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Everything posted by bertb

  1. ruud, The eyedropper tool allows you to pick up attributes and squirt them into existing objects, but does not change your current attributes settings. this custom tool does. Thanks to MullinRJ. Can someone help set the current tool, in addition to the function of setting current attributes, to the whatever object is picked after running the script?
  2. This is the script written in MiniCad7 for the select current object tool. It doesn't work in Vectorworks. I am script illiterate. Can anyone help. Thanks in advance. INTEGER;Procedure COT; VAR X,Y,ObjPROP:REAL; h,layerHandle:HANDLE; Red,Green,Blue:LONGINT; LayerName:STRING; BEGIN GetPt(X,Y); h:=PickObject(X,Y);IF h<>NIL THEN BEGIN layerHandle:=GetLayer(h); {Set Layer}layerName:=GetLName(layerHandle);layer(LayerName) NameClass(GetClass(h)); {Set Class} PenSize(GetLW(h)); {Set Pensize & Style}PenPat(GetLS(h)); GetFillFore(h,Red,Green,Blue);FillFore(Red,Green,Blue); {Set Fill Colors}GetFillBack(h,Red,Green,Blue);FillBack(Red,Green,Blue); GetPenFore(h,Red,Green,Blue);PenFore(Red,Green,Blue); {Set Pen Colors}GetPenBack(h,Red,Green,Blue);PenBack(Red,Green,Blue); h:=NIL;ENDelseEND; RUN(COT);
  3. The difference between the custom tool/attribute and the script I am looking for is custom tool will only make active one set of tool and attribute (the one's active at time of custom tool creation). A new tool needs to be created for each wall type, line, etc. The script written for minicad 7 was: run the tool (script) then pick on an object, whatever the tool and attributes of that object becomes active. The beauty is one custom tool can be used to activate plethora of different tools and attribute combinations.
  4. The difference between the custom tool/attribute and the script I am looking for is custom tool will only make active one set of tool and attribute (the one's active at time of custom tool creation). A new tool needs to be created for each wall type, line, etc. The script written for minicad 7 was: run the tool (script) then pick on an object, whatever the tool and attributes of that object becomes active. The beauty is one custom tool can be used to activate plethora of different tools and attribute combinations.
  5. I am a new VW user (6/4/02). 3 years ago I worked in an office which used Minicad 7. Someone wrote a script: pick an object then the tool which created it, and all the object attributes-layer, class, color, pen, etc. became active. It was beautiful. Does anyone have this script?
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