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Kevin Allen

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Posts posted by Kevin Allen

  1. These are great, but will get lost here. Each should be a detailed VE. For example, I think line lights still exist, but they need updating. To the engineers, they know line lights exist,so not a request.

    As users, we need to be very specific in requests so the software engineers and planners know what is needed.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, JustinVH said:

    We have connected with the representatives in the CAD department at ROE Visual and are in the process of getting everything in place to produce the additions to their offerings in Vectorworks. If all goes well there may start to be additions in the November 2023 update to the Premium Libraries.

    it might be interesting to compare how these libraries differ from what ROE now offers.

  3. 19 hours ago, Kevin Allen said:

    I wish a lighting device symbol was classed so that I can define the 2D line weights using classes. I wish the lens objects were in a lens class. Sometime,I wish for a lens when none has been included. I do not wish to have to work with the VWX provided classing for many objects.



    For the example of the spotlight lighting devices, I would like a 2D class for the Focal Length or type and a 2D class for the object outline/fill. Sometimes a third if I need further differentiation. I need a class for the lens objects so I can make them glow in renders, otherwise, I need a class for the 3D components. They are generally black, but I have powered coated units and parts of units. In that case,I understand that I need to take the symbol apart.


    VWX provides classes for options might make sense of say PRG Germany, but not for, in my experience, most users.


    Make sense?

  4. 19 minutes ago, JustinVH said:

    That is 100% correct. The easiest way for a manufacturer to assist the content team is to produce the content properly using the correct classes, naming structure, file structure, and records. The less creation that the team has to do from scratch allows the request to get through the queue faster.

    please elaborate?

    I wish a lighting device symbol was classed so that I can define the 2D line weights using classes. I wish the lens objects were in a lens class. Sometime,I wish for a lens when none has been included. I do not wish to have to work with the VWX provided classing for many objects.

    Picking one object type.

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  5. 7 minutes ago, grant_PD said:

    @Kevin Allen Curving led has become pretty popular these days, so that is one reason to want an accurate map along these types of walls.  But also when I'm working with wall textures and want to rapid-protoype a look, it can be easier to build a flat graphic that can be messed with in photoshop and applied to the wall just as a texture.  




    but for the record, when I see PBR I think Pabst, not Physically Based Rendering.

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