer resp. Finder?
  22. This trick is described in an old knowledge base post:
  23. There is an option to always use local help "Use local help even if an Internet connection is available" (Vectorworks Preferences, Tab Session. Make sure that this one is switched on. (However it might be other problems too, but you can start by using this hack.)
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