Mike Lamb
Vectorworks, Inc Employee-
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Hi Abby, I think your trouble is coming from the hardscape in the existing class, that you put inside your massing model. I have highlighted it in the attached image. Not sure why you would do that, you can check the "draw floors" box in the OIP and simulate the slabs that way. You have that hardscape set to act as a modifier, so it is pulling up the edges of the site model to meet it. You'll need to set the site model interaction for that hardscape to "no site modifier". Then update the site model. I did see a second modifier in that same spot, you may need to remove that too. You will need to turn on the Site->DTM->Modifier class to see it.
Hi Ned, thanks for reporting this. I see what you mean, the contour at 45' has not been created as shown in the source data. I'll write up a bug report for this.
Thanks Michael for bringing this to our attention, it looks like it is a bug and I have reported it.
I would say hardscape path on a site model, using transverse and longitudinal profiles to shape the hardscape path.
Hi benaus, can you post your file here so I can take a look?
Hi AnneSea, I downloaded your file and had the same issue. As a workaround, I discovered that if you select the 15 3D polygons and copy them over to a new blank file, the site model will generate successfully, at least it did for me. Let me know if this works for you. I'll report this issue to engineering. Thanks, Mike
Hi soorya, can you post your file here? I'll take a look. What version of Vectorworks are you using?
@alfresco - Looks to me like you need to set 3D display style to "proposed only" for the site model. Those modifiers on the hardscape only affect what is shown on the proposed model.
@alfresco - Post your file, and I will give it a look.
Good, glad to hear its sorted out.
Hi Parveenkd, this is happening because you have two objects placed waaay far away from the origin in your drawing. To fix, go to the drawing window and use cntrl-A to select all, then fit to objects. You will see that it zooms way out. Now use fit to page area, draw a marque to un-select everything there in view, and you will have two objects left. Delete those, and the drawing will be back to normal. Let me know if this works. Mike
Marshallae, I don't think there is a way to wrap a texture to the curve of radial pavers. You could also use a try a hatch or a pattern, something with uniformity, they will not follow the curve either, but they might give you the textured look you are looking for. Set the fill opacity lower, maybe like 30 to 50 percent.
Hope this helps! You will probably want to set the control point of the radial pavers to the center of the pool in your drawing, that should make the pavers wrap around that curve nicely. hardscape radial pavers.mp4
Have you tried the pavers-radial joint pattern option for hardscapes?
Hi Miriam, can you post your file here?