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Kevin Allen

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Everything posted by Kevin Allen

  1. it might be interesting to compare how these libraries differ from what ROE now offers.
  2. For the example of the spotlight lighting devices, I would like a 2D class for the Focal Length or type and a 2D class for the object outline/fill. Sometimes a third if I need further differentiation. I need a class for the lens objects so I can make them glow in renders, otherwise, I need a class for the 3D components. They are generally black, but I have powered coated units and parts of units. In that case,I understand that I need to take the symbol apart. VWX provides classes for options might make sense of say PRG Germany, but not for, in my experience, most users. Make sense?
  3. please elaborate? I wish a lighting device symbol was classed so that I can define the 2D line weights using classes. I wish the lens objects were in a lens class. Sometime,I wish for a lens when none has been included. I do not wish to have to work with the VWX provided classing for many objects. Picking one object type.
  4. I do wish VWX published a standard for library content. I have thoughts.
  5. This is a question often asked by the users. Something, @Remco Teunissen and I have often discussed.
  6. I use the Mouldings PIO. Ashamed to admit I did not think of using Structural Member for this and now I have to try. One thing about the Mouldings PIO is that the PIO does the math of moving the profile object to offset for the path.
  7. depends one the desired end results. The OP showed a number of options, some will work well as SubD some as NURBS, in either case user preference wins the day.
  8. check the spotlight preferences and available parameters. Also, lights must be assigned to a focus point.
  9. IIRC, I have created similar shapes with a couple of rectangles and loft with rail.
  10. agreed. but for the record, when I see PBR I think Pabst, not Physically Based Rendering.
  11. If I am seeing this correctly, you want the textue to illustrate what modules are where?
  12. I've had and solved this problem, now if I could recall how? Yours is a shape and an extrude? Have you also tried a line and a tapered extrude?
  13. couldn't you also use a Dara Visualization,and make all the 24" decks green and the 36" tall decks red?
  14. I think you have to use multiple layers. Most likely story layers are what is intended, but I think plain ole design layers will do.
  15. these would be great to have and thanks!
  16. but for those of us in show business, we need these tools.
  17. I would try, no promises, extracting the surface, nudging the new object in 3D space, and using the Modify>Convert>Convert to Area Light Command. That hasn't seen any love in way too long and the shape might be too complex, but worth a shot.
  18. use the 3D PowerPack>create helix spiral command. Duplicate the spiral. IIRC, you may have to unground and rebuild the nurbs. Select the spirals and use the Loft Surface Tool then the shell Solids tool
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