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Nikolay Zhelyazkov

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by Nikolay Zhelyazkov

  1. Hello @spettitt, I have just tested creating an equipment item using Create Equipment and having a symbol with the equipment item named make_model and it got correctly created from the symbol, preserving the adapter slots. Can you provide a sample file showing what is your setup? Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  2. Can you then make a sample test file showing the issue or PM me the file? Another important question is which version of Vectorworks are you using?
  3. Hello @kevin.hayward, Can you share the file with these cables and let me know how did you create them (with the cable tool, power patch selected menu command or OIP editing)? Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  4. Fastest should be through the Title Block Manager. Another way to do this is to create a worksheet report listing all TBBs and their Active parameter and then edit the value in the worksheet. Note, in worksheets you can copy multiple cells and paste them on multiple cells. This means that you can create a column of False values and paste it in the TBB Active parameter column.
  5. Thanks for reporting this, it seems like a bug and we will look into it.
  6. Hello @Jeff G, I think that the problem here is that your socket symbols are all colored white now and that is why it looks like there are gaps in the device. One way to go for this is to publish with the CC-Socket-Symbol class hidden, then you will not see the socket symbols at all. Let me know if this gets the job done. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  7. Hello @LMRE, The custom stamp text options are saved in the user folder in the file <userFolder>\Plug-ins\Common\Data\StampTextOptions.xml. The user folder settings are accessible only to you. In order to get these changes visible to your colleagues you can set up a workgroup folder which all can use and then copy this file from your user folder to the workgroup folder and then all will see these changes if they do not have their own user specific changes (meaning the same file in their user folders). Let me know if this got the job done. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  8. The script attached here will work with the first selected space only. It can be modified to work for all spaces in the document using a foreach, but then the changes would be a bit invisible to the user that runs the script. Let me know if you need help modifying the script.
  9. - You mean to create a layout room from a space using the script from above?
  10. Currently you can only customize the symbols matching the existing options as they are fixed. We will try to make this list customizable in the future.
  11. - What is the Orientation of these sockets? You can enter the device with double click and check that when you select a Socket.
  12. yes, or you can find it in Vectorworks Preferences->User Folders->Click on the button to open the user folder
  13. Hello @Brian Nitz, If I understand this correctly you have created device symbols in your workgroup folder. The device builder however does not work with symbols but with the device database file. So in order to get this working for the device builder you have to save your devices in the database (available in the device OIP as a button) and then move your user folder device database to the workgroup. Let me know if this helps. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  14. - Or double click on the TBB and then select to enter layout and it will get you into the style's layout directly, where you can make your changes.
  15. Hello @Yaron Goren, Can you please attach a screen recording showing what you are trying to do? Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  16. Hello @spettitt, - The data in the sockets in the profile groups should be more reliable as they do not get deleted on every reset. What is more, the other sockets are just copies of these sockets. Now to the main problem, I suppose that you see the changes on the second run because you miss a device reset to recreate the sockets from the profile group and duplicate them on the drawing. I suppose that simply putting the Device's foreach after the Socket's should resolve this. Important note to keep in mind, once again I will emphasize on this that the sockets on the drawing are mere duplicates of the sockets in the profile group -> the UUIDs in their attached records will most probably be pointing to the sockets in the profile groups. This might actually be useful for you, as in the end you should want to get the sockets in the profile groups. - I think that this should be easily doable for devices and circuits, you just have to set up the mapping correctly (not really sure if there is a worksheet function for UUID access though). As for sockets, I think that this will not work out, as you would want the sockets in the drawing to get the UUIDs of the sockets in the profile group, which might not be possible to achieve with the data manager mapping as it would require you to read data from one object and write it in another. Let me know if this helps and if you need any further help/info. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  17. - I suppose that you will have to remove the vertical line between the 2 texts to get this working but I will be able to confirm if you send me a file with this drawing label.
  18. Hello @spettitt, The data is stored in the Title Block Project Data record. You can take its handle from the name and then read directly from it I think. Let me know if you need any help with that. Note - do not make any changes to this record as it will not get applied to the TBBs in the file and will get the project data out of sync. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  19. - Can you share or PM me the 2018 file so that we can test what is going on?
  20. - No, you will have a fully functional drop point in this case.
  21. Hello @Thomas K., You can create an unstyled drop point there and then select the the symbol in the drop point OIP. Does this help? Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  22. No change yet but we have this planned and will definitely work on it, so keep your eyes open.
  23. Hello @Enzo Vernusse, The easiest way to go for this would be to customize some of the existing socket graphics, such as the skt_con_classic_ symbols. Then in the socket OIP you can select skt_con_classic_ for the graphics style of these sockets. Let me know if this helps. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
  24. Hello @Thomas Lowery, This sounds like some hidden classes in the viewports that get created. You can try playing around with viewport class visibilities to see if this changes anything. If you can share a sample file showing the problem I will be able to look into it as well. Best Regards, Nikolay Zhelyazkov
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